Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 95 Simplified Version Of Super Soldier Serum Completed! Dragon Crew Selection!

'Ding: The analysis is successful, the Super Soldier Serum (simplified version), after injection, can slightly improve physical fitness, gain enhanced strength, enhanced agility, enhanced endurance, and cure most diseases! A slight delay in aging.

"It's done!!!"

Ye Bai looked excitedly at the light blue super soldier serum in his hand.

The crystal clear bottle shimmers.

two months!

Two full months!!

Ye Bai completed this simplified version of Super Soldier Serum after painstaking research without leaving home!!

And the main function has achieved the expected effect!!

"To treat most diseases, this is what you need!"

Other enhancements are actually bonuses.

As long as you are healthy, everything is more important!

After success, Ye Bai immediately began to sort out the technical information in his mind.

Because after using the super soldier serum, the brain area has been greatly developed.

According to the settings in the Avengers, the super soldier serum can develop the human brain to 100%!!

So now Ye Bai can have a photographic memory, he can remember every detail in the development process clearly!!

"Must sort it out ASAP!"

It is impossible for him alone to complete such a huge project of popularizing more than one billion people.

So it has to be mass-produced!!

He believes that as long as Chen Wei and others study through his information.

With the speed of Yanhuang Kingdom, I feel that mass production can be completed at the fastest speed!

It took a few more days to fully prepare the materials!

Ye Bai approached Chen Wei immediately.

This time he did not directly research and develop the Mark-50 nano-mech, but helped Chen Wei to research together in the laboratory!!

Hope to master the latter as soon as possible!!

"So fast!"

Chen Weide's research progress is not halfway, Ye Bai has completed the research and development of the simplified version of the super soldier serum!!

Ye Bai laughed: "Of course the sooner the better."

Chen Wei put the data into the computer to check: "This, this really simplifies a lot!!"

After two months of research on super soldier serum, he learned a lot of serum formulas.

Ye Bai's simplified recipe is much simpler than the original recipe!

This is more conducive to the popularization of mass production!

You can also see the difficulty of developing it!!

"However, the extraction and synthesis of substances are still very difficult. It will take time to manufacture machines for mass production. I immediately called the people in the medical machinery field."

Next, Chen Wei summoned all 22 biological researchers and medical machinery researchers of the Dragon Academy of Sciences.

Everyone started to attack the simplified version of Super Soldier Serum!!

two months ago.

After Liu Shouguo sent Ye Bai away, he immediately took a special plane to the Beiyang Military Region.

"Haha, Xiaoye gave us such a big surprise just after Chinese New Year!"

Yi Ming was surprised and said: "The Dragon Group Project strengthens the human body! It's actually a technology in this area!"

Liu Shouguo nodded and said, "That's right, it's a biotechnology more powerful than the Eagle v Superman project! I've seen it before!!"

Yi Ming stared at him with wide eyes: "Have you seen it before?! Did someone inject it?!"

Liu Shouguo nodded: "Yes, Xiaoye injected herself!"

Yi Ming was taken aback: "He has already been injected? Is he in good health? No sequelae?"

Liu Shouguo said with a smile: "No one can stop Xiaoye's scientific research path. "There is no sequelae at all, and the effect is extremely powerful. You know the dark dragon armor."

Yi Ming nodded, the Beiyang Military Region also has several dark dragon armors.

It can increase the ability of soldiers several times!

The existence of any soldier king in an instant!

It can be said that no one can resist soldiers wearing dark dragon armor!

Liu Shouguo's eyes were like a torch and he said: "Xiaoye beat Wang Kemang who was wearing the dark dragon armor by relying on her own strength!!

Yi Ming suddenly exclaimed: "What did you say? This, this, really?! How is it possible!"

He can't understand it at all!

Although the improvement effect will be slightly different depending on the physique, the minimum running speed of a soldier wearing the dark dragon armor is 100 kilometers per hour!!

The instantaneous fastest running speed of ordinary people is only 45 kilometers per hour, and it can't last long!

Ye Bai relied on physical strength to outrun Wang Kemang wearing the dark dragon armor!!

Liu Shouguo nodded solemnly and said, "I saw it with my own eyes!!"

Yi Ming took a deep breath, he didn't expect the medicine developed by Ye Bai to be so effective!!

"It's unimaginable. There are so many mysteries of the human body. I didn't expect Xiaoye to complete another epoch-making biotechnology!!"

Yi Ming shook his head in disbelief and sighed: "He wants to form a team composed entirely of super soldiers?"

Liu Shouguo nodded and said, "That's right!"

"Then our military region will definitely support it! Since Xiaoye has already mentioned it, let's set up a special department for him, called the dragon group!"

Yi Ming frowned slightly: "It will be a matter of time before he is awarded a military rank. Although the new establishment department needs to approve it, if it is Xiaoye, there is no problem at all!!"

