Because there is no professional medical condition, Chen Chu can only deal with it.

The whole person stared intently at the wound, and the countless surgical images in his mind made Chen Chu feel like he was helping him.

The situation is a fortune in misfortune, except for the left leg, the rest of the position is fine, and it is broken.

It should have been supported with his left leg when he fell to the ground, which saved his life, but it also caused the left leg to be almost useless. Not only a lot of broken bones, but also threatening nerves and blood vessels, and the whole The left leg has turned blue.

With the existing conditions, all Chen Chu could do was rescue him.

As each bone fragment was picked out, Chen Chu was already sweating profusely.

I have to overcome the fruit knife while being highly concentrated, and because there is no machine to take pictures, I can only rely on the memory and experience in my mind to judge the location of the broken bones.

Judgment is almost the same as the situation, but it also consumes a lot of brain power.

Zhao Yizhou on the side was fascinated, and after seeing Chen Chu sigh for a long time, he asked in a low voice, "How is the situation?"

"Fortunately, it won't be amputated. I have already picked out the most threatening broken bones."

Zhao Yizhou snorted weakly and closed his mouth.

"The thing about my college classmates is a bit outrageous"

Just then, the sound of an ambulance could be heard faintly.

Chen Chu's operation also came to an end. After carefully wrapping a bandage, he slowly got up. After a while, the ambulance finally arrived and carried the male teacher onto a stretcher for emergency treatment.

Before Chen Chu could catch his breath, the fellow police officers had already come to Chen Chu. Seeing that Chen Chu was still holding a fruit knife with blood on his hands, his expression was indescribably weird, "You helped to do the emergency treatment. ?"


"Please come with us!"

"it is good."

Without further ado, Chen Chu packed up the broken bones and took them away.

He had already foreseen this situation.

Since he decides to deal with it, he must take the corresponding responsibility.

Chen Chu was mentally prepared from the very beginning.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and he can't wait for help.

He got into the car and rushed to the Third People's Hospital soon after.

The male teacher was soon sent into the operating room, and Chen Chu was waiting outside with the police.

The police officer, whose surname is Long, is in his 40s, and he asks kindly, "Mr. Chen, why don't you wait for the medical staff to come over and take care of it yourself?"

"The situation is urgent. I have studied medicine before, so I wanted to help deal with it." Chen Chu said sternly, "I can't just watch something happen!"

"That's the truth. It's just that you have to take responsibility. You were all right, but what happened to you?"

This question is very soulful.

yes! How to do! ?

If you do something bad with good intentions, in the end you have to take responsibility for yourself...

Chen Chu hesitated for a while, then said, "If I don't do it, there will always be someone who will do it, not to mention, it's fair and comfortable."

The other side gave a thumbs up and said nothing more.

About two hours later, the door to the operating room opened.

Chen Chu and Officer Long rushed to meet him.

"Doctor, how's it going?" Officer Long asked quickly.

The chief surgeon took off his mask and asked, "Comrade police, have you had an operation before the patient came?"

Officer Long glanced at Chen Chu subconsciously, "What's wrong?"

"The operation has been completed, and the patient is very lucky. The doctor who helped to deal with it should have been operating the knife for decades. The picking technique was very clever, and the blood vessels and nerves were not injured at all. The most dangerous parts will lead to bone necrosis, and in severe cases, amputation, and as a result, everyone has done it, I just help clean up the mess."

"It's just that there are cut marks at the knife mark. It stands to reason that if it is a scalpel, there will be no cut marks..."

When the chief knife doctor said this, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Officer Long carrying a small transparent evidence bag in his hand. Inside the bag were a bloody folded fruit knife, a lighter, and some bloody broken bones.

The doctor in chief was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously pointed to the evidence bag, "Comrade police, you, please don't tell me that the other party used this knife to deal with it..."

"Ah..." Officer Long laughed dryly, "Yes..."

The chief surgeon's eyes widened, "Lie...cough...I've learned a lot today."

"I've also learned a lot."

Officer Long was also a little confused.

"Then..." The chief surgeon glanced again, seeing that the blood on Chen Chu's hands was still dry, and stared again, "You, did you deal with it?"

Chen Chu was silent.

At that time, I was thinking of saving people, creating conditions without conditions.

Thinking about it now, he also felt a little shocking.

Instead, Officer Long responded, "Yes, just him."


The whole person froze on the spot.

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