Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 79: Raging Plasma! The Emp Shock Wave Is Really Too Weak!

After the first round of heavy electron shells was sent out, the second round followed.

Two heavy electron shells galloped across the sea.

The soldiers on the two neon country frigates saw the artillery shells coming towards them, and quickly controlled the warships to turn.

"Baga, hurry up, turn around quickly!

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

"It's too late, slow down, slow down and let it pass!"

"Baga, damn it, fight them, fire the main gun!"

The soldiers were in chaos, they witnessed a person being gasified and a frigate being instantly destroyed!

They have no way to resist such an attack!

Someone turned the cannon angrily and fired at the Luanfeng Skycarrier.

There was a 'bang'.

A cannonball was fired from the gun barrel at a very high speed, just hitting the heavy electron cannonball.

With a bang, the shell was directly detonated!

The heavy electron shells passed through in an instant and hit the frigate!

There was a violent electric explosion.

The violent electric current exploded instantly, expanded, and swallowed the entire frigate directly!!

Then the almost substantial plasma in the center of the heavy electron shell exploded!


A deafening explosion sounded suddenly.

The berserk white plasma, "Seven Three Three" soared into the sky crazily, and was stopped in the electromagnetic field of EMP.

The powerful shock wave directly creates a layer of huge waves on the sea surface!

The same was followed by another frigate.

Two violent explosions rang out in the surrounding sea area.

Two huge waves with a height of 20 meters rushed towards the surroundings.

When the berserk current dissipated, the two frigates had already turned into wreckage, completely shattered by the bombing.

The soldiers on the frigate were also gasified!

The soldiers on the remaining warships of the Neon Kingdom stared at all this in astonishment.

"Even if this shot is going to destroy an aircraft carrier!"

"Escape, if you can't escape, how can you fight like this, it's too scary!"

"Yehe-jun, please beg them, Yanhuang people are very kind, please don't kill us, don't they want to rise peacefully!"

"I, I don't want to die here, absolutely don't die here!"

Some soldiers had completely collapsed, some were frightened and limp on the ground, leaving a stench on the ground, and some had a fishy smell from their bodies.

Some jumped directly from the boat, but in this vast sea, jumping down is waiting to die!

Inobe Inohe was holding on to the fence tightly, the soldiers had already lost their fighting spirit, and now they all collapsed.

He has no way out!

Everyone on the Luanfeng Sky Mothership cheered when they saw two more frigates being blown up.

"Haha, this is the heavy electron cannon I participated in building, it doesn't work!"

"Bull, brother, one shot into the soul!"

"It's too strong, this picture is too exciting, it's like wanting to destroy the world."

"The power of thunder is so terrifying!"

"This shot can definitely sink an aircraft carrier!"

It is almost impossible to sink an aircraft carrier.

That would require a lot of anti-ship missiles to be possible. Even Yanhuang's aircraft carrier killer missiles would need several rounds to paralyze an aircraft carrier.

Paralyzed, not sunk!

But everyone has no doubt about the power of the heavy electron cannon just now!

"If you can't run away, kill it! Fight back! We are the citizens of the Neon Kingdom, we are not allowed to escape, anyone who dares to escape will be killed, all return to the combat position, and activate the missiles!"

Inobe took out his pistol and roared, he returned to the command room and issued an order: "All fighters take off, hit me, hit with the fiercest firepower!

Anyone who dares to escape will be shot immediately!!"

Those who still had some combat power left quickly obeyed orders.

The two frigates quickly opened the vertical launch units.

"Springfield 1573 anti-ship missiles are ready!"

"Chunfeng 1314 anti-ship missile is ready!"

Inobe Inohe roared, "Launch!"

After the missiles lifted off from the launch unit, they rushed directly to the Luanfeng space carrier.

"Fei Dian No. 1 has taken off."

"Fertilizer No. 2 has been launched."

"Fat Electric No. 3......"

All the F35Bs on the helicopter carrier also took off and flew towards the Luanfeng space carrier.

One after another airborne anti-ship missiles were also launched.

More than a dozen missiles rushed towards Ye Bai's battleship with long tail flames.

"Baga, blow you to death, Baga, hahaha!!"

Inobe Yehe roared, and all the soldiers of the Neon Kingdom looked at those missiles expectantly.

"Hmph, stop running? EMP Shockwave is ready."

Ye Bai looked at the incoming missiles in the projection with disdain.

'EMP shockwave is ready.

I saw another layer of blue light curtain surrounding the hull of the Luanfeng Sky Mothership on the island.

"Range: 100 km, launch!!"


Like a shock wave, a layer of blue light curtain quickly spread around, sweeping away the incoming anti-ship missiles in an instant.

