Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 44 If There Is A War, The Call Must Be Returned!

the next day.

There are many similar videos on Douyin.

In the video, a resident took a picture of the sky with his mobile phone, and the dubbing said: "The sky is full of fighter jets at night. Is there going to be a war?"

The same video is available all over the country.

They all said that they heard the sound of fighter jets and a lot of fireworks were set off.

A video of fireworks was on the hot list, and some military enthusiasts left a message saying that it was a jamming bomb, not a firework.

It is more solid to say that the war was fought.

[Fuck, the coordinates are in Changnan, last night I heard the roar of fighter jet engines all night, exciting! 】

[I also saw that there was an electric current, and there was an explosion in Changnan last night. 】

[Coordinate Zijin, I live very close to the military area, so many fighter planes took off yesterday. 】

[Coordinate Beiyang, Beiyang was the same yesterday, and there was interference with TV and mobile phone signals last night, it feels like something big happened. 】

[I, I, I took a picture of fireworks in the sky. I thought it was wrong at the beginning. Why did the fighter jet set off fireworks? It turned out to be a jamming bomb, and it was attacked! 】

[That is, jamming bombs will only be released if they are locked by the radar. 】

[The same is true in our Huatai region, we all have fighter planes taking off. 】

[Fuck, there are fighter planes fighting in the sky all over the country. Which country is so powerful that it can simultaneously attack the air forces of our military regions. 】

[Nimma, who dares to come to us when the National Day is approaching. 】

[Impossible, our Yanhuang is not in the past, who dares to come? 】

[No matter what, if there is a war, the call will come back! 】

[Let’s wait and see the official statement. 】

For a time, the popularity on the Internet continued to rise.

There is also a couple who took a photo of a beam of light piercing the sky. The copywriting is: Watching the night sky with Zhuzhu, lucky to catch a shooting star, and wish to be together forever.

Someone commented that it might not be a meteor, but a missile.

But the popularity of this video is not as high as other said fighter jets.

Just when everyone's blood boiled with excitement, they thought it was a war.

All videos will be taken down at the same time!

This is even more suspicious.

They ran to the scarf to ask the official.

Soon, the bureau issued a scarf: Last night, a simulated air battle was held across the country. In order to test the emergency response capabilities of the military region, everyone should not be excited, and there was no war.

But it's okay if he doesn't send out the scarf, but if he does, it's even worse.

Netizens left messages one after another.

[The strategic fools come out and say that the personal affairs are false, and the eighth achievement is true. 】

[The upstairs is right, I didn’t run away, there must have been a battle last night, I just don’t know how to win or lose. 】

[Fuck, who dares to invade our whole country at the same time, seek death. 】

[Although our military is not as powerful as Yingjiang, it is impossible to invade us. It cannot be that Ah San next door has a hot head again. 】

[If you dare to attack us at night, then hit New Delhi again! 】

[Secretary, stop fooling around, hurry up, I want to join the army. 】

The boss saw that something was wrong, so he could only delete the scarf and close the comment area.

But this matter also rushed to the hot search, and everyone paid attention to who attacked us at night.

In the end, the official had to end the statement that it was a simulated air battle to improve the daily security capabilities of each military region.

Coupled with controlling public opinion and blocking news, the popularity gradually dropped.

However, the instigator, Ye Bai, was still sound asleep.


In the Beiyang military factory, Mo Qiang approached Ye Bai early, but found that Ye Bai was gone.

So I ran to the fighter jet research and development area again, but I didn't see anyone.

"Mr. Liu, have you seen Ye Bai? Today is his delivery day."

Liu Cheng shook his head: "Forget it, you just do your own thing well. You know it's impossible, so why keep staring at him."

Mo Qiang said unwillingly: "Isn't he a first-level researcher of the Dragon Academy of Sciences? I just want to see how powerful he is."

Liu Cheng looked at him and shook his head: "You are like this, it will be difficult to break through in the future."

After finishing speaking, he continued to do research on the sixth-generation machine.

Mo Qiang was disdainful, and ran to Ye Bai's factory again, only to find that the door was open, and Yi Rou'er was also at the door.

"Yi, researcher Yi, you are also looking for Ye Bai."

Mo Qiang hurriedly stepped forward and greeted with a smile.

Yi Rou'er glanced at him lightly, then nodded, she frowned slightly, wondering where he had gone.

She went to Ye Bai's dormitory, but couldn't find anyone.

Mo Qiang looked into the factory building, except for the parts dismantled all over the place, there was no sign of Master Liu and Veyron 20!

Mo Qiang said in surprise: "Oh no, the Veyron 20 is gone. Could it be that Ye Bai is a traitor and drove the Veyron 20 away? No wonder another Veyron 20 was launched last night. He must have committed treason!"

Yi Rou'er frowned, and glanced at him: "You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately."

She didn't believe Mo Qiang's nonsense, she felt that there was something wrong with him.

So she turned around and left, she was going to ask Wu Mingyu.

Mo Qiang saw that Yi Rou'er actually spoke up for Ye Bai, and felt even more resentful.

Yi Rou'er didn't go far when she saw Wu Mingyu bringing a large group of guards over.

So he stepped forward and asked, "Director Wu, have you seen Researcher Ye?"

Wu Mingyu pondered for a moment and said, "He's in the Beiyang Military Region, and he went there last night."

Yi Rou'er was puzzled when she heard the words, why did she go to the military area suddenly.

She didn't believe that Ye Bai would drive the Veyron 20 away. She saw the Veyron 20 being dismantled, so it must be something else.

Wu Mingyu led the people away, and suddenly stopped and said: "By the way, you have been assisting Ye Bai, so go to the military area too."

Yi Rouer nodded.

Wu Mingyu brought people to Ye Bai's factory, and immediately ordered the security team to close the factory and block it, and no one was allowed to enter.

He happened to see Mo Qiang coming out of the workshop, and immediately asked, "Mo Qiang, what are you doing here, who let you in!"

Mo Qiang was startled. When he saw such a security team, he immediately walked up to Wu Mingyu: "I, I came to look for Ye Bai, and saw that Veyron 20 was gone. I guess he must have treasoned and colluded with foreign forces. Last night, pilots from other countries drove the Veyron 20 away."

Wu Mingyu stared at the words, and raised his brows: "Nonsense! It's a bunch of nonsense. This place has been listed as the top secret. It's not a place you can enter. Take it down for me and accept punishment!"

Mo Qiang was taken away by the security team with a confused face.

It's over.

Top secret!

Then I went in and turned around, and the punishment would be severe, and my career as a researcher might be ruined!

"how so."


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