Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 158: The Secret Under The Moon Shell!

"Super Cosmic Alloy has already started mass production, and enough 200,000 tons will be transported to the moon construction base by the Kunpeng transport spacecraft.

Ye Bai listened to Liu Shouguo's words, and nodded: "My side is almost finished, but the excavation progress on the moon is relatively slow."

This is a long-term project. Digging through a planet, even with a million people and a large number of construction machinery, cannot be completed in a short period of time.

During this period, Jiangnan Spacecraft will continue to build space battleships.

"Anthracene, super universe alloys are all prefabricated according to your requirements, and can be assembled directly."


After hanging up the phone, Ye Bai fell into deep thought.

Once the super universe alloy is put into production, according to the world's production capacity, it will be very fast.

But the construction holes on the moon will definitely not keep up with the progress.

Thinking of this, he called Yi Rou'er: "Rou'er, how is the construction progress now?"

"Currently ten construction sites are under construction, because the construction machinery is constantly increasing, and the efficiency is getting faster and faster now, but it is expected to be at least three months before digging to the designated location!"

Three months, which is already fast!

Millions of people plus three months of non-stop digging, the actual working time, if counted on Blue Star, is equivalent to more than six months of construction!!

Ten construction sites, each with more than 100,000 people digging for more than half a year.

Ye Bai asked, "How will the excavated soil be treated temporarily?"

"Engineer Sima is very experienced, because there are many craters on the moon, and the excavated soil is used to fill the craters, but the number of Kunpeng transport ships is insufficient at present, and the Saturn we dig out every day is very large!

And there will definitely be more just to fill the crater, so I plan to build a brick-burning factory for the reconstruction of the later residential area. Bricks are needed. If there are many, they may be used to build mountains. "

Ye Bai nodded when he heard the words, it is indeed more reasonable to use it like this.

Otherwise, all the excavated soil will be piled up on both sides of the equatorial ring.

When the planetary atmosphere transformation device can be unlocked, the moon will be transformed into a living planet, and plants will be able to grow.

"Okay, the core components on my side have been completed, and I will send them to the moon to find you."


Ye Bai hung up the phone and called a Kunpeng transport spacecraft.

He put on the Duernami armor and carried the core components of the Star Destroyer onto the transport ship one by one.

This is just the core driver components, the real core of the whole module is very day.

The basic barrel length of the star-based Star Destroyer has reached 500 kilometers!

That is to say, at least half of the depth of the mantle needs to be penetrated!!

This cannon is unimaginably huge, and it is all made of super universe alloy.

If you want to talk about the cost, it is completely incalculable.

This is built with the strength of all blue stars!!

It's the same as when Yanhuang and the whole country worked hard to create poached eggs, just to protect themselves!

The diameter of the muzzle reaches 10 kilometers!!

Ye Bai manufactured the core of energy conversion devices, energy compression and other devices.

Others still need a lot of manpower to build!

Ye Bai drove the Kunpeng transport spacecraft to the moon.

He came to the Yanhuang construction site, and Yi Rou'er was here.

After the Kunpeng transport spacecraft was lowered, someone immediately began to use machinery to transport the huge devices inside.

Ye Bai walked towards Yi Rou'er: "Thank you for your hard work."

Yi Rou'er shook her head, these days she was directing the work on the moon, and also personally observed at the construction site.

It was really hard work.

"How far have you dug now?"

Ye Bai and Yi Rou'er walked to the point where Yanhuang Kingdom was in charge.

"Currently, we have dug 170 kilometers deep, and it will take three months to dig to a depth of 500 kilometers.

The two stood on the edge of the huge circular pit.

The pothole with a diameter of 10 kilometers can hardly be seen at a glance!

Looking down, tens of thousands of people are driving machinery construction underground!

Almost no people can be seen, and Smart can vaguely see large-scale construction machinery.

There is also a huge transportation machine on the edge of the round pit, which continuously transports the soil up from the ground.

Once the world fought over a little lunar soil.

At the beginning, Yingjiang only gave Yanhuangguo one gram.

Now take it all and throw it aside!

Ye Bai nodded: "The progress is already very fast."

...asking for flowers...

After digging to 500 kilometers, ten construction points can be excavated at two ends.

"Guess what we found when we dug down?"

Yi Rou'er suddenly looked at Ye Bai and said mysteriously.

Ye Bai smiled and shook his head.

Yi Rou'er took him by the hand and went to the temporary residence at the construction site: "Come with me."

Soon the two came to a room.

As soon as you enter, the lights automatically turn on.

Ye Bai looked at the things in the supplies, a little surprised!

He walked to a table and frowned slightly: "Is this a biological specimen?"

Yi Rou'er nodded: "That's right, single-celled organisms! They were found in the underground ice layer of the moon!"

Ye Bai was surprised: "On the moon? Underground ice?"

There is ice waiting to turn into water!

"That's right."

Yi Rou'er walked to a specimen, picked it up and said, "I sent the specimen back for a carbon test, and found that it is a creature of the same era as the dinosaur century on our blue star!"

Ye Bai picked up the specimen in astonishment.

This means that there were originally living things on the moon.

Yi Rouer explained with a smile: "The scientists on the Blue Star are crazy, you know? They speculate that the moon is the same as the dinosaur century on the Blue Star. Blue Star is different.

Because of gravity, environment and other factors. But in the era when the dinosaurs went extinct, that is, during the Cretaceous period, the life on the moon also became extinct!"

Ye Bai nodded subconsciously: "It should be because of the meteorite."

Yi Rou'er is not surprised that Ye Bai can figure it out, after all, he has developed such a high-tech person!

"That's right, during the Cretaceous period, not only a meteorite hit the blue star, causing the mass extinction of species, the moon has always been used to protect the blue star, so they attracted more meteorites!

The meteorite swarm directly caused the planet that had just developed single-celled organisms to directly exterminate all life! It even destroyed the moon, and it finally became what it is now after 65 million years of changes. "

After hearing Yi Rou'er's explanation, Ye Bai probably also guessed this in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the moon also gave birth to life before! Mouth!.

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