Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 4 Walking 500,000, Entering The Game (Seeking Flowers, Evaluation Votes)

Ye Bai played with the gun again. To be honest, no man can resist the temptation of this high-tech weapon.

Whether it's an exaggerated and avant-garde shape or powerful power, you are always saying two words to a man, come to me, you are the most beautiful boy in the whole world!

In fact, in the game, this weapon needs to be charged to pass through walls, but now it can be fired normally.

Ye Bai activated Luban's Eye and looked at the rifle in his hand.

'Technical Precision Rifle - Widowmaker (enhanced), an advanced individual weapon. '

He remembered that the system analysis was relatively advanced at the beginning, but now it is advanced.

Sure enough, the system has been strengthened.


Ye Bai couldn't help but played for a while, but didn't shoot again.

When he had had enough, he put the gun back in the garage and picked up his phone.

It's normal for the live broadcast room to be blocked. If you appeal, it will usually be unblocked within 12 hours, so he is not worried.

When he picked up his phone, he saw that many people had private messaged him.

One of the names was a string of numbers, so he opened it and looked at it.

609527: Brother, I will offer half a million yuan to buy the gun and manufacturing technology in your hand.

Ye Bai frowned slightly, and looked at his account information, it was a private account.

So I replied: Sorry, I made it for fun, not for sale.

609527 replied immediately: 500,000 is not too low brother, don't be good or bad.

Ye Bai raised his eyebrows slightly: Why do you buy guns and technology? Which department?

Five hundred thousand is indeed not low. The cost of making this gun is only a few thousand dollars if the tools are excluded.

But you have to ask clearly, he is going to hand over to the country.

609527: You don't need to worry about this, and don't ask so many TMs, just ask if you sell it or not.

Ye smiled angrily: I don't sell it, but your wife does.

After finishing speaking, take a screenshot of the person's account information, and then block it.

Then he called the Public Security Bureau and reported this person.

"Okay, according to your report, I will verify it. If this person is really a spy, we will reward you with 500,000 yuan."

Ye Bai hung up the phone, he guessed that this person was a walking half a million.

Ordinary people may buy guns, but why buy technology.

And dare not say anything, there is definitely a problem.

So Ye Bai reported him backhandedly.

"Buy my technology for 50? I reported it to you and earned 500,000."

It should not be difficult to locate a person through the Internet, and should be caught quickly.


At the Academy of Dragon Sciences, Jiang Chen quickly found his teacher, Zhou Ping, an academician of the Academy of Dragon Sciences.

"Teacher, I just watched the live broadcast. There is an anchor who made an electromagnetic rifle, and it is more advanced than what I am researching!"

"It's because there are too few projects assigned to you, right? You still have time to watch the live broadcast, so come play this kind of joke with me again."

Zhou Ping continued to check the data in the computer without looking up.

"Really! I saw it from the beginning to the end, it is really very likely to be a real gun!"

Jiang Chen's tone was very sincere.

Only then did Zhou Ping put down his work, and asked suspiciously, "Are you sure?"

Jiang Chen nodded vigorously: "I'm sure, here is the video of his live broadcast!"

After he found out that the gun Ye Bai made was likely to be a real gun, he started recording the screen.

Zhou Ping looked at the phone suspiciously. He knew that he, a student, would not lie.

But it is even more difficult for him to believe that an anchor has created an electromagnetic rifle.

The weapon that the whole world is researching and developing has been created by an anchor!

Who will believe it?

But when he saw the live recording, his face became serious.

As the video played, his expression changed from serious to surprised, then shocked, and finally incredible.

"Is this a live broadcast or a video?"

Live streaming is different from video, and video can use special effects.

Jiang Chen's eyes confirmed: "That's right, it's a recording!"

"Transfer the recorded video to the computer, hurry up."

Zhou Ping frowned, he wanted to study it carefully.

"All right."

The video is not big, but it goes fast.

Zhou Ping looked back at the recorded video carefully again, and slowed down and zoomed in on key places, and kept checking the details carefully.

