Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 92 The Mystery Of The Human Body Makes Everyone In Yanhuang Like A Dragon!

Chen Ping couldn't believe that Ye Bai really made a serum that strengthens the human body, and it is so powerful!!

Human biology and physics, nuclear energy, etc., all the inventions of Ye Bai before are different!

The mystery of the human body is like a universe!!

With many, many secrets, is microscopic biotechnology.

There are still many unsolved mysteries!

It's like a miniature universe!!

Such as various cancers that cannot be cured!!

Even knowing the cause, arthritis, which is known as an immortal cancer, cannot be cured!!

It is also possible to strengthen the human body!!

The potential of the human body is enormous!

There are a lot of news that you can see that a weak mother lifted a car by herself because she wanted to save her child!-!

No one can explain this phenomenon!!

Not to mention the human brain, only a small part is really used, because part of the brain is not used!!

If we say that the speed of human beings is known to be faster than light, it is human thinking!!!

This is the potential of the human body, too mysterious!!!

Ye Bai actually developed biotechnology that strengthens the human body to such an extent!!

Can't say it's very strong, just say it's invincible!!!

"At present, this super soldier serum is definitely the strongest human body strengthening serum! Although I haven't seen it, I can be sure that Eagle Sauce's superman plan is definitely not as powerful as it is.

Chen Wei's tone was very sure, and he repeatedly exclaimed: "It's incredible, it's incredible!!"

He had studied strengthening the body.

The first attempt was genetic modification.

The secrets of the human body are all contained in a small piece of gene!

Genes have unimaginable complexity and mystery!!

For the first time, he tried to modify a gene fragment of a mouse to increase its strength.

The results failed, and the mice mutated and eventually died!!

Later, he tried to fuse the lizard gene with the mouse gene, hoping to improve the self-healing ability of the mouse.

As a result, a rejection reaction occurred, and the experiment failed again!!

He tried the starfish gene, the chameleon gene, etc., but they couldn't fuse.

The genes of the two different species seem to have some defense mechanism that cannot be unraveled.

As long as there is an attempt to fuse two genes.

It will immediately trigger the repelling device, and then self-destruct!!

In the end, because this project is too inhumane, it can only be put at the end.

The state stipulates that when the technology is immature, animal experiments will never be done again!!

Zhou Ping is a member of the Academy of Nuclear Energy, and Wei Chen is a member of the Academy of Electromagnetics.

Although the two don't understand biology, they can tell how powerful the super soldier serum is by looking at Chen Wei's appearance.

Just like they saw Controlled Fusion and Widowmaker back then.

"Xiaoye, are you tired? I want you to explain to me the information about your super soldier serum. I have a lot to ask.

Chen Wei looked at Ye Bai nervously.

He really wanted to know how Ye Bai unlocked the secrets of the human body, allowing the human body to burst out with such potential and reach such a perfect level!!

How many secrets are there in the human body waiting to be discovered!!

Ye Bai nodded: "Not tired at all."


Chen Wei took Ye Bai to the first laboratory.

Zhou Ping and Wei Chen looked at each other and followed.

It was the first time they saw Chen Wei like this.

Although Chen Wei was surprised and shocked by the previous technology.

But I won’t be so eager to learn about it like I am now!!

It can be seen how attractive this super soldier serum is!!

The four came to the first laboratory, and Chen Wei immediately connected the data to the computer and began to check.

"Xiaoye, this serum is actually completely synthesized by chemicals?!"

Chen Wei asked in disbelief.

The biotechnology that can enhance the strength of the human body is actually all synthesized by chemical agents!!

You must have a good understanding of the human body to do this!!

Moreover, chemicals are unavoidable, and there must be side effects.

Ye Bai nodded and said: "That's right, in fact, this serum was developed according to the infinite formula.

"The infinite formula?!!"

Chen Wei stared wide-eyed, totally oblivious to this scientific formula.

The two of Zhou Ping also looked confused. Although they are not experts in the field of biology, they still understand the famous scientific formulas.

Infinity Formula They Never Heard!!

In fact, this is a powerful formula in Marvel.

The sentinel potion used by the strongest reunion hero sentinel was developed according to the infinite formula.

It turns an ordinary person into a superhero who can easily destroy the single universe in an instant!!

Super Soldier Serum is just one of them.

Including Spiderman's spider serum, Winter Soldier's SSS potion are all transformed from the infinite formula!

Ye Bai briefly explained the power of this formula to everyone, and he has only mastered a small part so far, so he created the Super Soldier Serum!

"Actually, this serum has a side effect, which also prevents it from being fully mass-produced!"

Ye Bai frowned slightly.

Chen Wei immediately asked nervously: "Are there any side effects? I knew it. Then how is your health? You are the most important person in Yanhuang Kingdom right now!"

