Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 105 Changes After The War, I Hope You Will Compensate Us For Energy Loss

Wang Kemang led the troops until Babayang had been occupied by Ah San before stopping to rest.

And there is no intention of withdrawing at all!

"It's cool, it's been a long time since I've had such fun with the special code! Haha!!"

Song Meng and others took off the dark dragon armor and had a real rest in the station, but everyone was still in high spirits!

Couldn't sleep at all, all talking excitedly.

"It's so cool to directly kill the army of the Neon Kingdom!"

"Haha, the neon country is completely destroyed, it's too fierce, the equipment developed by Academician Ye, once installed, is too powerful!!"

Everyone nodded vigorously.

Their dark dragon armor combined with the YBZ-10 smart assault rifle, even in the face of thousands of people, is a harvest!!

All enemies are completely locked by the dark dragon armor, and then killed directly.

There is no difficulty at all, and you are not afraid of bullets or bombs.

Just charge straight away!!

To put it bluntly, a fool who can run and pull the trigger can win!

This is the crushing of technology!!

Coupled with the support of the three magic tanks!

Wang Kemang didn't even know how he was going to lose!!

All the other soldiers in the station looked at those dark dragon armor enviously.

They also want to equip it, and then go to kill the enemy happily!

"Special code, this is really fun! I finally smashed the army of the Neon country. I have thought about it for a long time, but it's a pity that we didn't fight on the mainland of the Neon country!"

"That's right, next time, I must hit their broken island!"

Wang Kemang leaned on a simple bed, because all of them were replaced with magnetic levitation vehicles, and the logistical supplies were very good.

Their army is totally different!!

Marching speed, supplies, and combat effectiveness have already swept Blue Star!!

He stretched out comfortably, he hadn't slept for two days, and he was really sleepy, so he asked lightly, "What are you doing?"

"Of course it's the neon soldiers who are living a good life!"

"Yes, fuck them!"

"Tear down their ghost club, and destroy their war faction!"

The soldiers all nodded, they wished they could tear up the Neon Kingdom!

Wang Kemang shook his head: "It's too small, the layout won't work!"

Song Meng asked suspiciously: "Boss, what are you talking about, don't you want to take revenge?"

He knows that Wang Ke hates the Neon Kingdom as much!!

This is hatred and hatred flowing in the blood!!!

Wang Kemang snorted coldly: "Of course, but it is our territory, have you forgotten? Our ancestors have been to the Neon Kingdom several times.

At that time, there were only savages on the island, and it was our people who came to civilization in the past, so it is accurate to say that neon is originally our Yanhuang's inherent territory, you know!"

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the words: "Then boss, what do you mean... take it back?"

"Hey, just ask them to change their ID cards and change the country to a province!!"

"Haha, Team Wang is right, that is our inherent territory, let him change his ID card!"

"I hope they will be interested, otherwise they will take it back by force!!"

Wang Kemang waved his hand: "Okay, take a good rest, this time we just occupied the territory that originally belonged to Baba Yang, if we can go to Ah San's capital like our predecessors! But there is still a lot of way to go ! You have to recharge your batteries!!”

"Yes, call Ah San's capital again, and make memories for them!"

"The ancestors are so awesome!!"

"That is, our ancestors defeated cannons and planes with flesh and blood!"

The soldiers immediately rested patiently.

Wang Kemang smiled.

Yanhuang's blood never cools down, they are all at the first chance.

They will once again prove to the world that we are only developing peacefully, not that we will not fight wars anymore!

The position of the speaker of our Blue Star Federation was typed out!!

I beat up all the other talkers and convinced them!!!

The proxy war that Ying Jiang suddenly provoked this time is the best opportunity!!

Since you don't talk about martial arts and engage in raids, start a blitzkrieg.

Then don't blame Yanhuang for seizing the reason, taking this opportunity to settle old scores with you guys!!

Asan Foreign Minister Ganama Khan immediately visited Jin Jianjun, Commander of the Sichuan-Chengdu Military Area Command.

"Hello, General Jin, it's a great honor to meet you."

Jin Jianjun nodded slightly: "Hello, Mr. Ganama Foreign Minister.

Ganama-Khan said with a smile: "It's like this. Your country's army captured our northern region very quickly. This is not in line with the Blue Star Federation Law, so I hope your country can withdraw its troops from this region."

Jin Jianjun raised his eyebrows slightly: "I don't agree! I hope that Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ganama can figure out where our army is located, that is the area of ​​Baba Yang, when did it become the Lord's?

If it was because you sent troops to occupy it, then shouldn’t it belong to our Yanhuang Kingdom now?”

Gana Ma-Khan touched his forehead, and Jin Jianjun was very direct.

