Chapter 99 is a special exception, Jiang Chen creates a record!!

The old man covered his face with his hands.

His eyes were full of resentment.

This matter is definitely not over today.

He wouldn’t spare Jiang Chen.

After going back, he must add oil and vinegar in front of Yang Tianlong, what he just did was already a betrayal of the latter.

Yang Tianlong hated the most in his life was traitors.

Jiang Chen was pushing himself into the fire pit.

When the few of them left the villa room, the atmosphere in the house became more solemn than ever.

Although everyone has long guessed that one day Jiang Chen will set up his own portal.

Are golden scales a thing in the pool?

He cannot be subservient for long.

But I didn’t expect that day to come so quickly.

“You all saw it too.”

Jiang Chen leaned on the chair and said, “It’s not that I deliberately can’t get by with Yang Tianlong, it’s that his smelly boy doesn’t know how to be evil.” ”

“You must find trouble with me, if I am still a shrunken turtle now, then I am not Jiang Chen.”

“What will happen if you go against Yang Tianlong, you all know better than me.”

“There are tens of thousands of people under him no matter what, and we only have more than a thousand.”

“If you really want to fight, if you are afraid of being affected by me, you can withdraw at any time, I will definitely not blame you.”

Everyone didn’t say a word, they still stood in front of Jiang Chen with their heads held high.

No one has the intention of retreating.


Seeing their performance, Jiang Chen said quite satisfied: “I know that all of you are good. ”

“In the past few days, let’s recharge our strength, don’t do anything, eat and drink well, I believe it won’t be long before Yang Tianlong will take action.”



Yang Group.


The old housekeeper came to Yang Tianlong’s room, and he said with a respectful face: “Sure enough, as you thought, Wang Shaohua came over.” ”

“So soon?”

Yang Tianlong tapped his fingers lightly on the table, and a smug look appeared on his face.

Everything was expected by him.

“Let him in for me first.”


Not long after, the door was pushed open.

Wang Shaohua rushed directly towards Yang Tianlong in anger, he grabbed the other party’s collar, and said viciously: “Hurry up, did you arrest my family?” ”

“Don’t you understand the truth that the disaster is not for the family?”

Yang Tianlong said very calmly: “Yes, your family is indeed in my hands, but I have to advise you, don’t be impulsive.” ”

“If you obediently listen to my arrangement, you may be able to open up to you and dare to do something to me, and I will let your family stay here forever.”

His tone of voice was quite calm, Wang Shaohua’s strength seemed to be drained, and he released his hands in a dejected manner.


He was a little aggrieved and angry at the same time.

I trust each other so much, who would have thought that the final meal would end up like this.

“No why?”

He calmly said: “Everything can only be blamed on yourself, who let you be so useless and be captured by others?” ”

“If you get away with it, are there so many problems?”

Seeing the other party’s smug look, Wang Shaohua suddenly felt that his previous trust in him was so ridiculous.

“Don’t worry, I will keep secrets all my life, I won’t tell anyone about you to death, can you spare my family?”

“Don’t tell anyone to death?”

Obviously, he didn’t even believe half a word about what Wang Shaohua said.

Yang Tianlong stood up, he slowly approached Wang Shaohua and said, “You just said that you want to keep a secret for me, didn’t you?” ”

“Do you know who keeps secrets permanently?”

Wang Shaohua’s heart shook slightly.

Ominous thoughts came to his mind, but he still deliberately pretended to be ignorant.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He smiled coldly: “I’ll give you a gift first, and after you read the gift, you should know what I’m talking about.” ”

After saying a word, he gently slapped his palm, and not long after, a huge black box was brought in from outside the door and placed in front of him.

Seeing the big black box, he had some kind of foreboding in his heart.

Quickly rushed forward and pushed the box directly away.

The sight he saw made him feel like he had been struck by lightning, and his strength seemed to be drained.

An ass fell to the ground.

The box contains… It was the bodies of several of his family members.

Yang Tianlong had killed them a long time ago.

“You bastard!”

Wang Shaohua was extremely angry, and he clenched his fist and rushed towards Yang Tianlong.


Yang Tianlong slapped Wang Shaohua’s face fiercely, and not long after, a group of bodyguards poured in from outside the door.

One by one, they took out their pistols and aimed them at Wang Shaohua.

“Don’t you know that sooner or later you have to pay it back?”

“Since you are inferior to others in skill and have no means to put on the table, then sooner or later you must be prepared to be betrayed.”

“Learn to be smart in the next life.”

Bang! Bang!


One bullet after another was like a torrential rain, piercing his heart, and Wang Shaohua fell to the ground.

He closed his eyes forever.

“Let Wang Xiaotian come over.”

Wang Xiaotian is Wang Shaohua’s distant nephew, and has been following him for six or seven years.

But Wang Shaohua didn’t know that his most trusted distant nephew had already been bought by someone.

Now he completely obeyed Yang Tianlong’s arrangement.

Wang Xiaotian walked into the room and bowed deeply to Yang Tianlong.

“I’ve seen Boss Yang.”

Yang Tianlong nodded with a smile and said, “Look, now that your uncle is dead, do you know who killed him?” ”

Wang Xiaotian glanced at the cold corpse, he could crawl on the rivers and lakes for so many years, he was definitely not a vegetarian, and he immediately heard the other party’s voice.

Without hesitation, he said, “Of course I know who killed him. ”

“The person who did it to him is called Jiang Chen, don’t you say?”

Yang Tianlong laughed heartily.

“Really a smart man.”

He patted the other party’s shoulder and said, “The hundreds of brothers under your hands should kill Jiang Chen and avenge your boss?” ”

“You’re right.”

He gave a cheerful answer and said, “We absolutely cannot forgive something like Jiang Chen, and I will definitely take my brothers under me to cut him to the bottom of me and avenge my uncle.” ”


Yang Tianlong waved his hand and said: “A person as smart as you, I really see it for the first time, don’t let me down, go back quickly.” ”


He nodded lightly in front of Yang Tianlong, and turned to leave the room without saying anything.

Wang Shaohua is dead, then Wang Xiaotian is the new overlord You…

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