Zhou Ping also asked anxiously: "Is there any solution? Since you have already injected, we will do our best to help you study how to eliminate the side effects!"

Ye Bai smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, its side effect is not to harm the body, but to infinitely magnify a person's character and desires, so the person who injects it must be a kind-hearted and absolutely just person!!"

In the Avengers, Captain Yingjiang represents absolute justice and is the spiritual leader of the Avengers.

However, the system-optimized super soldier serum actually no longer has this side effect.

But Ye Bai still said that there will be this side effect.

Because he knows firsthand how powerful the super soldier serum is!

If used by all, it will most likely make the bad guys stronger!!

So we must choose the righteous and kind people!

However, Ye Bai also has a plan. He will try to make a simplified version of the super soldier serum for ordinary people to use.

It is mainly used to slightly improve physical fitness and treat diseases.

This will not only make the people of Yanhuang Kingdom stronger than people from other countries!

It can also make people no longer worry about seeing a doctor and getting treatment!!

No more trouble with medical expenses!!

When everyone heard that it was this side effect, they were a little relieved.

"Unlimited magnification of character and desire, the person who will be injected in the future must be carefully selected!"

Ye Bai nodded and said: "That's right, but I will develop a simplified version of the super soldier serum to improve the physique of the people of Yanhuang Kingdom! Treat those intractable diseases!!"

Zhou Ping clapped his hands and said excitedly: "Simplified version? Good! In this way, the people of Yanhuang Kingdom don't have to worry about getting sick!!"

...asking for flowers...

Wei Chen was also overjoyed: "Good thing, good thing, haha."

Ye Bai said firmly: "I just want to make the people of Yanhuang Kingdom look like dragons!"

Everyone is like a dragon!

What a great revenge!

Make me Yan Huang, everyone is like a dragon!!!

"Okay, we will definitely support you with all our strength!!"

Chen Wei clenched his fists and said, "I will personally lead people to study the super soldier serum. If you make the simplified version, I will organize the whole country to give priority to the research and development of the simplified version and let our people use E!!"

Zhou Ping nodded and said: "Yes, let the people use it first, I hope that one day the walls of the hospital will no longer hear prayers, the pharmacy will no longer be crowded, and the people of Yanhuang will no longer have diseases

Ye Bai nodded vigorously, and so did his wish!!

Chen Wei immediately summoned all the biological researchers of the Academy of Dragon Sciences to participate in the research and development of the information provided by Ye Bai.

At this moment, Liu Shouguo called.

Ye Bai tapped the capsule and connected: "Director."

Liu Shouguo seemed to be in a very good mood: "Xiaoye, I want to invite you to visit, haha.

Ye Bai raised his eyebrows and asked, "Oh? What does the chief want me to visit?"


Liu Shouguo had a mysterious expression: "You will know when you come."

Ye Bai nodded and said: "Okay, I just happen to be looking for you, Chief.

Liu Shouguo suddenly asked curiously: "Looking for me? Haha, there's something good again?!!"

Ye Bai also pretended to be mysterious and said with a smile: "You will know when I arrive.

"Hahaha, little fox, okay, then I'll wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Bai said to Zhou Ping: "Academician Zhou, I'll go to the Zijin Military Region to talk to Chief Liu about the super soldier serum, let each military region select suitable talents, and come back to develop a simplified version of the serum after the end."

Zhou Ping smiled and said: "Don't worry, your research and development speed is too fast, we can't keep up, haha."

The average development speed of Ye Bai is about half a month!

Only the construction of Luanfeng Helicarrier took several months!!

This speed is too fast, it is not bad for others to have a research and development technology in a lifetime!!

He released one in half a month!!

After saying goodbye to everyone, Ye Bai boarded the maglev vehicle.

The Dragon Science Academy is not far from the Zijin City Military Region.

As the construction site of the first controlled nuclear fusion power station.

Zijin City has now fully implemented maglev car travel!

Already has the appearance of the future city.

Because electricity is free, plus the power of quantum computers!

There are more and more smart scenes in Zijin City, which greatly improves people's lives.

At the same time, the development of science and technology is also very fast, and various derivative technologies have all achieved a leap of the age!!

Zijin Military Region.

After identity verification, as soon as Ye Bai entered, he saw Liu Shouguo, who had contacted him in advance and was waiting for him, driving over.

"Go, take you to see!"

Liu Shouguo waved.

Ye Bai smiled slightly and got into the car.

Liu Shouguo drove the maglev military vehicle at a fast speed, and went straight out of the military area.

After a while, they arrived in a dense forest in Zijin City.

"This is the station of the Yanlong Special Forces, let me show you.

Soon, the floating army vehicle drove into a very hidden distance.

This camp is not big, only a few dormitory buildings and necessary office buildings.

There are also some radar stations and a large playground.

At this time, the playground was full of people!

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