Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 84 Fire! ! ! Wake Up The World!

"All carrier-based aircraft are lifted into the air!"

At Joseph's order, the aircraft carrier Heiken can carry 30 to 40 aircraft.

The carrier-based planes are all lifted off one after another!

Dozens of planes are flying in the sky at one time, the momentum is huge!

The roar of the engine resounds through the surrounding seas!!

Neon Country also took off F35 vertical take-off and landing fighter jets and formed a formation flight!

【From Gallic Chicken: Thanks to the eagle sauce, this is too spectacular!】

【From Eagle Sauce: Oh Maika, who can compete with such a huge fleet?!】

【From Bangzi Kingdom: Now that the verdict has been decided, what about Yanhuang Kingdom and such an invincible fleet!】

【From A Three Kingdoms: Only our aircraft carrier battle group can wrestle with Yingjiang, not Yanhuang!】

The eyes of the whole world are gathered here, and people are discussing this confrontation between Yanhuang Kingdom and Yingjiang!

Joseph looked confidently at the densely packed fighter jets above his head.

With only these planes, he can sweep the oil pressure!!

"In the sea ahead, simulate an attack on the enemy fleet, all using anti-ship missiles!"

Joseph ordered that immediately all fighter jets aim at the target sea area and launch anti-ship missiles!

Dozens of fighter jets and warships strike at the same time!

Overwhelming missiles fired at the target sea area, and the sound of explosions continued to sound.

A wave of water soars into the sky!!

[From Fudi: Eagle Sauce's firepower is too fierce, we should spend money to buy one of their nuclear-powered aircraft carriers! 】

[From Sunset: Shet, it’s too spectacular, oh, Shet, this round of attack can destroy an entire fleet by 22!!]

[From German: That's right, it's too strong. The strength of Yingjiang is unquestionable, why Yanhuang Kingdom hasn't experimented with weapons yet. 】

【From Baba Yang: Our good brother must have a big killer, just wait and see!】

[From Neon Country: Haha, Yanhuang Country won’t be afraid!]

Joseph commanded the exercise to continue, near-anti-aircraft guns, naval guns, missiles...

The Fleet is fully fired!!

All of a sudden it was hot!

In the Jiangnan Shipyard, in the headquarters of the Luanfeng Aerospace Carrier, Du Yue kept a close eye on the coordinates of the federal space station and the distance from the position of the moon.


It is extremely difficult to calculate for the anti-city cation cannon to hit the moon accurately by rubbing against the federal space station!

Fortunately, it is all done by the shipboard large quantum computer!!

"Everyone is ready!"

Everyone held their breath and looked closely at the projection.


Du Yue roared!

One order!!

The main gun on the bow of the Luanfeng Sky Mothership burst out with dazzling brilliance, and then shot out a red beam of light in an instant!!!

The thick beam of light flashed across in an instant, as if piercing through the sky, straight into the sky!!!

The main gun of the Luanfeng Aerospace Carrier fired continuously for three seconds before closing it again!

The sky is drawn back up...

Yanjing Satellite TV broadcast the launch live from outside the Jiangnan Shipyard.

"Hi everyone, I'm Bingbing, a reporter from Yanjing Satellite TV. Just now, our weapons were launched! As you can see, that pillar is holding up the sky!

Break through the clouds and cut through the fog! Straight into space!!

This blow will let the world see a corner of Yanhuang Kingdom's strength!

This blow can wake up those countries that still have backward thinking about Yanhuang Kingdom!!

This blow, hit one punch, so as not to avoid a hundred!!!”

Bingbing still explained impassionedly.

【Fuck, fuck, fuck! What the hell is that?!!】

【Nimma, you're directly piercing the sky!!】

【This is too cool, is it a laser weapon? Why is there an electric current on it? Because!】

【What kind of weapon is this? Why don't you show us the live broadcast? You can only see this beam of light. 】

[It must be because it is confidential, so I won’t show it to you, only to see the test results! 】

【I knelt so badly, my mother asked me why I knelt and watched TV, and I said I saw a divine light!!】

【Every time I listen to the end of Bingbing, I feel so excited!】

Netizens from Yanhuang Kingdom were discussing excitedly.

The blow was too strong!

I have only seen such scenes in movies and animations!

[From The Sun Has Set: Wang Defa?! What is that, why even the clouds are opened!]

[From Fudi: Laser weapon? No, there is electric current, what kind of weapon is this. 】

[From A Sanguo: We also have this kind of weapon, but we haven’t brought it out yet. I didn’t expect Yanhuang Country to develop it. This is the divine power of Shiva!]

【From Baba Yang: A powerful brother country, this blow can definitely sweep Yingjiang's aircraft carrier fleet!】

Seeing the dazzling beam of light in the sky, Joseph sat up and said, "Fake! What did the Yanhuang Kingdom do!"

Laikas quickly reported: "Just now, the Federation Space Station was making daily reports with our ground base station, and suddenly saw a beam of light shooting from the Federation Space Station not far away!

Joseph was taken aback: "What? Yanhuang Kingdom really aimed at our space station!?"

Laikas shook his head: "No, but the distance is very close!! Obviously intentional!"


It is not difficult to hit the target if you have this kind of weapon, but it is even more difficult to hit it just by passing it.

