
Song Jia's voice came from the room, and after a while, the door clicked open.

"Xiaobai? This is Xiaorou!"

Song Jia was very pleasantly surprised when she saw Yi Rou'er!

Back then, Yi Rou'er took them to visit Yanjing, so she was deeply impressed by her.

The most important thing is that they saw the shadow of their son in Yi Rou'er's eyes back then!

And they like Yi Rou'er very much.

She is beautiful, knowledgeable, and gentle. Although she is a bit weak-tempered, she is easy to get along with, which is also a good thing.

After all, Ye Bai in their family has a good temperament, this kind of girl is the best, and she hardly quarrels.

And Yi Rou'er's family is also good, it's like Sakako in everything!!

She is the perfect daughter-in-law candidate!

At that time, they felt that their son was too dull.

I didn't expect to bring it home directly this time!!

"Lao Ye, come out soon, Lao Ye! Your son brought his girlfriend back, it's Xiao Rou, Xiao Rou!"

Song Jia excitedly shouted into the room.

Ye Ji ran out of the room with a look of surprise: "Really, really?"

When he saw Yi Rou'er, he laughed happily and said, "Oh, it's really Xiaorou, come in, come in, haha."

Since Ye Bai became more and more busy with scientific research, they never urged Ye Bai to fall in love again.

Knowing that his son is busy, and knowing that his son is engaged in scientific research for the country, he didn't even call him and asked him to come back and have a look.

But as elders, more or less they hope that their children can have girlfriends!

After all, it is not too small.

Seeing that Ye Bai brought Yi Rou'er back, everyone was overjoyed.

They are so satisfied with Yi Rouer!!

In Yanjing back then, apart from Ye Bai, Yi Rou'er spent a lot of time with them.

"You don't say anything when you come back, so your mother and I can prepare more leaves in advance.

Ye Ji glared at Ye Bai, the son brought his girlfriend home for the first time, and they had to treat him well.

"Xiao Rou, sit down quickly, you're welcome, my wife, you stay here with them, and I'll go shopping."

Ye Ji made the arrangements and opened the door to go out. .

Song Jia is a woman, she can talk to Yi Rouer, he is the best candidate to go grocery shopping.

"Uncle Aunt, don't bother~々."

Yi Rou'er was moved by the enthusiasm of Song Jia and his wife, she could tell that Ye Ji and Song Jia really liked her.

She glanced at Ye Bai, and found that the latter was sitting beside him with a smile.

"No trouble, no trouble, haha."

Ye Ji was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, he waved his hand and sent the door out.

"Hey, Lao Ye, I heard your door rang just now, is someone here?"

"Hi, my son is back! With his girlfriend!! Haha."

"Oh, Xiaoye is back? Oh my god, your son is amazing. He is a celebrity all over the world, and now he has a girlfriend. Your family is perfect!"


The three of Ye Bai could still hear Ye Ji's conversations with neighbors after he left the house.

Ye Bai is very frank, he really likes Yi Rou'er.

Yi Rou'er also likes him, so they will go to the end without accident.

Both of them like scientific research, they belong to the kind with the same interests and hobbies, strong abilities, and few things!!

And his parents' enthusiasm for Yi Rou'er, he thought it was normal.

When a girl comes to her home, parents should treat the girl well, not to mention Yi Rouer is a good girl!!

Yi Rou'er was a little cautious, it was the first time for her to go to a boy's house.

For more than 20 years, besides her home, she is a laboratory!!

"Oh, Xiaobai finally got the hang of it, and chased after such a good Xiaorou."

Song Jia glanced at Ye Bai, and held Yi Rouer's hand kindly: "Xiaobai, let me tell you, Xiaorou is weak, you can't bully him."

"Got it, Mom."

Ye Bai nodded helplessly, he is not the kind of person who would bully his girlfriend either.

Song Jia looked at Yi Rou'er with satisfaction, and the more she watched, the more satisfied she became: "I will come here often in the future, if Xiaobai is disobedient, you can tell me, and I will definitely say him!"

Yi Rou'er nodded with a blushing face.

"Oh, it's great to see the girl blushing so shyly!"

Song Jia almost couldn't help but want to touch Yi Rou'er's flushed face.

Where can I find such an innocent girl now, my son is so blessed!!

More than an hour later, Song Jia was chatting with Yi Rou'er asking about their health and wellbeing.

After such a long time, Yi Rou'er also got better, not as nervous as she was at the beginning.

At this time, there was a noise outside the door.

Ye Ji is back.

"I heard that Xiaoye is back. Oh, it's so rare. Let's see, he's a big celebrity."

"I want to watch Uncle Ye, our school has released a lot of Uncle Ye videos, let us learn from Uncle Ye.

"Yes, let my child see Xiaoye, he admires Xiaoye very much."

"Everyone, don't worry. There are guests at home today, and Xiaoye's girlfriend is also here. It's not good to let everyone in. Next time, next time."

Ye Bai is so famous, the neighbor who knew Ye Bai came back went out to talk about it.

A large group of people who wanted to see Ye Bai suddenly came to the community.

Ye Ji happily opened the door, and then closed it, but no one came in, so he glanced inside through the crack of the door.

"...I saw Uncle Ye, so handsome, even more handsome than in the video."

"Oh, that girl is Xiaoye's girlfriend, isn't she? She's so beautiful, she's so talented!"

"It's unbelievable, the old Ye family is too powerful, I can't envy you."

"It seems that there will be a banquet soon, and the girlfriends are all brought home!"

Everyone chatted outside the door and left.

Yi Rou'er was shy again when she heard that there was going to be a banquet.

Ye Ji brought a lot of food: "Oh, there's nothing good in this small county town, so let's eat as we go.

In small county towns, the family banquet is the highest standard banquet.

Going to the hotel is a guest banquet, and only those who have a good relationship will eat at home.

Yi Rou'er shook her head quickly: "It's okay, "I'm not picky about food."

"Haha, okay, okay."

Ye Ji was talking about sending the dishes into the kitchen, when Song Jia got up suddenly: "Wait for me here.

Then he walked into the house and came out with some things after a while.

She first stuffed a thick red envelope to Yi Rou'er: (Li Le Zhao) "Take this, kid, don't refuse, this is a gift from Uncle and Aunt."

Yi Rou'er wanted to shirk it, but she still accepted it.

This is a custom, and it also means that Ye Bai's family recognizes her!

She has a sweet heart.

Ye Ji leaned against the kitchen door, watching cheerfully.

"Xiaobai's grandma gave it to me, now, I'm giving it to you.

Song Jia took out a very delicate red brocade box, and when she opened it, there was a gold bracelet inside!

"This isn't hardware, it's a watch that Aunt gave you alone."

She forcibly put the bracelet on Yi Rou'er, then took Yi Rou'er's white and tender flesh, looked at the gold bracelet, and added a touch of extravagance: "It's so beautiful.

Once this bracelet is given away, it also means that Ye Bai's parents have recognized Yi Rou'er as their daughter-in-law!

Yi Rou'er glanced at Ye Bai, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

Family fun!

Hope all readers can have such a perfect home!.

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