Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 103 God's Scepter Vs Anti-Chengyang Ion Cannon!

In low earth orbit, a network of two thousand small satellites flies silently.

One of the small satellites suddenly and slowly opened the bottom, and below it is the blue star!

The interior of the small satellite turned out to be a weapons bay!

In the middle is a huge super tungsten alloy rod~!!

"Unlock the safety device."

Dales was in the underground control room, watching the screen and giving orders.

"The safety device is unlocked, success!"

A plume of white gas rose from the small satellite, and a safety device fell.

"Energy Loading!"

"Energy loading."

The top of the small satellite immediately emitted red light, and the flames in it became bigger and bigger, and the pressure expanded rapidly!!

"Energy recharged!!"

Dals narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the screen, and then ruthlessly pressed the red launch button!!

There is no sound.

In space, a super tungsten alloy rod was blasted out by huge pressure!

The small satellite was directly crushed by the powerful recoil!!

Super tungsten alloy rod is extremely fast!!

When breaking through the atmosphere, the surface burns instantly!

Because of the special shape, the flame is compressed into a thrust instead, further increasing its speed!

Its speed is constantly improving!!

This scepter of God carried terrifying kinetic energy, like a miniature meteorite, blasting towards Baba Fat North!!

Black officer.

Trump looked at the launch screen with satisfaction: "Haha, it's finally launched, let the world see it! This is a weapon that can destroy the world!!"

At the same time, Ying Jiang directly broadcast this scene through the TV network!

And it is accompanied by big four big characters.

‘The scepter of God!!!

They want the world to see their powerful weapons!!

[From The Sun Has Set: My God, this weapon has been researched! Is Ying Jiang going to destroy the world?]

【From Gallic Chicken: Now no one can stop Eagle Sauce, under this weapon, nothing can resist its power!!】

[From Baba Sheep: Yanhuang Kingdom also tested a powerful beam of light attack, which is a weapon that leaves craters on the moon! 】

【From Ah San: Poor baba sheep, this weapon is hitting you, even if Yanhuang has such a weapon, who will help you block this blow?!】

[From Neon Country: Haha, destroy Baba Sheep, we will set foot on your land again!!]

Domestic netizens immediately became worried.

【Eagle sauce actually has such a weapon, it's over, our good brother Baba Yang will suffer!】

【Damn why they can blatantly invade others because of a non-existent 'biochemical weapon'?!】

【That's their usual tactic, isn't it? You Dong has beaten so many, did you find the poached eggs?】

[What's the use of having this Blue Star Federation! It's special, just disband it, there is no one to stop Yingjiang's rampant behavior! 】

【Made, our army is still at Baba Sheep, they are at war! Defeat them!!】

The neon country, the prime minister's office.

The first-born Yamamoto watched the live broadcast nervously. The huge metal rod with flames has the power to destroy the world!

"Haha, help us avenge you, as expected of Eagle Sauce! It's really too strong! There's nothing that can stop it from this attack. Wait until the obstacles are cleared." Let's send troops again! This time we must take down more land just do it!

Third Fleet.

Michael stared closely at the screen: "As long as the scepter of God falls, it's time for us to attack! The scepter of God can sweep away all obstacles that block us!!!"

All the eagle sauce soldiers and planes, and the planes of the gallic chicken who were forced to join in are all ready to go!

As long as the super tungsten alloy rod blasts into the ground of Baba sheep.

The powerful kinetic energy will be poured directly into the ground!

Trigger an unprecedented super explosion!!

The violent kinetic energy can directly lift the entire ground!

Spread like a wave!!

Thus causing a shock wave like a super earthquake!!

Directly destroy all creatures within a range of 4000 kilometers!!!

No one can escape!

This is the God Scepter weapon system!

Originally, the Superman plan was used together with them. After the destruction of the scepter of God, the army entered.

Powerful biochemical soldiers can easily sweep the battlefield and occupy the land.

Now his superman project has entered the research and development upgrade again!!

In the Chuancheng military area, Jin Jianjun knew that Yingjiang had activated the scepter of God, and immediately clenched his fists: "Sure enough, I still have a hand!"

"Such a weapon is too terrifying!"

Liu Shouguo was a little worried: "Although the Luanfeng Sky Mothership has already passed, even if it's in time, I'm not sure if I can stop this kind of attack now!"

Although the Luanfeng Aerospace Carrier is a technology that completely surpasses the times, the God Scepter is also not a weapon in this era!

They are all powerful!!

