Sika star is located in the TRAPPIST-1 star field 45 light years away from the blue star, in the constellation Aquarius!

This star field was once considered by Blue Star scientists to have habitable planets!

I didn't expect civilization to really exist.

Ye Bai relied on Crimson to calculate its distance is 45 light years based on the trajectory, speed, wear and tear of the meteorite shell, and its direction is the TRAPPIST-1 star field!

45 light-years is pretty close for a curvature engine.

Everyone looked at the space distortion in front of Temple No. 2 in horror.

That's the entrance to the folding space!!

"Is this the space jump? Haha, I will witness the first space jump in human history!"

"That's right, this is the first real interstellar travel in human history. We are really going to the deep space of the universe, not between the blue star and the moon!"

"It's unbelievable, haha, I must commemorate this moment, I'm afraid this is the last time in my life that I will sail in the universe on the spacecraft I built!"

143 Everyone took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and the scientific researchers of Yanhuang State directly used the capsule phone to record.

In the history of mankind, mankind has always been able to go back and forth between the moon and the blue star, and the only countries that can even land on the moon are Yanhuang, Yingjiang and Maoxiong!!

There are only three in the entire Blue Star!

No other country has ever landed on the moon, let alone undertake any space travel!

But now, under the leadership of Ye Bai, they are about to make the first space jump in human history, which is a real interstellar travel!!

'Enter the folding space in 3 seconds!




Temple No. 2 accelerated instantly, rushed into the distorted space, and then disappeared without a trace!

People in the lunar habitat only see a piece of space distortion.

Because Temple No. 2 turned on the stealth mode in advance, they didn't see the bottle of Temple No. 2.

But it can be guessed that it is the space jump technology!!

In the cab of Temple No. 2, everyone is looking at the folding space outside!

Everyone is envious, but they believe that soon they too will be able to travel to the stars!!

"Incredible, incredible!!"

"This is folding space?!"

"It's so beautiful, is this the depths of the universe?"

I saw outside Temple No. 2, as if the entire universe was folded together.

Countless planets are very close, yet very far away!

Here they can see all kinds of planets!

The planet in front seems to be spreading out continuously, Temple II is rushing forward at a very high speed!

The folding space created by the curvature engine is to fold the straight line between two distant points in the universe, thus shortening the distance between these two points!!

And the space scenery between these two points will pass quickly in the folding space!!

This is the first time the researchers on Blue Star have seen such a situation!

Completely unfamiliar, completely unimaginable scene!!

Ye Bai also saw it for the first time, and he was also curious to freeze everything in the space!!

If it is the singularity (ccdj) engine on Sanctuary, it can directly open the gate of time and space, there will be no folding space, and the speed will be faster!

The singularity engine is similar to the teleportation array!!

Open a singularity channel between two points, and then transmit Sanctuary Chang there!!

Similar to the synchronization between quantum entanglement!

Instant arrival is space teleportation, not jumping.

Although the curvature engine can jump in space, the folding space theoretically folds the distance between two points, but there is still a distance!!

Just like a person jumping from one place to another, even if the intermediate distance is compressed, it still takes time!

The distance needs to be pushed by the plasma engine on the Temple Two!

The curvature engine is the key to open the folding space!!

After about an hour, people didn't dare to look outside anymore.

Because in this space, there is enough distance for the plasma engine to continuously accelerate!

Although it can't reach the speed of light, the speed will get faster and faster!

Without the injection of super soldier serum, it would be difficult for the brain to process and receive information observed by the eyes at such a high speed.

If you look at it for a long time, you will experience symptoms such as vomiting.

Ye Bai is fine, he can even look for other planets with civilizations from the planets passing by at a high speed!

There are also living quarters on Temple Two where people can live!

Lots of people have left the cab to visit on Temple Two!

Two days later, everyone saw that the time was around 8 o'clock in the morning on the blue star.

The same distorted space appeared in front of Temple No. 2!


"So fast!"

"Twisting out from that space, is it Star Sika?!!"

Everyone looked at the distorted space in front of them in disbelief!

two days!

45 light years!

It took 45 years to travel at the speed of light, and now they arrived in just two days!!

Countless times faster than light!

It is indeed a curvature engine!

No loss is the folding space!!

After folding the space and traveling in the universe, the speed can be so fast!!.

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