Let you make games, you directly shoot blockbusters?

Chapter 370 The water in Night City is too deep for you to grasp

[Do you know where the legends of Night City gather together? 】


The unique Night City broadcast echoed in the live broadcast room.

When Old E entered Night City, he did not immediately advance to the main line, but wandered around in various places.

This game really amazed him.

Especially in terms of image quality and light and shadow.

Standing on the street.

Lights of various colors from all directions hit him, just like in reality.

Coupled with the powerful immersion of the virtual terminal, you really have the illusion of being in the future city.

"It's amazing, this game is really amazing."

Old E was walking on the street, looking at all kinds of passers-by on both sides, listening to the loud DJ music in the distance, and the constant noisy honking, and felt that everything was so novel.


【Step aside! Blind bitch! 】

An angry curse suddenly sounded when Old E bumped into a passerby NPC.

Old E:? ? ?

audience:? ? ?

"I'll go! How dare you, a passerby, be so arrogant?"

Everyone was amused. They found that they still underestimated the character dubbing in this game. Even a passerby NPC had such a bad mouth. No, he smelled sweet.

Old E doesn't talk nonsense either.

He took out his gun and pointed it directly at the NPC.

The result was beyond everyone's expectations. The NPC, who looked arrogant at first, was so frightened that he turned around and ran away, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"Huh? The NPC in this game is so smart?"

Old E and the audience were amazed.

I tried it on other bad-mouthed NPCs, and sure enough, they all responded to the player's actions, and some even knelt down and begged for mercy.

Although this is not an amazing setting, it also makes the game more vivid.

With strong curiosity, Old E walked through the outer city into the inner city and came to another dim street, wanting to try something else.


Not far yet.

He was startled by the scantily clad NPC women standing on the street, and quickly looked away.

"Hey! Don't move away!"

"I haven't seen it clearly yet!"

"This street is a complete red light district."

"It's so exciting, I like it so much."

"Shocked! A certain anchor accidentally entered the red light district and lost contact with whoring!"

"Anchor, this is your fault."

"I actually ate alone, so I reported it!"

After seeing the exciting program, there were more barrages in the live broadcast room.

The audience opened their eyes one by one and looked at the figures passing in front of the camera. Only then did they realize that the lights on the entire street were basically red and pink, full of ambiguous atmosphere.

Inside the stores on both sides.

A few street gangsters would appear from time to time, walking out while holding up their pants.

Far away.

You can also hear the shouts of women standing on the street.

"Go quickly, go quickly, my live broadcast room will be gone if you stay any longer."

Old E already regrets not turning on the live broadcast mode now, but if he says it out, he can only bite the bullet and continue.

Finally, I lowered my head and left the red light district.

Along the way, we encountered gang fights, bar troubles, arrests of criminals, and street shootouts...

Various events occur.

Chaos has a unique order, technology is advanced but desperadoes are everywhere.

The strange city that is like a combination of contradictions made the audience marvel and gain a new understanding of cyberpunk.


This is the most authentic cyberpunk!

At least it is much more pure than the previously released similar competing products!

"I just said that those games are not very enjoyable to play."

"This is cyberpunk."


It's what they sum up on the subject.

And Honghuang’s 2077 completely satisfied all their cyberpunk fantasies, and even went one better!

I was overjoyed to see Hunting Heart.

Immediately, many people rushed to buy the game and prepare to experience it for themselves.


It's definitely not for the sake of content.

Simply because the game is fun.

"Huh? Is there a side mission here?"

At this time, Old E's voice sounded again.

After wandering around for a while, he received a strange side mission.

[Mission: Big Bird Turns Around]

[Content: Go to Mr. Laderillo’s office and steal the indecent video from Big Bird. 】

"What a weird place name, barbecue stall?"

Old E looked puzzled, imagining the barbecue rack spinning in circles.

Anyway, he was just idle. He looked around, then changed direction and rushed towards the location indicated by the mission.

As a result, when I crossed the zebra crossing and arrived at my destination, I was stunned by the sight in front of me.

Because Big Bird Zhuanzhuan is not a barbecue stall, but a bar!

On the huge fluorescent plaque, an image that is very familiar to male compatriots is rotating rapidly.

The live broadcast room was silent for half a second, then suddenly exploded.

"What is this?"

"Binzhou! It's Binzhou!"

"Hahaha, I was laughing so hard..."

"You actually use this thing as a front."

"That's what Otori said."

"Fuck! I didn't expect this."

"This is so fucking explosive!"

The audience laughed.

I never thought I would see such an outrageous scene in my lifetime.

They even had some doubts about Honghuang's mental state, fearing that he might have become a cyber psychosis.

Not to mention old E.

I want to watch more but don’t dare to look up for fear that my live broadcast room will be hacked.

He could only avert his eyes, lower his head and head straight into the bar.

As soon as I walked through the gate.

The noisy sounds on the street outside disappeared and turned into dynamic rock music, filling the bar atmosphere.


When he looked up again.

Looking through the passage and seeing the man pole dancing on the stage and the scene playing on the big screen on the wall next to him, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"I'll go! GA..."


The screen in the live broadcast room is black.

At the same time, a super management message flashed.

