Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 62 Squeeze The Rocket! (Seeking Subscription)

"Hit him with rockets!"

Zambi yelled, but ran into the president's office by himself.

The Rebel immediately took the RPG and shot.

The dark dragon armor automatically locks on high-risk targets, and can kill 40 enemies at one time.


Five or six rockets fired at Wang Kemang at the same time with trailing flames, and the other people carrying the RPG were killed before they fired.

Wang Kemang rushed to all the rockets at once to prevent accidental injury to overseas Chinese.

'Boom boom...

Explosions sounded one after another.

Fierce flames erupted and engulfed him directly.

In the flames, he fired a gun with one hand, grabbed a rocket with the other, and threw it at the rebels.

RPG is that the warhead hits the fuze to trigger the explosion, so as long as you don't touch the warhead fuze.

Everyone looked at the flying rockets in horror and fled away.

The rebels didn't have the dark dragon armor, so they were directly blown to death.

In just one meeting, all the rebels carrying the RPG were killed, and the rebels who held the overseas Chinese were also wiped out.

It was so fast that the rebels had no time to react.

It only takes less than a second for Wang Kemang to reload, and there is almost no gap between the bullets.

With a rate of fire of 2000 rounds per minute, the YBZ-10 can fire more than 30 bullets in just one second, which means that more than 30 rebels will die in one second!

But the bullets of the rebels could not hurt Wang Kemang at all.

He just stood there, one against three hundred!

"Fuck, how to fight this, the black death is real!"

"It can't be killed at all, what the hell is that, why can't even rocket bombs blow up."

"Run away, not only can't kill him, but his bullets seem to have eyes, no matter where he hides, he will be hit."

"Made, I'll have to take a back when I die."

Several rebels pointed their guns at the hostages, but they were immediately locked and killed by the Dark Dragon Armor. 947 "You all go to the back and hide!"

Wang Kemang roared.

More than twenty overseas Chinese hurriedly ran behind him.

All rebels targeting them will be eliminated first.

The overseas Chinese fled to the wall, and when they looked back, they saw a tall black figure holding a gun, repeatedly reloading and firing.

Face hundreds of armed rebels in front of you alone!

The muzzle of the gun continued to spit fire snakes, and the rebels fell one by one.

It's a completely one-sided situation.

He is like the invincible black god of war!

"This suit of armor is really cool!"

"That gun too, the bullets seem to be traceable."

"I saw the red color on his chest, it's amazing to my country!"

Many of them took cover and hid to prevent accidental injury by stray bullets.

"Damn it, I'll fuck you up!"

Then Zombie came out with a bigger bazooka on his shoulders.

‘RPG-27 shoulder-fired rocket launcher!’

This is a large caliber rocket.

Ordinary RPG generally refers to RPG-7, the caliber is only 40MM, and the caliber of this rocket is 105mm!

The dark dragon armor quickly marked the weapon information, and Wang Kemang happened to be changing bullets at this time.

Zombie fired straight away.

The explosive force of this missile is enormous.

The rocket shot towards Wang Kemang quickly, but in the honeycomb vision system of the Dark Dragon Armor, it seemed that the speed was not fast.

Wang Kemang's legs suddenly exerted strength, and he rushed over.

Accurately grasp this large-caliber rocket with one hand!

Then in the terrified and incredible eyes of everyone.

There was a sound of 'Boom!', and it exploded directly!!

A huge explosion sounded, and the shock wave (ccbh) quickly impacted all around!

Because he was worried that overseas Chinese would be affected, Wang Kemang ran towards the rebels and then exploded.

At this point he was very close to the rebels.

The rebels didn't wear dark dragon armor like him.

The huge explosion directly killed dozens of rebels!

This picture is so shocking!!

It has more impact than hard anti-missiles!

He even exploded a large-caliber rocket with his bare hands!!

At that moment, the fire light reflected on the golden honeycomb visual device, like the god of death who harvested their lives!!

"The devil, the devil! This fellow is a devil!

The rebels are already terrified!!

Wang Kemang quickly changed the bullet, and sent it away, still in a daze, Zambi went to Xitian with a horrified expression on his face.

Once Zombi died, the other rebels who had no fighting spirit at all suddenly lost the idea of ​​continuing to fight.

Another rout and escape.

Wang Kemang didn't let them go, and chased them out.

These are all evil people who dare to kidnap overseas Chinese from Yanhuang, they should be killed!

Another harvest without suspense, no matter how the rebels escape, they will be chased and killed by Wang Kemang.

This time he did not spare a rebel.

After a while, Wang Kemang returned to the presidential palace, and the vicinity was emptied by the rebels, so there was no one there.

After he wiped out all the rebels, it was very safe here.

"I am Wang Kemang, the captain of the Yanlong Special Forces of the Zijin Military Region. I will drive out and I will take you to evacuate."