This requires a lot of calculations!

After all, it cannot affect the target.

He immediately thought of the practical use of the quantum computer announced by Yanhuang before.

They all thought it was a trial and it was still in the development stage.

But now it seems that to complete such a complicated calculation, ordinary supercomputers simply cannot quickly calculate it!

The federal space station is running all the time, and the data is changing every second and needs to be recalculated, which requires an extremely huge amount of calculations!!!

In the Prime Minister's Mansion of the Neon Country, the newborn Yamamoto stared at the dazzling beam of light on the TV, which reminded him of the unbearable history!!

Once upon a time in their land, such a light also rose!

However, the Yanhuang Kingdom experiment is different this time.

In the Black House, Trump yelled with a flushed face: "This must be powered by controlled nuclear fusion, Fuck! They dare to launch towards our space station, Fuck!!"

"Mr. President, Yanhuang, it seems that their goal is not the space station!"

Trump glared and said angrily: "Shooting from the side of our space station, isn't it a deterrent to our space station, telling me that they can destroy our space station at any time?!!!

The subordinate immediately shook his head: "Take a look, this is the real-time picture sent back from our space station!"

Trump took the tablet, his eyes suddenly widened. He said in amazement: "This! This is the earth's weapon?!!"

Just when everyone thought that Yanhuang Kingdom fired weapons against the federal space station to deter Yingjiang and warn them that Yanhuang country could destroy the federal space station at any time.

Yanjing Satellite TV directly switched the live broadcast screen!

I saw that the beam of light in the picture almost brushed against the federal space station, and zoomed out through the lens, and everyone found that the end of the target turned out to be the moon!!!

"This is the picture taken by the Yanhuang Satellite!"

Bingbing explained to everyone: "Our weapon test target is actually the moon! We chose to launch it when the federal space station just passed by!"

【Niubao!! You are practicing fishing in the sea, I have already experimented with weapons to hit the moon, haha!】

【I can't compare, I can't compare, what can Yingjiang compare with!!】

[Haha, cool, it’s so relieved, let you come to other people’s houses to pretend, this is ten thousand times stronger than your weapons!! 】

【Ah, ah! If this shot hits the face of Neon Country, it must be the most beautiful scenery!!】

【Brother, you know the scenery!!】

Joseph slapped the railing hard: "We must get controllable nuclear fusion and quantum computers!"

The moon and the blue star are always moving. If the target is the moon, not only the relative movement must be calculated, but also the movement speed of the federal space station must be calculated.

This undoubtedly increases the difficulty of calculation by an exponential level!!

It can be seen that the computing power of quantum computers is powerful!!

Trump yelled at the researchers in the Black Palace: "You said that Yanhuang's quantum computer is a trial, and it is absolutely impossible to build it at this stage. I believe it. Now you have seen it?! This can be done by ordinary supercomputers?!

You said that Yanhuang's controllable nuclear fusion is still in the research and development stage, and it is impossible to manufacture it at this stage. As a result, other people's controllable nuclear fusion power stations have almost spread across the country.

What you say is impossible to create, do you mean yourselves?! Why Yanhuang country can do it, why Yanhuang country can do it!! Fake!!”

"Mr. President calm down, we still have that 393 project, as long as it is completed, it is completely possible to rule Blue Star!!"

A blinding explosion of energy suddenly lit up from the moon.

Through the satellite image, the beam of red light carrying electric current shot to the moon and immediately exploded.

Quickly raise a hemispherical energy shield with destructive energy!

Although no sound can be heard in space, you can still see the mighty power in the picture!!

The destructive energy shield lasted for three seconds before dissipating gradually!!

left a huge crater on the surface of the moon, like it was hit by an asteroid!!

【Fuck, fuck!!】

【I'm numb, I'm numb, this power is too great!】

【No wonder you want to experiment in space! If this is on Blue Star, I’m afraid that a single shot will wipe out a city directly!!】

【Nimma, what kind of weapon is this? I really want to know!!】

Joseph's face was extremely ugly!

They were all watching the Yanhuang Kingdom's weapon test, and even the military exercises were suspended.

"Cancel the military exercise!"

He gritted his teeth and issued the order.

It is clear at a glance which is strong and which is weak, such a powerful weapon, their current conventional weapons are simply incomparable!

He knew what that crater, which was the same as the one left by the impact of the meteorite, represented!

That means they can destroy their capital, Peanutton, in one shot!!

"As long as that weapon is successfully developed, we will have a weapon as powerful as Yanhuang Kingdom!"

But this scene reminded Michael of seeing the crater in Lanhai that he thought was a micro-meteorite impact.

It turns out that Yanhuang had tested this weapon several months ago!!

The first-born Yamamoto quickly contacted Oda: "Hurry up, call back the fleet that secretly landed! Don't mess with Yanhuang Kingdom at this time!!"

Xiaotian smiled wryly: "I've contacted it a long time ago, it's too scary, what kind of weapon is that, why does Yanhuang Kingdom have such a powerful weapon!"

The first-born Yamamoto trembled all over: "Damn it, we don't even have one in the Great Neon Country. If that weapon hits our Neon, I can't imagine it, I can't imagine it!!"

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