"I'll wait and see, I believe in Xiaoye!"

"Hey, I can only put all my hopes on Xiaoye's invention, I believe him too!!"

Barbary sheep, over the north.

A tungsten alloy rod with flames fell from the sky at extreme speed!!

The people in the north of Baba sheep have closed their eyes and prayed for God to come and save them!

But this is the scepter of God!!

"May we see you in heaven, I love you!"

People hugged their closest relatives and confessed affectionately that it was too late for them to escape.

That's God's punishment, you can't escape!

At this time, suddenly the whole sky darkened.

A giant ship suddenly appeared over the northern part of Baba Yang!!

That huge figure was right between the scepter of God and the earth of Baba sheep!!!

"Is that God? Has he come to save us?!"

"My God, this is a miracle!!"

"Such a big spaceship, is it God's Noah's Ark!!"

The people of Baba Yang looked at the sky in disbelief, and some even fell to their knees!

"Fack, what is that?!!"

Darth in the underground control room looked at the Luanfeng Skycarrier that suddenly appeared in surprise: "Why haven't I seen it before? Why did it appear suddenly! Why is there no response from our radar!!"

In the Black Palace, all the councilors also watched in disbelief at the huge monster that suddenly appeared on the TV screen!

Trump's eyes widened: "What is this?! Who can tell me what this is? Why did it suddenly appear over the northern part of Baba Sheep? Is it a projection?!"

Everyone shook their heads, they didn't know what it was, let alone why it appeared suddenly!!

...asking for flowers......

I even wonder why such a big ship can fly in the sky!!

"I saw the flag of the Yanhuang Kingdom! My God, that is the spaceship of the Yanhuang Kingdom!!"

"Wang Defa, there is actually such a warship in Yanhuang Kingdom, Fake, that flies in the sky, what kind of technology is this!! Oh, I bought it!!"

"This is more powerful than our aircraft carrier!! What kind of engine does it use!!"

The MPs were all dumbfounded.

The Yanhuang Kingdom actually has such a large air battleship!

What kind of technology is this!!

It's beyond their comprehension!!!

"No matter what, no one can resist the power of God's scepter!! Since it's here, just use God's scepter to destroy them directly!!"

Trump gritted his teeth and looked at the Luanfeng Skycarrier.

Unexpectedly, when they showed the scepter of God, Yanhuang Kingdom showed such a big air battleship!!

But he has absolute confidence in the scepter of God!!

All countries in the world are also confused.

The two superpowers are engaged in a military competition.


A piece of technological weapons beyond the times is displayed!!

Everyone has never seen it, only seen this fantasy weapon in the game or movie KG!!

But now they all see it in reality!!

so shocking!!

【From Mao Xiong: I never thought we would be neighbors with such a powerful country, because I feel safe!】

[From John Bull: I am really surprised that Yanhuang Kingdom can have such a super air battleship, but they can’t resist Yingjiang’s God Scepter, the destructive power is too strong!!]

[From Fudi: Whoever wins, we will buy whose weapon!!]

【From Bangzi: Seriously, I really look down on Fudi’s nouveau riche face, brother, is there still a servant?】

[From Ah San: Rational analysis, the warships of the Yanhuang Kingdom can't stop Yingjiang's attack, only our secret weapon can counter the scepter of God!!]

[From Yanhuang: special code, I came over the wall to see you sand sculptures, is your secret weapon cow dung or a stunt motorcycle?!]

"A powerful kinetic energy attack has been detected. It is approaching at 15 times the speed of sound, and the speed is still increasing. It is expected to be hit in 5 seconds! The speed will reach Mach 20!!"

In the Ship Island Command, everyone looked at the projection nervously.

"Activate the maximum energy output of the proton shield!"

Du Yue immediately ordered: "Start the anti-city cation cannon! Full power!!"

"Boot complete!"


Suddenly, a huge muzzle opened from the front of the Luanfeng Sky Mothership.

After 2 seconds, a huge beam of energy blasted towards the scepter of God in an instant!!


A huge sound resounds through the whole Baba sheep sky!!

People feel like their ears are instantly deaf!!

Dazzling light burst!!!

The light is stronger than the sun, making it impossible to look directly at it!!

Immediately afterwards, the soaring flames rose to a height of 10,000 meters!!

"The world is destroyed!!"

"My God, is this a weapon that Blue Star should have now?"

"God bless, God bless, too strong!"

Huge energy suddenly spread to the surroundings!

Luanfeng Sky Mothership bears the brunt! Loss!.

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