Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 83 Go Straight Into Production, Yb Series Military Products! (Plus More)

Liu Shouguo has absolute trust in Ye Bai's equipment!

He just wanted to personally feel the defensive effect brought by this weapon.

Shen Yi and Lou Chengkun looked at each other, and they both chose to trust.

Shen Yi said: "Come on, a super genius who can realize high-energy beam lasers, plasma balls and electronic thunderstorms, there is no problem in realizing the EMP field!"

Liu Shouguo immediately contacted the missile force stationed more than 200 kilometers away and asked them to launch a precision-guided missile with powerful penetration capabilities!

"Chief, are you sure? Your place is not a missile range, but a tank range. It may be dangerous to you!"

Liu Shouguo confirmed: "That's right, it's a tank shooting range, shoot directly!"

danger, there is!

But he believes in Ye Bai!!

Not calm enough?

Wrong, on the contrary he is very calm!

"Don't worry, I'm here to test an anti-aircraft weapon, and I'm far away from the tank target, just shoot!"

The protection range of tanks in the EMP field is 20 kilometers, and the entire tank shooting range is within its protection range.

So in fact, Liu Shouguo had calculated that it would not be too dangerous.

After the missile troops confirmed, although they were a little confused, since the chief ordered, they could only carry out the order.

"Fenglong 1 missile launches! Target Zijin Tank Range!"

Soon a precision-guided missile launched into the tank firing range!

This is a precision-guided missile with an equivalent of 500 tons of TNT. It is very fast and has a strong penetration capability!!

Liu Shouguo also immediately ordered: "Activate the weapon of the third tank!"

The driver immediately pressed the start button, and suddenly a beam of light rose into the sky, and then spread out into a blue light curtain with a radius of 20 kilometers.

Directly surrounded the entire tank shooting range!

Liu Shouguo heard the roar of the missile engine, and all three of them looked towards the sky, only to see a missile approaching with a long tail flame!

"Fengshen 1 is approaching the target, the distance is 20 kilometers, everything is..."


There was a loud bang.

When the missile hit the blue light curtain, it immediately lost all power, sparks burst out, and finally exploded!!

"Fengshen 1 was intercepted by an unknown air defense system!!"

The people in the missile force wiped off their sweat. It seems that this air defense system is quite reliable.

There are not many air defense systems that can intercept the Fengshen-1 missile, but I don’t know how successful this air defense system is in intercepting......

"Too strong, hahaha."

Liu Shouguo couldn't help laughing out loud.

They really felt the power of the EMP electromagnetic field!!

Shen Yi excitedly said: "There is no such defense mechanism in the whole world!"

Lou Chengkun nodded again and again: "The current science is still in the anti-aircraft missiles and other such weapons, but Academician Ye is already researching energy defense!"

Liu Shouguo laughed and said, "Xiaoye is an era ahead of the world! It also means that our Yanhuang is an era ahead of the world!!"

Shen Yi nodded in agreement and said, "It's a blessing for the country!"

Lou Chengkun thought for a while and said, "I just happened to be here. I have seen all three of these tanks, and their performance is absolutely fine! Just make the most of them!"

What kind of approval is needed for this? It is completely an epoch-making weapon!

Liu Shouguo was very satisfied: "It is true that it can be mass-produced directly. Xiaoye only needs to be modified to have such power! It is already a brand new equipment!"

Shen Yi nodded: "Let's wait for the test to be completed first. The main weapon test has been completed, and there are still two small launchers that have not been tested."

All three tank main weapons have now been tested.

Liu Shouguo looked at the information given by Ye Bai: "The two small launchers are EMP concussion bombs, which are small-scale EMP attack weapons and can also be used for defense. This is understandable.

There is also an armor-piercing bomb, which can automatically penetrate the enemy's armor and fortifications, and blast from the inside!"

All three tanks have a large primary weapon range.

These two small launching devices are obviously specially designed for a single target, so as to prevent the main gun from killing too much and causing unnecessary damage.

Shen Yi thought for a while and said: "EMP shock bombs don't need to be tested, we have seen the attack method before, let's test the armor-piercing explosive bombs."

Liu Shouguo nodded: "No problem, I'll have someone pull a scrapped old tank over for testing.

Soon, a 5-pair wheel was towed to the shooting range.

Liu Shouguo ordered: "Attack with armor-piercing explosive bombs!"

These two small arms are the standard equipment of Ye Bai's modified tank, and they are found on all three tanks.

The pilots all fired one.

'Bang bang bang. '

There were three muffled sounds in a row, and three cylindrical mechanical shells were fired from the launcher, spinning the 100-Way Tank at high speed.

‘clang clang clang.’

Three strange mechanical shells hit the abandoned tank and did not explode!

Instead, like a magnet, the top is all adsorbed on the surface of the tank!!