"Really, it's true! Pressure relief device, energy recharging, and modular gun body are indeed much more advanced than what you've researched, amazing, amazing!"

After carefully reading it several times, Zhou Ping, who is in his sixties, couldn't help becoming excited.

"Quickly, go and inform other people, let them come and take a look, yes, send someone to invite them over immediately, take that gun with you, and let Colonel Liu go."

"Also, delete all the videos about this gun on the Internet, suppress them all, notify the local police station, and protect the anchor first."

Jiang Chen nodded quickly and went to do it.

Zhou Ping pushed his glasses, although it cannot be judged to be true by a screen recording.

But such technology is worth his gamble!


the other side.

Ye Bai, who was fine, put the rifle in the garage and started playing the game until three or four in the afternoon.

When I was playing vigorously, I suddenly heard a violent knock on the door.

He took off the earphones, frowned and shouted displeasedly: "Here we come, here we come, tap lightly."

When Ye Bai opened the door, he saw five policemen coming outside, and two more guarding the police car parked on the road.

He asked in astonishment: "What's the situation, police officer Uncle."

Li Tianci asked sharply, "Are you Ye Bai?"

Ye Bai nodded blankly, not knowing what he was doing, just now he was driving piles in Night City, he couldn't break the law if he called a chicken in the game.

Is it because...

Gradually several villagers surrounded him, and the police rarely came in the countryside.

They were all dutiful farmers and rarely saw this battle, so when they saw the police surrounding Ye Bai's house, they all came over curiously.

"take away!"

With a wave of Li Tianci's hand, two policemen, one on the left and one on the right, supported Ye Bai and left.

The remaining two went into the house to search.

Ye Bai didn't resist. He knew the reason why the people don't fight with the government, but he still asked suspiciously: "Excuse me, what did I do to arrest me?"

Looking at the policemen who entered the house, he had roughly guessed what was going on.

Li Tianci snorted coldly and said: "You illegally make guns, you are breaking the law, you know, and you asked me what I did!"

Li Tianci glared at Ye Bai viciously, making guns without permission is a felony!

Sure enough, it was reported, otherwise the police would definitely not know.

The key villagers don't know either, it can only be reported by people on the Internet.

Now Douyin can see the IP, and he is considered a small Internet celebrity, so many people know his home address.

He must have been stabbed in the back by black fans.

Ye Bai kept thinking of ways in his mind. He originally wanted to hand over the technology to the state.

If it can be equipped with the whole army, it will definitely greatly enhance the strength of Yanhuang Kingdom's army's individual soldiers.

But if he really went in and stepped on the sewing machine for a few years, it would be over.

Two police officers escorted him to the first police car.

After a while, the two policemen who entered the room came out holding the widow maker.

They nodded with Li Tianci and got into the police car behind.

"Comrade policeman, did you arrest the wrong one? Xiaoye is a pretty good kid. All the inventions he makes are useless, just for fun."

"Yes, you must have arrested the wrong person."

"His inventions that we see every day are all jokes. He is a good boy."

The villagers stepped forward to speak for Ye Bai one after another, because Ye Bai's useless invention really brought them a lot of joy.

"He is suspected of making guns, we will not arrest people randomly, rest assured, if he does not, we will let him go,"

Li Tianci frowned, and when he saw the gun, he also felt that he might have grasped it wrong.

That's not a normal gun at all, it's more appropriate to say it's a toy model, it's too sci-fi.

"Gun? You mean you took it out just now? It's similar to the toy I bought for my grandson. It must be fake."

"That's right. How can there be a gun like that? I haven't seen any guns before, and I still have gunshot wounds on my body."

A veteran villager shows his scars.

Li Tianci was helpless, he also received a report, and the higher authorities asked him to arrest people.

Now it seems that there may be a misunderstanding, it may indeed be a fake gun, but the process needs to go through.

"Don't worry everyone, if it's fake, he will definitely be released."


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