Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 59 Crisis, I Am Here! (Seeking Subscription)

"Ambassador Huo, we can't stand it for too long."

Guo Nian, the captain of the peacekeeping force who fought all night, looked angrily at the rampant rebels outside the wall.

Yesterday, many places in Nafaso suddenly launched mutinies, and the capital was directly controlled by the rebels.

The presidential palace was directly occupied.

What's important is that Guo Nian saw many familiar weapons in the hands of the rebels, the conspicuous M16, all of which are Yingjiang strays!

"Although our communications have been cut off, I believe the country must have sent someone over.

Huo Qinian was in the yard, surrounded by many refugees and even government troops, all of them were panic-stricken.

The government army is even more with the refugees, with guns in their hands, but they dare not fight.

"Ambassador Huo, go in quickly, it's too dangerous outside."

Guo Nian kept shooting outside to suppress the opponent.

After a night of fighting, they were exhausted.

I want government troops to take over, but they have no combat effectiveness at all.

Even if you pull it up, you don't dare to shoot, it's useless at all.

Many of their brothers have been injured, and they are almost out of bullets.

Huo Qinian glanced at the refugees in the embassy, ​​and there was no place for them.

Huo Qinian shook his head: "It's okay, I'm right here, be careful.

At this time, the embassies of other countries have already closed their doors, or ran to the "740"

Only the Yanhuang embassy will receive refugees and provide asylum.

At this time, Guo Nian saw two pickup trucks coming outside, each with a Gatling on it!

Outside the rebels were talking to the guy who had just arrived to drive the pickup truck.

Suddenly, Guo Nian's pupils dilated [yelling! "Look for cover, there is an RPG!"

I saw two rebels carrying RPG rockets and launching them directly.

With two sounds of '咻' and '咻'.

Two rockets bombed towards the defensive point on the wall of the Yanhuang embassy.


As soon as Guo Nian and others took refuge, they heard two explosions.

All of a sudden, the sky was filled with dust and gravel flew randomly.

There was also a cry of pain.

"Captain, I can't feel my hand, my hand!"

"Ah, my leg is broken, Cao Nima, I will fight!"

"I'm going to fight too, brother, to break my parents!"

"Bah bah."

Guo Nian crawled out of the mud in disgrace, and just spit out the mud in his mouth, when he saw his companions shooting at the rebels with guns, he quickly shouted: "Calm down, don't stand up!"

But soon there was a violent gunshot, and a bullet took the soldier's life away!

Seeing the sacrifice of his companions, Guo Nianhen's eyes turned red, and he warned loudly: "Everyone, calm down, protect yourself for those who are injured, and don't be impulsive!"

Guo Nian yelled at the embassy again: "Tell those government troops, if the special ones don't want to die, come and defend me, and help carry the wounded down! Hurry up!"

There are more than a dozen government troops from Nafaso, but none of them are there.

The interpreter immediately yelled at the government troops, but they didn't listen.

At this time, Gatlin on the pickup truck outside began to turn slowly.


Da da da.......

The sound of dense bullets sounded.

The wall of the embassy was instantly punched with bullet holes.

Guo Nian quickly came down from the defense platform on the fence, pointed a gun at the head of the Nafaso government army: "Go up to me, or I will kill you now!"

It's a pity that my brother was injured and sacrificed for this kind of person.

He obviously has weapons but doesn't fight, and he's not a refugee, but he's still squatting here in fear, what kind of soldier is he?

The government soldiers were so frightened that they stood up reluctantly, and Guo Nian took them to the wall, and the refugees helped carry the wounded on their own.

"The ones below you must be on guard. Whenever anyone approaches, hit them. Otherwise, hide. Don't sacrifice in vain."

There are also peacekeepers behind the wall.

Fortunately, the wall here is strong enough, and the two rockets only blew up one piece.

The gate is cast steel and is very difficult to break.

But if this continues, it will be broken sooner or later.

The rebels outside began to press forward under the cover of a rain of two Gatling bullets.

Guo Nian and others were under heavy firepower and couldn't raise their heads to fight back.

They can only look for opportunities and shoot back in the gaps.

But the hit rate is impressive, only occasionally hitting a rebel.

The situation has become more and more critical.

"Ambassador Huo, if this continues, we may not be able to last tonight!"

Wang Kemang came to Nafaso with the 10th team of Yanlong Special Forces, they did not directly parachute to the capital Wadougou.

Instead, it was airborne on a farmland outside Wadougou.

Because Yongyeon discovered in the sky that there are some anti-aircraft guns in Wadougou!

And drones and more.

Obviously, it was prepared for them. It is impossible for such a small and backward country to own these equipments.

So Long Yuan found a safe place for them to land.

Everyone quickly took off the parachute and prepared the airborne army.

"According to the plan, you are looking for more vehicles outside the city to connect with the troops landing from the coast."

Wang Kemang issued a mission. According to the plan, he first went to the city to rescue the trapped people in the embassy, ​​sent him to the 10th team of Ge Songmeng outside the city to assemble, and then went in to search and rescue overseas Chinese in other places.

