Ye Bai sorted out the basic information and user manuals of Xialongyuan and handed them to Liu Shouguo, and happily went home on the chief's special plane.

After coming out of the airport, Ye Bai took a taxi directly to go home.

Ye Bai's parents lived in an old residential area in the county seat. When he was walking on the road, he found that most of the surrounding places had been demolished.

When he got home, his father Ye Ji opened the door.

Seeing Ye Bai was a little surprised, Ye Ji scolded with a smile: "I still know how to go home."

After speaking, he looked behind Ye Bai again, his expression changed: "Alone? Why come back alone."

After speaking, he gave him a disgusted look, and was about to close the door.


Ye Bai hurriedly resisted the door and said, "Next time I come back, I must bring one. I just graduated not long ago."

"Second brother, just let him in, Xiaobai is still young."

This is someone talking in the room.

Ye Bai looked into the house and saw that the uncle and the third aunt were both at home.

Two cousins ​​were there too.

Cousin Ye Tao was still wearing a military uniform with a medal on his chest.

Ye Ji gave Ye Bai a hard look before letting him in.

After Ye Bai entered the door, he greeted him politely.

This is Ye's mother, Song Jia, coming out of the kitchen, and she said happily: "Oh, my son is back, he really knows how to catch up, and it's time for dinner."

Ye Bai smiled and said, "Mom, I smell the smell of braised pork."

Song Jia smiled and brought out a braised pork stewed in a casserole from the kitchen: "You have a good nose, please sit down. Today your cousin returned to his hometown in fine clothes and won a third-class collective meritorious service in the army. I came here to announce the good news."

Ye Tao smiled and walked up to Ye Bai: "What kind of work is my brother doing now, why don't I ask you to join me as a soldier, and I can take care of you when the time comes."

The uncle immediately said: "Yes, Xiaobai, I heard from your parents that you are working in Zijin City. What kind of future can you get if you work part-time? Let your brother find a relationship and let you go to the army. When he is in the army, what can your brother do?" Speak up."

Ye Bai smiled lightly and shook his head: "I do live broadcasts very well, and I earn a lot."

When he was doing live broadcasts of useless inventions, he earned more than 10,000 yuan a month. The main reason is that he did not accept advertisements or join MCN organizations, otherwise he would earn more.

As soon as several relatives heard that it was the anchor, they immediately began to persuade them.

Sangu frowned and said: "What can Internet celebrities do? No matter how much they earn, it's temporary. It doesn't last long, and it's not regular. It's not as good as my family's proud job. It would be nice to let you follow your elder brother."

The eldest aunt looked regretful: "Look at your brother, he is only three years older than you, and he has won medals. This is a matter of honoring the ancestors. Looking back on our family tree, your brother must be in an important position. You are an Internet celebrity. There is no future."

The uncle hated iron and steel and echoed: "Xiaobai, I'm not talking about you. You are the only one in our family who is not a weapon now. Look at your brother. He did research in the Zijin Military Region, developed a new armored vehicle, and won an award directly. The bonus is one hundred thousand."

Ye Bai scratched his head: "I have also earned hundreds of thousands in the past few years."

Ye Ji smiled and said: "Yes, Xiaobai sends money home every month, we have saved it, and there are quite a lot."

The uncle pursed his lips and said: "Money is secondary, the important thing is the medal, third-class merit! That is the glory of a lifetime."

As he spoke, he pointed to the medal on Ye Tao's chest, not to mention how proud he was.

Ye Tao patted Ye Bai on the shoulder with a smile on his face: "We are all brothers, and you are also a university graduate. I will ask the leader of the institute. When the time comes, you will be a soldier. I will operate again and get you into my institute." , is more promising than your live broadcast."

Ye Ji waved his hands and said haha: "Hey, my son is not good enough, just let him be happy, we don't force him, as long as he works hard and doesn't violate the law, he can do anything."

Song Jia also smiled and said, "Yes, everyone sit down and eat. We Xiaobai raised them. Let Xiaotao eat more today. It's a shame for our old Ye's parents."