Immediately, all the electronic components in the missile were short-circuited!

It's like setting off fireworks.

‘Boom boom boom......

A series of explosions sounded.

All anti-ship missiles detonated in mid-air!!

When the EMP shock wave swept over the F35B fighter jet in the Neon Country, all the electronic equipment on the plane failed, and short-circuit sparks and small explosions appeared.

"Fei Dian No. 1 report, the plane is out of control, the plane is out of control!"

"Feidian No. 2 is also out of control, the engine stops, the engine stops, and all equipment fails!!"

"We're going to crash, Baga!!"

All the planes fell into the sea like dumplings, and then exploded.

Some planes even had missiles mounted on them, and even exploded directly, destroying the plane together!!

"This is the EMP Shockwave I participated in building! It is a system with the EMP Electromagnetic Field, haha, it's amazing!!"

"This is too strong, right? Directly rejecting all missile attacks, I am afraid that as long as it is an electronic device, it will instantly fail and explode!"

"Yes, this is the power of EMP. In fact, according to the function, the current EMP electromagnetic field is a huge shield. It is different from the proton shield. It will only cause damage and prevent electronic equipment!!"

If any one of these technologies is taken out alone, it can become a treasure of the town!!!

Inobe Noko watched as the blue light curtain swept past his own missiles and fighter planes in the distance.

The missile exploded in an instant, and the fighter planes also crashed one after another!

Completely ashamed.

"I can't fight anymore, the strength gap is too big!"

He slumped to the ground like a deflated ball.

At this time, the EMP shock wave just swept over their battleship...

The sound of short-circuiting and small explosions continued to be heard, and the entire electronic system of the battleship was also destroyed.

A soldier suddenly went crazy, roared and rushed outside, operating the main gun to shoot continuously at the Luanfeng space carrier!

The main gun of this battleship has no electronic equipment, which is similar to the main gun of a tank.

Aim without electronics.

Cannonballs bombarded the Luanfeng skycarrier in a parabola!

The people on the other two battleships also quickly fired their main guns.

"Start the automatic interception system."

Ye Bai gave instructions calmly, and the intelligent system responded immediately.

'The automatic interception system is activated!'

Everyone on the deck immediately saw a circular hole quickly opened on the hull facing the shell attack.


Bunches of focused lasers shoot out instantly, accurately and quickly intercepting all incoming shells.

In the command room, the radar quickly locked on the shells.

There was another series of explosions, and all shells were intercepted!

Not a single fish slipped through the net!!

Seeing that all methods were ineffective, the soldiers of the Neon Kingdom stopped resisting and waited to be judged.

Inobe Inohe suddenly shouted: "The Neon Kingdom will not let you go!"

Ye Bai curled his lips, lost interest in playing, and shook his head: "It's too weak, I can't test it to my heart's content, let's end it.

The cation cannon on the Luanfeng Sky Mothership also has an anti-city mode, and its power has been increased by dozens of times, but it cannot be tested.

The protective capabilities of Phase Armor and Proton Shield were also not tested, etc.

"Three rounds of heavy electronic cannons, let's deal with the rest of the enemies."

Ye Bai gave the final order blankly.

Three terrifying plasma balls rushed towards the remaining neon warships.

No accident, the last three warships were all blown to pieces, and even those who jumped into the sea were all electrocuted to death. .

"Take back the EMP electromagnetic field and activate the mimic stealth."

In an instant, the blue beam of light on the signal tower disappeared, and the blue light curtain covering the surrounding 100 kilometers disappeared.

The Luanfeng Sky Mothership also disappeared from the sea.

"It's so cool, haha, 3.0 is completely wiped out!"

"It's great to go out for a walk with Academician Ye this time, life is fulfilled!"

"Hmph, let the countries that still want to bully us take a good look! This is the end!!"

Ye Bai controls the Luanfeng Skycarrier to re-launch and fly into the sky.

After a while, Du Yue's fleet arrived near Kirishima, where peace has been completely restored.

There are a large number of warship fragments floating on the sea, and no one survives!


Du Yue gasped: "What did Ye Bai do? He destroyed the battleship to such an extent!"

He looked at the fragments on the sea in disbelief, how much equivalent bombs would be needed to blow up a thousand-ton battleship into such small pieces!!

"And what is that blue light curtain and white lightning column?"

He saw the effects of the EMP electromagnetic field opened by Ye Bai and the heavy electron cannon bombardment in the distance.

He has been in the army for decades, and he has never seen such a thing.

"Reporting to the chief, the Neon Fleet was completely wiped out, yes, it was bombed and shattered, but Ye Bai was not seen."

At this time, the First Fleet of Inles also appeared far away on the sea level.

"Fuck, what the hell were those just now!!".

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