As soon as the voice fell, several people came out immediately.

After Wang Kemang took them to find a usable car, he came back to pick up all the remaining overseas Chinese.

"Hi sir, we were going to the embassy. Before we were arrested, we heard that there was a siege there. I don't know if they have evacuated safely."

There are concerns about the safety of the embassy.

"Yes, my parents went to the embassy first, I don't know if they are safe or not."

Some people fear for the safety of their loved ones.

Wang Kemang comforted: "Don't worry, all the people in the embassy have been evacuated safely."

Everyone was relieved after hearing the words, and all laughed happily.

The motherland has not forgotten them [specially send such powerful fighters to rescue them.

Wang Kemang ran in front of the convoy to lead the way, and the others followed.

"This man actually runs faster than driving a car. I want to wear this suit of armor too."

"It's simply invincible, just now he directly squeezed and exploded a rocket, it's really too fierce!"

"I will never do business abroad again, it's still safe at home."

"Yes, China is definitely the safest country."

Everyone decided not to go abroad for the rest of their lives after the catastrophe. After all, life is more important.

After Wang Kemang and others left.

Another group of government troops came to the presidential palace in Wadougou, the capital, and they approached the presidential palace carefully.

"I heard fierce fighting and fire just now, and I don't know what's going on inside."

They are Vice President Nafaso who wants to take back the presidential palace.

The president has been sacrificed by the rebels.

When they walked into the presidential palace, they saw the corpses of rebels all over the place.

There are broken limbs and broken arms everywhere, and there are traces left by the explosion on the ground.

The M3 infantry fighting vehicle also had some armor damage.

"Wang Defa, what is the situation, so many rebels died.

"Which country's army came here just now? Helped us suppress the rebels."

"Look, that's General Zombie, and he's dead too!"

"Vice President, go in quickly. Once Zamby dies, the rebels will be leaderless. We will immediately announce that we have regained control of Wadougou, killed Zamby, and announce to the world that the rebels have failed."

The vice president immediately entered the president's office, and everyone began to tidy up and build defenses to prevent the rebels from fighting back.

Arashi sea.

On the Peanutton aircraft carrier, Michael received the last phone call from General Zambie, as well as some surveillance images.

"What is this? The Terminator?"

Michael pointed to the black dragon armor in the picture, his mouth shut in surprise.

In less than a minute of the entire battle, the rebels were completely defeated!

It simply overturned his imagination!

Jones shook his head: "It should be some kind of individual armor, which is much stronger than our individual exoskeleton armor."

Their state-of-the-art exoskeleton armor is just an aid.

It can improve the soldier's individual load and small-scale assist in shooting stability and other functions.

It can help soldiers lift a hundred kilograms of objects easily, and it is very easy to lift and put down hundreds of times in a row, and the field soldiers will not be tired.

This is already leading the world, but it is not bulletproof.

They also don't have this kind of full-coverage individual armor.

That's still the theoretical presence in the research design!

But Yanhuang has already been created, and not only can it resist bullets, but it can also resist rockets!

Even squeeze rockets.

Are you afraid?

"Fake, what kind of secret technology did Yanhuang acquire? So many high-techs appeared at once, much better than ours!"

Michael looked at the surveillance video in disbelief.

The individual equipment of the two countries is simply incomparable!

In the past, Yingjiang's individual equipment was the most complete and the best.

Body armor, helmets, night vision goggles, etc., are all at the top level in the world.

But now it is directly surpassed by Yanhuang's individual armor.

Still the crushing kind!

Jones was also surprised: "I didn't expect the bullet tracking to be real, and their introduction to the military parade is all real!"

Michael freezes the picture to the place where Zamby's men check the M3 infantry fighting vehicle being pierced: "So, this should be caused by the electromagnetic sniper rifle at the military parade."

Jones nodded.

Now whether it's individual equipment or firearms, Yanhuang always beats them up.

Michael's face was very ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Hmph, it's useless even if their army is strong, we have the strongest air force and navy in the world, and it seems that their armor hasn't been installed yet."

Jones was a little worried: "They still have that anti-gravity fighter jet, which is also terrifying in terms of performance!"

Michael waved his hand irritably: "It doesn't matter, there is only one aircraft on the parade, it is estimated to be a demonstration aircraft, and it will take several years before it is officially installed. The more advanced it is, the harder it is to officially enter service.

Jones nodded, indeed, it will take a long time from the verification machine to the official model determination.

The configuration of advanced fighters is high, and it takes more time to verify and manufacture.

It is extremely difficult.

"At that time, our sixth-generation aircraft will be developed, and there will even be such advanced fighter jets. I don't believe that our Yingjiang will be worse than Yanhuang!"

Michael's eyes were cold: "Notify the people in Nafaso, it's time to close the net."

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