Ye Ji wanted to take the luggage from Ye Bai's hand: "You go and sit too."

"No, I'll take it in by myself."

Ye Bai put the luggage in his room. Although he was not at home, the room was still tidy.

He simply tidied up his things.

Back in the restaurant, everyone chatted in full swing, and Ye Tao was talking about his research and development project.

"The armored vehicle I participated in the research and development of was in the new equipment test in the past few months, but it directly entered the new equipment candidate area, and after these months of selection, it has been put into production, and this is the collective third-class merit."

"Our Zijin Military Region has a strong scientific research force. The armored vehicle I participated in research and development has already caught up with Yingjiang's latest armored vehicle."

Ye Bai just came out at this time, and Ye Tao signaled Ye Bai: "If you get Xiao Bai in, help me, and if he develops a new equipment at that time, then he can also get a medal."

Everyone was amazed, and they all caught up with Ying Jiang.

In their cognition, Eagle Sauce Technology is the highest in the world.

The third aunt immediately said: "It's amazing, it's really strong to be able to catch up with Yingjiang. By the way, Xiaotao, see if you can make my family proud and can you go in. Although he only has a junior high school education, he is hardworking and quick-witted. "

Ye Proudly and obsequiously approached Ye Tao to toast: "Come on, brother, let me toast you."

Ye Tao held up his wine glass with a look of embarrassment on his face: "Junior high school may not work, Xiaobai at least graduated from a prestigious university. We do scientific research, and majors are very important."

Now the third aunt is not happy: "What can Xiaobai graduate from a prestigious university? Isn't he also becoming an Internet celebrity? That's crooked. My family is proud that although he graduated from junior high school, he has a serious job."

Song Jia waved her hand: "Third Aunt, my Xiaobai is also working seriously, but we don't force him to do anything, and he won't go to the army if he doesn't want to. Xiaotao will see if he can help him to be proud."

Ye Tao nodded helplessly and said: "Okay, it should be fine to let him serve as a soldier. The rest depends on his own efforts."

Ye proudly said: "I'm not going to be a soldier. I'm exhausted. I will either go directly to the research institute, or I will fail. If I practice again, I will become a professional e-sports player and earn more than you."

The third aunt took her son: "Forget it, forget it, who made you useless, look at others, how powerful a famous university is, how glorious a third-class skill is, you, even if you don't study hard, you know how to do game leveling. Our family can't compare."

The uncles who said this were very embarrassed.

"Come and drink, it's a happy day, what are you talking about?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit stiff, Ye Ji raised his glass for everyone to have a drink.

"By the way, Xiaotao, didn't I hear you say that the new equipment you developed will go to the military parade?"

The eldest aunt wanted to show off again, deliberately looking for topics.

Ye Ji nodded quickly and said: "There will be a military parade on National Day this time, and the armored vehicle I participated in the research and development will participate in the military parade and be reviewed by the supreme leadership."

Song Jia boasted: "Xiaotao is amazing, it's really amazing that he can accept that reviewer."

Ye Ji echoed: "Yes, by the way, tomorrow's banquet is ready, let's help."

The uncle nodded and said: "It's ready. This time, Guohao Hotel knew that my son was going to hold a celebration banquet. He won the third-class medal for meritorious service. He specially vacated the hall and even offered a discount."

The aunt proudly said: "The Guohao Hotel is the best hotel in our county, and the county leaders should also come tomorrow."

The third aunt said in a strange way: "That's really beautiful."

The eldest aunt is not used to the third aunt: "That is, she is more beautiful than you."

Ye Bai's family was a little speechless, isn't this implicated for nothing.

Ye Ji had no choice but to continue to smooth things over.

Ye Bai looked at this table, the uncle and aunt were proud of the spring breeze, and the elder brother was full of ambition.

Mom and Dad were caught in the middle, a little embarrassed, and didn't want to cause trouble.

The third aunt was bitter because her son was said to be too low-educated, and always had a strange mood.

If he didn't participate, he would eat a few more pieces of braised pork. It had been several months, and he missed his mother's cooking skills.

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