Song Meng and others waited outside the city for the rescue troops who landed from the sea, and brought the rescued people back to the 052D destroyer parked on the coastline.

Song Meng nodded and said: "Boss, be careful."

Wang Kemang smiled: "During this week's test, don't you know the abnormality of this suit of armor made by Bai?"

Song Meng and the others laughed in relief when they heard the words. Indeed, with the dark dragon armor and two new rifles, there is no problem in sneaking into the rescue alone!

"Okay, then let's go first."

Song Meng drove the military vehicle that came down from the air, and led the team members to quickly approach Wadougou.

"It doesn't matter who comes first."

Wang Kemang was wearing the dark dragon armor, his body was slightly lowered, and then he rushed out.

Artificial muscle fibers inside the armor provide powerful explosive power.

Wang Kemang was like a cheetah, running wildly across the fields, and the speed was not slower than Song Meng and others driving at all!

"I'm stupid, this is too fucking fierce!"

Tang Lei stared blankly at Wang Kemang who was running away.

Their car has already driven to a hundred yards [even Wang Ke also overtook them.

After all, he is a human being, and he can run faster than a car!

"It's not that I haven't seen it before, it's rare and strange."

Song Meng pouted, they had been testing this suit of armor for a week.

According to the information and operation manual given by Ye Bai, its top speed is 200 km/h!

Wang Kemang quickly came to Wadougou and hid behind an empty house. At this time, the city was full of rebels.

There are two mounting points on the back of the Dark Dragon Armor. At this time, the bullet box is mounted on the left side, and the magazine can be taken out at any time, and the YBD-01 electromagnetic sniper rifle is mounted on the right side.

Holding a YBZ-10 smart assault rifle in his hand.

From Wang Kemang's perspective, the cellular vision network system quickly locked on to rebel targets in the distance.

And mark their distance and weapons in hand!

There are even detailed information such as the degree of danger...

At the same time, there is an overall reduced version map in the upper right corner, which also marks the location of the enemy and the embassy.

This is the result of scanning with the radar of the high-altitude Yongyon anti-gravity fighter!

The equipment developed by Ye Bai can all be connected to the Internet.

At this time, there are ten red dots closest to Wang Kemang, that is, ten enemies.

All armed with AKs "without wearing any body armor.

Dark Dragon Armor gives a hazard rating of 0.

"Dark Dragon 1, mark the closest route to the embassy."

Wang Kemang issued an order, as the prototype of the Dark Dragon Armor, Ye Bai named his intelligent system Dark Dragon No. 1.

'Route marked. '

A green route immediately appeared in Wang Kemang's vision, guiding the streets of Wadougou.

He took the smart assault rifle, and then rushed out from behind the house in an instant.

The rebels immediately found this strange humanoid monster, and quickly roared loudly with their guns.

But what greeted them were bullets that looked like they had eyes!

In their horrified, astonished eyes.

Ten bullets took away ten rebels in an instant, and even the rebels hiding behind the wall were hit between the eyebrows by the rounded bullets!

This is also due to the radar lock of the Yongyon anti-gravity fighter.

The dark dragon armor combined with the multi-radar scanning of the Yongyon anti-gravity fighter can lock you even in the room!

Unless you hide in a place that can shield the radar, otherwise you will die!

With the auxiliary locking of the Dark Dragon Armor and the Yongyuan Anti-Gravity Fighter, the YBZ-10 smart assault rifle is also more efficient to harvest.

Wang Kemang quickly ran towards the embassy along the route marked by the dark dragon armor.

"Be careful! RPG is coming again!"

Guo Nian yelled and told everyone to take cover.

Following the two explosions, several more people were injured, among which the government soldiers cried the loudest.

"Help, God, I'm going to die, I don't want to die."

"Help me, come quickly, my God."

The cries made people feel irritable, and some even had minor injuries, and they were shouting for help.

The refugees quickly carried down the crying government troops.

At this time, another modified off-road vehicle came, and the front was reinforced with steel.

I saw the off-road vehicle slam on the accelerator and then rushed towards the heavy gate of the embassy. 4.3

Although the gate is made of steel plate, it is very strong, but the place where it is anchored cannot withstand such an impact!

"Shoot, quick!"

Guo Nian immediately ordered someone to attack the off-road vehicle.

But the rebels didn't give them a chance at all. Gatling spit out the tongue of fire again, and the violent bullets suppressed them.

"What the hell, how do you fight? How can these people cooperate like this!"

It was obviously a group of rebels, but they cooperated very well.




With the roar of the engine and the violent impact.

Everyone's hearts tightened little by little.

The gates and wall anchorages have been knocked open!

Even the steel plates were dented.

"What the hell, I can't stand it anymore."

Guo Nian looked at the gate below angrily: "Everyone find cover and prepare to meet the enemy!"

Huo Qinian looked at the door nervously, and he stretched out his hands to protect the colleagues and refugees behind him: "I'm here!"

With another loud bang.

The gate was knocked down, and the heavy gate kicked up a large cloud of dust, covering everyone's sight.

All they heard was wild cheers from the rebels as they rushed towards the embassy.

At this time, a series of screams suddenly sounded from the rear of the rebels.

There was even a flare!.

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