Liu Shouguo laughed loudly and said, "Haha, that's what I think. With his current physical fitness, he has already surpassed human beings. There is no problem as the head of the new department, and he has the title."

Speaking of this, he narrowed his eyes slightly and looked into the distance: "I guess it should be done at the same time as entering the Yanhuang Hall of Merit!"

Yanhuang Hall of Merit!!

The place that represents Yanhuang's highest glory!!!

Only great people can enter!!

Ye Bai has been selected!!

Yi Ming said seriously: "That's for sure, let's try our best to find the best personnel for him! After he is awarded the title, hand over this department to him!!"

Liu Shouguo nodded: "No problem, this selection only needs people with kind and righteous character.

"I understand that after the ability becomes stronger, it is easy to have a distorted personality!"

Yi Ming understood the conditions for finding someone.

"Not only because of this, but also because this serum will infinitely magnify people's personality and desires! So it must be absolutely strict selection!"

Liu Shouguo pointed to the people around him: "All the best psychologists from our military region have brought them. Xiaoye needs five people. Obviously, one person from each military region!"

Yi Ming nodded and said, "Okay, since we don't limit the soldiers' physical fitness, but only value their character and character, then let's secretly inspect the whole army!"

Liu Shouguo replied: "Well, those who have been selected, and then pass the test we set up, can become candidates, and then let Xiaoye choose."

In this way, Liu Shouguo moved between the five military regions, and the Yinlong Group selected the first batch of candidates!

Three months later, Liu Shouguo selected twenty-five people!

The characters of these twenty-five people are very outstanding, and some are even outstanding youths of the country, who have won first-class medals of meritorious service!

Some are just ordinary new recruits!!

There is even an ordinary person that Liu Shouguo met on the road!!

Liu Shouguo brought the selected twenty-five people to the Academy of Dragon Sciences and asked Ye Bai to conduct the final screening.

Based on the standard proposed by Ye Bai, Liu Shouguo believed that the twenty-five people met the conditions.

And they didn't know why they were brought here, they were all very curious.

"This is the Academy of Dragon Sciences, my God, I actually joined the Academy of Dragon Sciences, it's okay to let me be a security guard.

"It's really safe to be a security guard with your body, haha."

"That is, I don't know why we were summoned here."

"Trust the military, no matter what we do, we are not afraid!"

Everyone was discussing in low voices.


Ye Bai looked at the person in front of him, a little surprised.

There are many people.

And three of them are particularly special!

He saw a soldier with an amputated hand, a face disfigured by burns, and a crippled foot.

There is also a very thin, bespectacled recruit who looks like an otaku.

The last one is a very ferocious-looking, burly ordinary person.

But without exception, their eyes are dry and clear!!

They speak and smile very gently, and they don't care whether each other is healthy, strong or hideous.

Liu Shouguo nodded: "Yes, we want you to choose again, choose the best, and create the strongest dragon team!"

Now that Ye Bai has been mentioned, they have to cultivate according to the strongest organization!

The future dragon group will be Yanhuang's strongest special department!

And it belongs to Ye Bai's exclusive department!!

"no problem."

Ye Bai readily agrees, he also wants to create the strongest organization to perform special missions for the motherland!

"Those three are special, but because they performed so well, I wanted to bring them here to have a look. I don't know if it's okay, because you said that the only requirement is kindness and justice!"

Liu Shouguo was a little apprehensive. He was talking about those three different people.

Although Ye Bai did not say that they must be healthy, but those two are indeed too special.

Ye Bai said with a smile: "Yes, it only depends on character! Even a disabled person, super soldier serum can help him recover!"

Super Soldier Serum has self-healing and regenerative powers!

So disability doesn't matter.

Hearing this, Liu Shouguo was relieved.

"Separate the people, divide them into two waves, and test them on the two playgrounds of the Dragon Science Academy. First, let people take them to do daily training."

Ye Bai thought for a while and decided to test separately.

"no problem."

Liu Shouguo asked the soldiers to divide the people into two waves, and then took them to the two playgrounds respectively.

"I need to prepare a few high-speed cameras, and I need to see everyone's performance."

Ye Bai asked people to bring several high-speed cameras, and put them all in a hidden place to observe the twenty-five people.

The people who were training didn't know that they were being observed in all directions, so they all started running training with the instructor.

At this time, there are still some researchers from the Academy of Dragon Sciences resting on the two playgrounds, watching the training of this group of people.

Ye Bai looked at it for a while and said: "Let the instructor make things difficult for those three people, it's okay to be a little more violent."

Liu Shouguo was a little curious, but he still contacted the two instructors who trained these people through Jiaoxia phone.

"You make things difficult for those three special people in your team, it doesn't matter if you are a little bit more aggressive."

The instructors were a little confused and helpless when they received the order, but obeying the order is their bounden duty!

Two of the three people were assigned to a team, and the soldier whose hand was amputated was in a team alone.

The instructor followed up with the running disabled soldier and began to sarcastically.