Suddenly, the tail of the mechanical shell began to change rapidly!

There was a sound of metal cutting, and the shell went straight into the abandoned tank!!

Then three violent explosions sounded, and the abandoned tank was directly blasted from the inside!!!

Lou Chengkun couldn't help but exclaimed again: "Fuck!"

He felt that he said more shit than he said today.

Shen Yi's eyes lit up: "It's the first time I've seen this method of piercing armor! It seems to be very easy to enter the interior!"

Liu Shouguo clapped his hands: "This is more powerful than any armor-piercing bullet!!"

In fact, this is also the weapon on the Luanfeng Sky Mothership, but the one on the battleship is bigger!

Although cation cannon and heavy electron cannon are powerful, their rate of fire is relatively slow.

Armor-piercing explosive shells are used to fill the gaps in their shooting.

Its launch frequency is high, and its power is not small. It can completely ignore the existing armor and fortifications of the earth, and directly destroy it internally!

The shells can be loaded automatically and can be launched continuously like a Katyusha rocket launch vehicle!!

"After these three tanks are put into production, they must be sent to the Zijin Military Region as soon as possible. There is a national heavy weapon that needs to be equipped.

Liu Shouguo and Lou Chengkun said: "For the time being, the weapon is still in the confidential stage, so I can't tell you. It is expected to be fully unveiled at the Zhuhai Aviation Exhibition next year!"

Originally, these three tanks were remodeled by Ye Bai for the Luanfeng space carrier, so they should be equipped with battleships as soon as possible.

Lou Chengkun nodded and said: "No problem, I will contact the General Production Department of the Army to develop these three tanks first, and strive to put them into production as soon as possible!"

After speaking, he went aside to contact the general production department.

Liu Shouguo looked at Shen Yi again: "I have to trouble you to develop together with the production department. Xiaoye has already passed on all the technical information to me, and I will hand it over to you. You can help them complete production faster by joining the production department."

...asking for flowers...

Shen Yi nodded: "No problem!"

He just wants to study these three tanks, there are too many technologies in them that he wants to know!

At this time, Lou Chengkun had already finished contacting: "It's fixed, the largest resources will be devoted to research and development over there, and the equipment model has also been preliminarily determined, let's see if it works.

Liu Shouguo nodded: "Say it.

"I decided based on the naming method of the first two guns. I temporarily named the three tanks YBT-U tanks, which represent laser tanks. YB is the initials of Academician Ye, and J is the type of tank. There are YBT-2Z Heavy Electron Tanks and YBT-3E EMP Field Tanks!"

Lou Chengkun said the model of the equipment, which was simple and clear, and still started with Ye You's name.

All military equipment is required to have an official number when it is put into production.

"Fine, no problem."

Liu Shouguo agreed to the model number, and then sighed: "Xiaoye is almost developing his exclusive serial numbered equipment!"


Such an achievement is unique in the world!

Lan Hai and Ying Jiang's Third Fleet have also arrived.

Dales said displeasedly: "Joseph, you are much slower."

Originally said to arrive in two weeks, but it took nearly a month!

Joseph didn't care and smiled and said: "I'm sorry, Dales, there was a little accident on the road, and I went back to Youdong to deal with the matter. Anyway, you can take care of Yanhuang's side alone, can't you?"

Dales snorted coldly: "No, it's a bit of a surprise this time."

Joseph was a little surprised: "Oh? A surprise? What kind of surprise can there be here? Yanhuang has always wanted to develop peacefully, so it's easy to handle."

Dales shook his head, his face serious: "No, although I don't know what happened to Yanhuang, but their attitude is extremely tough, and it is really an attitude that can go to war. Believe me, Joseph, this is definitely not a joke, they will go to war! "

In the past, because of the development strategy of the Yanhuang Kingdom, at most they would use force to deter them, but they would not really provoke a war.

But it's different now, that day when the Neon Nation's fleet provoked him, Yanhuang Nation's attitude surprised him, it looked like a war was about to start.

This made him very suspicious of why Yanhuang Kingdom would suddenly change its development strategy.

The factors in this are very important. It is impossible for a country to change its development strategy suddenly.

Unless there is a huge change!

Joseph smiled contemptuously: "Dals, you're old too. It's said that you're good at using tricks. It seems that it's just because you're old."

Dales sneered and didn't speak.

Joseph glanced at him: "Okay, I'm going back, let's watch my performance, in the face of absolute force, any trick is superfluous!"

As he spoke, he casually put on his coat and left the First Fleet, and returned to his Third Fleet by helicopter.

Dales looked at his leaving figure, and said with a sneer: "It seems that there is not much difference from Michael, but he is more arrogant than Michael, hmph, ignorant arrogance will make you suffer a lot.

Thanks to my brother for rewarding 588, this is the first time, I will add a new chapter.

Ask for some data. .

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