[Super management: The live broadcast room is suspected of illegal content and is being rectified. Please wait for 10 minutes...]

? ? ?

A series of question marks crossed the live broadcast room.


The audience finally woke up.

"Fuck! It's blocked!"

"It's actually been banned!"

"I haven't even seen what it is yet."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"666, the show makes my scalp numb."

"This pinch is too fast."

"It turns out that the supervisor has been peeking."

Seeing that the live broadcast room was blocked, they couldn't hold back any longer, and barrages poured out crazily.

And this news.

It also spread in major live broadcast rooms.

The other anchors who were broadcasting 2077 were all shocked.

"Has Old E been banned?"

"No way, this game is so powerful?"

"No, no, I have to change back to live broadcast mode."

After confirming the news, the anchors were anxious and quickly switched the game back to live broadcast mode.

They are not as tough as Lao E. If they are banned, they will just start in one day.

But precisely because of this incident, the player circle was completely blown away.

Many players who are currently playing the game have learned about the "magic" of Honghuang's game.

Just don't do the main plot and start running around in Night City.

Gradually, they were shocked to discover.

The perfection of this game is beyond imagination.

To sum it up, there are two, details!


It’s the details!

Regardless of the street facilities or the interiors of the buildings, they are all modeled, not just for display.

You can even enter any floor through the elevator inside, and you can also take the subway outside to go anywhere in the city.

It's exactly like a real city!

Especially players on the virtual side.

At this time, I have already been addicted to exploring the city, and I am happily visiting various nightclubs, or joining gangs to seek excitement.

It's like arriving in a free and sinful paradise.

A huge stage for them to perform to their heart’s content!

This also caused.

Sales of 2077 are rising steadily.

Many players who heard about this incident came here to join the corrupt life in Night City.


In Lao E's live broadcast room.

The light came on again.

After more than ten minutes of confinement, he was finally released from the dark room and resumed live broadcasting.

"I'm coming."

"The live broadcast has resumed."

"It's so funny that I was locked up for more than ten minutes."

"Anchor Anchor, how does it feel to be locked up in the dark room?"

"Should the superintendent call and warn me?"

"Let you run around, now you will have a better memory."

"The water in Night City is too deep for you to control."

Seeing the black screen light up, the audience who had been waiting for a long time suddenly became happy.

The popularity that should have been reduced not only did not decrease, but became even more popular than before the black screen. Many people even came from other live broadcast rooms to join in the fun.

no way.

Who made old E explode like this?

Unexpectedly, he was blocked from the live broadcast room because he accidentally broadcast it. It almost became the focus of the entire live broadcast platform, and his reputation was ruined in one day.

"Damn it... he was warned by the supervisor."

As soon as the broadcast started, Lao E appeared in front of the camera, his expression was extremely embarrassing.

If he didn't have millions of fans to support him and had some say on the platform, he might not have been able to release it so quickly.

After adjusting his condition, he chatted with the audience for a few words.

He put on his helmet again and entered the game, arriving on the streets of Night City.

Only this time.

The scantily clad NPCs on the street had an extra layer of clothes on their bodies, and even the ambiguous advertisements on the walls had disappeared.


"Live mode?"

"Good guy, have you switched back to live broadcast mode?"

"I'm scared. I'm scared."

"If you have the ability, come back in exchange."

"I still like your unruly look."

"You no longer regard us as brothers."

The changes in the game screen made the audience laugh out loud.

Think about it, when the anchor first started broadcasting, he was very stubborn and directly chose the normal mode. However, not long after that, he was slapped in the face.

After all, he lowered his head in front of reality.

"Okay, I've seen everything I need to see. If you want to see more, buy the game. We'll continue to push the plot."

Faced with the ridicule, Old E coughed twice and returned to the starting point to join Jack and start the action together.

After the previous escape transport outside the city, he had teamed up with a big guy like Jack to work as a mercenary in the Night City, specializing in helping some middlemen to do various shady private jobs.

have to say.

Even if it’s not the first time we’ve met.

Old E still feels that the lines and dubbing in this game are very outrageous, especially Jack, who speaks in such a down-to-earth manner.

The two of them were chatting while performing tasks and traveling to various places. Not to mention it was quite interesting.

Although Jack sometimes has a bad mouth, he is indeed a good partner.

Especially every time he was responsible for driving and Lao E was responsible for reaching out the window and shooting to kill the enemy, the cooperation was very skillful, which made gun game enthusiasts like Lao E very happy.

"The plot of this game is really good, mainly because of the sense of immersion. It's really strong!"

At the beginning, Lao E thought the main plot would be boring.

But after getting started, he found that it was far more amazing than he imagined.

Regardless of the scene layout, character creation, or various high-tech facilities, they all give him a natural feeling.

just like.

That's how things should go.


That's what it feels like!

Ever since he entered this game, he had a strong illusion.

I really live in this night city, and I am really a member of this game world.

"I see, I understand!"

Suddenly, Old E, who was about to drive home after another gunfight, woke up.

“It’s process refinement!”

"The action process of this game has been refined. The protagonist's basic necessities, food, clothing, housing and transportation have not been left behind. Even driving home after finishing the work, there is no animation!"

"It's just like all the normal things we experience in a day!"

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