"You are like this, and you still come to participate in the training camp. What are you going to do to serve the motherland? Use your mouth? Or are your legs outrunning the enemy on the battlefield?!"

After the instructor finished speaking, he felt guilty and decided to go back to knock the wooden fish at night.

The disabled soldier shouted loudly: "If the motherland needs it, I can use my legs to run and beat the enemy!!"

He didn't care about the instructor's words at all, and said neither humble nor overbearing.

At this time, someone among the other team members suddenly said: "Report!"


While running, the man replied loudly: "Sir! I think Zhang Tianyu is a good guy! He has already sacrificed his life for the motherland once!!"

He spoke loudly, and the others called for reports, and Tian Yan agreed with his words!

Almost the same is true on the other side.

Ye Bai was very satisfied with everyone's reaction.

This group of people are indeed very good-natured!

Not afraid of power, firm and confident, kind and full of justice!!

In this case, we can only use life to verify whether they are more fearless and noble.

He told Liu Shouguo the test method, and Liu Shouguo immediately contacted the soldiers and brought some equipment over, pretending to let them train the equipment.

Liu Shouguo specifically told the soldiers that when distributing equipment, they should deliberately "accidentally" pull away a grenade, then knock down all the grenades and roll them into the crowd.

As a result, more than a dozen model grenades were rolled into the crowd.

Because no one knew that there would be a test in advance, even the researchers who were resting were taken aback!

"Be careful!"

In the two waves of teams, some people quickly descended directly onto the snow screen.

Because there are too many grenades, it is impossible to quickly find the one that has been pulled away, so I can only use the most stupid way to suppress them all!

Some people quickly picked up the grenade, and then held it in their arms, telling everyone to run away!!

The scene fell into chaos for a while, but all the grenades were dealt with by the group of people in various ways.

Ye Bai watched from a distance: "These twenty-five people are really good."

Even in the face of the threat of death, there are still many people who are willing to give up their lives to save others!

There are more than five!!

After a few seconds, the imaginary explosion did not come.

Everyone looked at each other blankly.

Ye Bai saw that it was over, so he said: "Please tell them that it is a training tool, let the instructor continue to train them for a while before stopping."

Liu Shouguo nodded and immediately notified the instructor. 087 Then the two went to watch the footage captured by the high-speed camera.

The first team they look at first.

The long, murderous, tall and thin man was in this team.

I saw that fierce-looking, burly man, when he was made things difficult by the instructor, he still didn't change his face.

When the grenade fell into the crowd, he glared angrily, pushed the crowd away without hesitation, picked up the grenade and put them all into his jacket.

When the time is almost up, lie down immediately and hold the grenade under your body!

Shouting in the mouth let people disperse!

At the same time, the thin recruit's eyes were very flexible, and he directly found the hidden grenade and held it in his arms, telling the others loudly that the opened grenade was on his side.

But because of the chaos, no one heard him.

Others reacted quickly and quickly kicked the grenade away.

Some people were stunned for a moment, and followed with firm eyes to deal with the grenade!

"Actually, they're all fine."

Although some people hesitated for a while, in the end they all chose to use their bodies to protect others without exception!!

Hesitation is human instinct!

But being willing to sacrifice for others has proved their noble character!!

Liu Shouguo sighed: "Our Yanhuang Kingdom does not lack such people!"

Indeed, Ye Bai has learned too many such heroic and fearless texts in elementary school textbooks.

Those are real examples!!

Ye Bai watched the video of the second wave of people again.

Pretty much the same as the first wave.

Without the slightest hesitation, the disabled soldier threw himself onto a grenade as hard as he could, and kept hooking other grenades with his legs, and then pressed his body down!!

Ye Bai and Liu Shouguo were all a little teary-eyed!

Even though my body is disabled, I still try my best to protect others!!

Ye Bai took a deep breath: "These three people! Pass directly!!"

They must have endured more gossip than anyone else.

But under such circumstances, they can still maintain such a fearless spirit!

This is the most precious!!

Liu Shouguo grinned: "They are all good guys! That disabled soldier was actually a peacekeeping soldier, and he is very handsome!

Because in overseas peacekeeping missions, in order to fly the enemy's grenades and protect teammates, it became like this. Speaking of which, he is a hero who won the first-class merit medal!!"

Ye Bai nodded and said: "Then I want to restore him to his original appearance, believe me, super soldier serum can make him better than before!!"

The last two people, Ye Bai and Liu Shouguo, compared the videos and slowed down to observe their every expression and movement.

In the end, among the many qualified people, two top-notch ones were forcibly selected.

"Other qualified people are actually very good and can be cultivated, but for this test project, they all need to sign a confidential document!"

Liu Shouguo smiled and said, "Don't worry, I've noticed their performance, and I'll take care of them when I return to the army. I signed the confidential document before coming back."

Ye Bai nodded: "Let the five of them stay in the Dragon Science Academy, and I will inject them when I finish making five bottles of super soldier serum!!".

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