"Thank you everyone, thank you for your support and love." Chen Sicheng's voice was a little excited, "This film is the result of the efforts of our entire team. I hope it can bring some thoughts and touches to everyone."

He talked about the team's efforts and dedication from the film's creative process, as well as his own prospects and expectations for the future. Finally, it was reduced to one sentence: "Thank you Jiaxing, thank you Mr. Xu."

The audience and media present could feel Chen Sicheng's gratitude to Xu Jia. After all, without Xu Jia's investment and trust, this film might not have been possible.

Xu Jia smiled and waved, which satisfied the curiosity of the media. He also signaled to Chen Sicheng that it was enough for the other party to conduct interviews with the team, and it was not appropriate for him to show his face again.

After the premiere ceremony, Xu Jia, Chen Sicheng and others returned to the company together.

"Thank you for your hard work. The current success is only temporary. The real test is still to come. We have already done enough publicity online, and offline we have to do road shows. The reputation and box office of the movie need you to continue Only by hard work can we maintain or even grow." Xu Jia told Chen Sicheng and others.

For the audience, the end of the premiere may mean the end of the movie, but for them, the movie has just begun.

Chen Sicheng nodded seriously and said, "Yifei and I will lead the teams separately. This will be more efficient."

"Sure, I'll give you big red envelopes when you come back." Xu Jia patted Chen Sicheng on the shoulder and said with a smile.

In the following days, Chen Sicheng and Liu Yifei, together with the main creative team of "The Disappearance of Her", started nationwide road shows and promotional activities. They went deep into first- and second-tier cities to communicate face-to-face with the audience and listen to their opinions. feedback and suggestions, and also accumulated more popularity and reputation for the movie.

With the popular release of "She Disappeared" in the domestic market, Jiaxing has also ushered in another peak in her career.

The box office success reports coming every day make the whole company excited.

"The box office in the first week exceeded 2 billion, and the total box office should be no problem exceeding 4 billion. We have made another phenomenal movie." Zeng Jia suppressed his excitement and reported to Xu Jiahui.

Generally speaking, the first-week box office of a movie accounts for half of the total box office. It is very rare for the box office to be stable every day. That is, classics such as "The Wandering Earth" and "Titanic" can do this, and "The Vanishing Her" can do that. 》In the final analysis, it is just a commercial masterpiece.

"Keep it in terms of publicity. In addition, we should take this opportunity to mention the popularity of the cast and crew, especially Liu Yifei. Her commercial value is actually very high, but it has gradually declined due to the box office failures of several previous movies. , by seizing the opportunity of becoming a star in "The Missing Her", she can return to the peak of her popularity, and at the same time, climb up a level."

"And Zhu Yilong, his status as a celebrity should be established. He will accept advertising endorsements as needed, send out more promotional releases, and put on our company's variety shows one after another to let the public get familiar with his face."

Xu Jia briefly told Zeng Jia some arrangements for artists. Box office gains are only one of them. There are many profit points that can be tapped from the success of a movie. From now on, Jiaxing will have to dig deeper.

"Yes, I will make arrangements right away." Zeng Jia said.

A month passed quietly.

No one expected that "She Disappeared" could break through the 5 billion mark. Although everyone knew that there was no follow-up, this box office figure still shocked countless people in the industry.

Even the entertainment giants with overseas attention have been silent. They used to only pay attention to the Chinese market, but they regarded it as one of their own ticket warehouses.

But they never thought that the ticket warehouse, which was regarded as a treasure, would grow up to be a film and television giant that could threaten them.

If the box office of "The Lost Girl" is converted into US dollars, it is also an extremely successful commercial work in Hollywood.

What's more, Xu Jia also has global distribution channels. He is currently seeking to release it in Japan, Korea and other places. Due to the high box office, other regions are also interested in buying it back to test the waters.

For Xu Jia, even if the prices offered by these small copyright dealers are not high, the mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are. The more important thing is that Chinese-language movies can be transmitted through them. Even if they can only attract a small number of people in the early stage, that is still a problem. A great start, slowly making local audiences familiar with Chinese films and Chinese culture. This is how the market is cultivated little by little.

The company was in a state of carnival. The five billion box office was not only a success, but also meant that everyone got a red envelope. To celebrate this moment, Zeng Jia decided to hold another grand celebration banquet.

I'm not afraid of having too many celebration banquets, but I'm afraid that even if I want to do it, I won't be able to do it.

The celebration banquet was star-studded and guests gathered. Chen Sicheng, Liu Yifei and other creative staff were all present. Their faces were filled with smiles of joy and pride. Zeng Jia, as the representative of Jiaxing, was also busy entertaining the guests.

However, during this carnival, Xu Jia quietly left the country and boarded a plane to Los Angeles.

He knew in his heart that although "She Disappeared" had achieved great success, his journey was far from over. There was still a broader world waiting for him to conquer in Hollywood.

"Kevin, are you ready for the release of "Aquaman"?" Xu Jia's first sentence when he arrived at Warner Bros. was to ask about the progress of "Aquaman".

Christmas is coming soon, and this Christmas time is a rare good time around the world. Of course, the movie must be released during this time. As for competition, he has never been afraid of it.

"We're ready, but are you sure our promotional funds are dispersed around the world instead of concentrated in the North American market?" Kevin hesitated. Although he believed in Xu Jia's vision, his long-term habits made him feel uncomfortable. Hesitation is unavoidable, "You must know that movies that have historically achieved high box office around the world must first open up the North American market and then attract global audiences."

Although there is a suspicion of boasting in this sentence, the fact is that Hollywood is indeed the weathervane of the global film market.

"Sure, you have to know that the original work of "Aquaman" is not a household name in North America. Instead of treating it as a comic-book IP, it is better to regard it as our original movie. This kind of special effects blockbuster is very important to North America, which has experienced so many big-budget bombings. It may not be that interesting to the audience, but it may have a miraculous effect on audiences in other regions." Xu Jia did not explain, but just expressed his persistence.

Kevin opened his mouth, looked at Xu Jia's calm expression, and finally swallowed the rest of the words. He could only choose to believe Xu Jia, which was also the halo brought about by the latter's continuous success.

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