He had no choice but to take this topic: "We can talk about the issue of ownership, but why doesn't your country withdraw its troops.

Jin Jianjun asked strangely: "We are in the territory of Baba Yang, and Baba Yang didn't let us withdraw. What are you worried about?"

Ganama-Khan said helplessly: "I won't go around the bush anymore. How can your country withdraw its troops? We don't want to start a war. Ah San and Yanhuang Kingdom have been friendly states since ancient times. As members of the Eastern Alliance, we should unanimously , Although there was some misunderstanding, we hope it can be resolved."

Jin Jianjun sneered.

It is true that it has always been a leader, but it is not friendly at all.

Ah San has always been harassing Yanhuang Kingdom's borders, and has a lot of ideas.

Sure enough, only strong strength can make others surrender!

The prerequisite for sitting down and having a good talk is to beat the other party down!

Then go to the chair and talk!!

Jin Jianjun pointed to Baba Yang on the map: "You talk to Baba Yang, they are satisfied, we are satisfied, and if we are satisfied, we will naturally withdraw!"

Very friendly meet and greet!

Ghana horses know this isn't going to end easily!

Now they can only let Baba Yang make demands.


The Eagle Sauce First Fleet was completely wiped out!

how to spell!

They are self-aware!!

"Okay, thank you General Kim for your reception.

Because the fleet was completely wiped out, and the troops were also completely wiped out, Yingjiang immediately issued an announcement: We express our solemn protest against Yanhuang Kingdom's wanton wars!

This is dangerous and irresponsible behavior.

As a superpower like Yingjiang, it should shoulder the heavy responsibility of protecting world peace instead of launching a war [We hope that Yanhuang Kingdom can accept the trial of the Blue Star Federation!!

"Tsk tsk tsk, the special version of Eagle Sauce will also protest? As expected, fists are still useful!"

Liu Shouguo looked at the report with disdain: "Immediately draw up an announcement that we demand that Neon Nation compensate us for breaking one of our dark dragon armors! We demand that Yingjiang compensate for the energy loss of our Luanfeng spaceship! I hope they will contact me as soon as possible." , Discuss on the amount of money, otherwise we can only go to ask for compensation!!"

As a result, as soon as the Zijin Military District announcement was made, Yingjiang and the leaders of the Neon Kingdom immediately cursed loudly!

"Fack, they destroyed our army!! I lost tens of billions of dollars, hundreds of people!! They even want us to pay compensation! It's too overbearing!!"

Trump slapped the table furiously. In the past, they were the only ones who could be so domineering, hitting others and making them lose money.

But he didn't expect that now it was his turn to be beaten, and he would have to pay others money!

"Mr. President, what should we do? God's scepter can't beat them now, why don't we shoot a volley and hit all the God's scepter to Yanhuang Kingdom!!"

Trump slapped the official on the head: "Are you feeding your brain to the dog? Fake! How do you know that Yanhuang Kingdom has no other weapons? And even if Yanhuang Kingdom is destroyed, ten of us will be destroyed by that space carrier!

In the end, 237 made it cheaper for Mao Xiong and the others?!"

Officials dare not speak.

"What happened to Joseph's plan for Atlantis?"

This is another top-secret project, absolutely no worse than the Scepter of God, it is a research project of the Ninth Fleet!

"Report! General Joseph's Atlantis project is nearing completion, and it will be put into use soon."

Trump nodded: "Phew... When Joseph's Atlantis plan is completed, and with the scepter of God, we still have a chance to compete with Yanhuang Kingdom!!"

"What now??"

Trump gritted his teeth: "I admit it! Inform General Liu, you go talk and pay them!


I will bring back everything I lost today!!

Trump was secretly ruthless in his heart.

"Report, General Liu is on his way to the Neon Country, and the Mosquito Country agreed to the compensation first!"

"Fack, these dwarves are too fast!"

Liu Shouguo was on the plane to Neon Country.

The Luanfeng space carrier that recovered the Destroyer's mechanical gear was flying beside his plane.

Yongyon anti-gravity fighters surrounded his plane.

No fighter dares to approach at all!!

When the Luanfeng Sky Mothership and Liu Shouguo's fighter plane entered the airspace of the Neon Nation, all the people in the Neon Nation saw that huge monster in the sky!!

They were photographed!

In the clouds, the looming huge battleship is flying fast!!

Everyone looked at this scene in horror!!

The newborn Yamamoto's face is green!

It is said to protect Liu Shouguo's visit, but in fact it is deterrent by force!!

But he didn't dare to speak at all.

If you can't beat it again and again, you can only talk about it!

The new Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nihonguo received Liu Shouguo, and then the 'friendly' talks were held.

My brother is right, that is the yo-yo in the SUP battleship. .

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