Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 18 Unremarkable Bullet Tracking

First, people from the rifle testing area flocked to the tank range, and now they brought back more people from the tank range to the rifle testing area.

Such a spectacle has never appeared in previous new equipment tests.

Ye Bai returned to the position where he put the gun, and if he picked up the points, he would succeed.

"This gun is very, very different."

Liu Shouguo looks a little smaller than The Widowmaker, but he can achieve a sci-fi look, so I don't know how to describe it.

With the foreshadowing of the former, he was also curious about the high technology of this gun.

Ye Bai handed the score to Wang Kemang: "Here, this gun can be tested by the colonel."

Wang Kemang shook his head quickly: "No, no, you can test it, I'm afraid there are some high-tech functions, I don't know how to use them, and I can't test them completely."

Ye Bai laughed: "No, even a fool can use this gun."

What Ye Bai said is the truth, as long as you can pull the trigger, you don't need to do anything else.

He saw that Wang Kemang liked guns very much, so he wanted to try Wang Kemang's guns

Wang Kemang touched his nose in embarrassment, which meant that he was no match for a fool.

Liu Shouguo couldn't help laughing, this kid is really black-bellied.

Zhou Ping persuaded: "You should introduce it to us."

Ye Bai said helplessly: "Okay, this gun is a fully automatic smart assault rifle, and if you call it, you can do it. In fact, its function is really simple. It is not as complicated as the electromagnetic rifle just now, like the Widowmaker. Its There is only one function, which can be said to be unremarkable, only bullet tracking."

? ? ?

? ?


Everyone had question marks on their faces.

This is not as complicated as an electromagnetic rifle?

Is this mediocre?

Only bullet tracking, and that's it?

This is in Versailles!

"Boy, bullet tracking?!"

Wang Kemang opened his mouth, but forgot to close it, and stared at the gun in Ye Bai's hand in disbelief.

He had only heard this term in movies, and thought about it in his dreams.

The three of Zhou Ping were equally shocked.

Bullet tracking technology is no simpler than an electromagnetic rifle.

What a joke, if bullets can be automatically tracked, how efficient it will be on the battlefield.

Someone falls to the ground after shooting, is this really impure?

Thinking of cheating, Zhou Ping suddenly believed Ye Bai's words, this gun must be based on the game equipment, and even added some cheating technology in it!

Liu Shouguo also opened his mouth, and it took a while before he came back to his senses. He coughed a few times to cover up his embarrassment.

If someone photographed it, it would be another famous scene.

"It's really outrageous. Open the door for Outrageous. It's home. Bullet traces are out. Are you talking about fairy tales?"

"Nimma, you really want to kill us. There are so many high-tech in a rifle, we are still playing with gunpowder, and he has started to make smart weapons!"

"It turns out that the gun was called the Widowmaker just now, which is really appropriate. Let alone a human, the target was smashed."

"I'm looking forward to the specific performance of this gun. Compared with the Widowmaker, this rifle with bullet tracking is my dream gun!"

"I suddenly felt a little numb. Ye Bai kept improving my cognition, and now I take it for granted that he makes any high-tech."

Jiang Chen agrees with what everyone is talking about, he has long been numb.

Liu Shouguo urged anxiously: "Quick, quickly demonstrate."

Ye Bai nodded and looked at the targets in the shooting range. There were twenty groups of four, a total of one hundred.

In addition to the four that were shredded by the widow maker, there are 96 more.

"Three clips are enough."

Ye Bai picked up the gun and didn't aim it. He held the gun more casually than when he took the Widowmaker, and shot directly.

'Da da da……'

Intensive gunfire sounded.

In order to increase the harvesting efficiency, the system has improved the shooting mode, and now there are two modes of full-automatic and three-shot shooting that can be switched.

Ye Bai is using fully automatic mode.

The onlookers saw the bullets continuously pouring out of the gun in Ye Bai's hand. After approaching the target, they turned directly and pierced through the target in an instant!

Every bullet hits a target, all in the center!

From an overall point of view, it is a large area of ​​bullets sprayed out, like rain, and then each of them searched for the target and hit it.

Each bullet is like a precision-guided missile!

Ye Bai didn't need to aim at all, he just stood in place and fired, and all the bullets hit the target automatically.

All I could hear was the sound of 'da da da' gunshots and the sound of 'dang dang dang' bullets hitting the target.

Let everyone feel that shooting can be so easy and casual.

A shuttle of bullets was fired almost instantly!

But everyone fell into a state of sluggishness and did not recover.

It was so shocking!

The whole picture has brought a strong visual impact to everyone.

Can you imagine a person standing still and shooting a gun, the bullet automatically tracks the target through various arcs, and then hits the picture accurately!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"In terms of performance, it can fire 2,000 rounds of bullets per minute, with a magazine capacity of 40 rounds. It uses a special smart bullet with an initial velocity of 2,000 m/s, which can penetrate 4 cm thick homogeneous armor."

As Ye Bai said, he changed the magazine and continued to shoot.

'Da da da……'

The gunfire sounded again, followed by the sound of the target being hit.

"Because there is no need to aim, the scope you see on the head of the gun is actually an intelligent guidance radar system, which can lock all enemies within a 270-degree range in front!"

After a short pause, another shuttle.

In the entire rifle test area, the remaining 96 targets were all hit by a single bullseye!

"Really no need to aim!"

"Is this making a movie? Hit me, ouch, damn it, it's true, hiss, it hurts, what the hell are you doing?"

"I think, after looking at this gun, all other assault rifles are rubbish, yes, yes, I said all, yes, rubbish!"

"It shouldn't be called what you can achieve, it should be called a battlefield harvester, a human life remover."

Liu Shouguo was the first to recover from the shock: "This, this must be submitted to the candidate area immediately, no, skip the candidate, and directly submit it to the National Armament Department for review, mass production as soon as possible, in my name, my Zijin Military Region In the name of the Commander-in-Chief!"

This gun army can future war!

As long as there are enough bullets, it is possible to use very few people to resist the enemy's large-scale charge!

Whether it's street fighting or plain battlefield, it will do a lot!

When Wang Kemang looked at the gun in Ye Bai's hand, he was like a wolf hungry.

Everyone has no feeling for those parameters, meaningless.

A bullet tracking is already invincible!

Wu Mingyu couldn't regain his senses for a long time, and muttered to himself: "It's a loss, I knew that I would snatch people over if I said anything, even if there was a fight, I would have to snatch them!"

"I have lived my life in vain."

Yang Yiming trembled with excitement: "I can see such a powerful rifle in my lifetime, and I will die without regret!"


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