Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 104 Infernal Affairs is not a science fiction film?!

Qin Feng is also full of anticipation in his heart for meeting Liu Tianwang.

During the earth period, Qin Feng was a fan of Liu Tianwang.

He has seen almost all the movies that Liu Tianwang has acted in.

For the songs sung by Liu Tianwang, Qin Feng can also do it when he opens his mouth.

It's just that in this world, Liu Tianwang, who is one of the four great kings in Xiangjiang, and who has great influence in the three worlds of film, film, and song, also has his own regrets.

That is that he has been in the film for so many years, and until today, he has never touched the awards in Hong Kong and Taiwan, which symbolize his highest acting skills - the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor and the Golden Horse Award for Best Actor.

Although before this, Liu Tianwang has won awards in the music world and is soft.

But in the realm of film, it is true that there is no harvest.

Although he is often nominated for best actor, he is always a daily companion and has never been involved in the final award.

This is undoubtedly unacceptable to Liu Tianwang, who is very professional.

Qin Feng came to this world because he wanted to help Liu Tianwang realize his long-cherished dream.

There is no doubt that this "Infernal Affairs", which can also shock the world after its broadcast, is the best choice.

Although in the earth period, after the broadcast of "Infernal Affairs", the film's other actor Liang Chaowei Liangying,

With this film, he "double-killed" Liu Tianwang at the Golden Horse Awards and the Academy Awards, and finally won two "Six Seven Seven" Best Actors.

But in this world, Qin Feng has the confidence to let Liu Tianwang win at least one of the golden statues and golden horses.

Let Liang Chaowei and Liu Dehua each hold a grand prize.

Or maybe after many years, the golden horse and golden statue have a double yolk egg again, and Liang Chaowei and Liu Dehua jointly took down the golden horse and golden statue of two actors.

This is naturally the best result, and of course the difficulty factor is also high.

But see what movie it is.

If it is an ordinary movie, it is naturally difficult to do.

But if it is the ceiling of a world police and gangster film like "Infernal Affairs", it is not impossible.

Qin Feng is looking forward to this movie, so that Liang Chaowei and Liu Dehua, two actors he likes very much, can both win personal awards.

He was about to meet his idol soon, so Qin Feng was naturally very excited.

At 11:00 pm on June 5th, Qin Feng left the Xiangjiang International Airport with excitement.

As soon as I came out, I saw Mr. Xu Guanwen, the chairman of the Hong Kong Film Association, personally holding a placard to greet him at the airport!

At this time, Xu Guanwen was only 70 years old and his hair was gray, but he still did not change his eyebrows and his determination to give everything for the Hong Kong Film.

After seeing Qin Feng come out, the old gentleman greeted him excitedly and grabbed his hand.

For Xu Guanwen, the young man in front of him is not only the director of the movie "Inception" that shocked the world.

Still the savior of Hong Kong!

Since "Inception" was released in Hong Kong on June 1, Xu Guanwen went to the cinema five times!

He was amazed at Qin Feng's ingenious movie skills and the magical content of the story.

Before "Inception" was released, Xu Guanwen had a hunch that this film directed by Qin Feng might be very good.

But he never imagined that it would be so good!

As of June 5, "Inception" has collected nearly 600 million US dollars at the global box office, which is equivalent to 4.5 billion Hong Kong dollars!

In the end, the total global box office after the movie is over is bound to exceed 1 billion US dollars.

For such a movie that can harvest 7 billion Hong Kong dollars at the global box office, Xu Guanwen really dare not think about it.

You know, there is no other Hong Kong movie that can achieve such amazing results in the world.

For the success of "Inception", Xu Guanwen is both envious and anxious.

If this movie is made by Xiangjiang, there is no doubt that the Xiangjiang film market, which has been stagnant for many years, will take off again and move towards a new chapter!

Unfortunately, "Inception" is produced by Warner.

Watching Warner earn a lot of money because of a movie directed by Qin Feng, surpassing Disney and securing the throne of the world's No. 1 film company.

Xu Guanwen, the president of the Hong Kong Film Association, can't be in a hurry.

I can't wait for Qin Feng to come to Xiangjiang as soon as possible to create a movie with astonishing power as "Inception" for Xiangjiang to boost the morale of the filmmakers in Xiangjiang!

Looking at Qin Feng walking out of the airport, Xu Guanwen knew that this day was finally made him wait!

"Director Qin Feng, welcome to Xiangjiang!

Liu Tianwang is already waiting for you at the hotel.

In view of his special status, it is inconvenient to appear at the airport, so the old man will come to pick you up, and I hope you will forgive me. ""

Xu Guanwen held Qin Feng's hand tightly and said excitedly.

"Senior Xu Guanwen, you are welcome.

Since Liu Tianwang is waiting for me, let's hurry over.

I also want to meet Liu Tianwang earlier and talk to him about movies.

Also let this film I made for Xiangjiang start shooting earlier. "5

Qin Feng smiled and replied quickly.

Qin Feng naturally understands that Liu Tianwang cannot appear at the airport.

If someone like Liu Dehua showed up at the airport, the whole airport would be blown up.

Whether they can get out of the airport by then is a question.

Then Qin Feng left the airport all the way under the leadership of Xu Guanwen.

I got on the business car parked outside and went straight to the Hong Kong Hotel.

"Director Qin Feng, your "Inception" is simply amazing!

Really a hero out of a boy!

Watching your movie makes us old bones in the film industry feel ashamed!"5

In the back row of the commercial car, Xu Guanwen first expressed high praise for Qin Feng's film.

Then he frowned and asked a question that had been worrying him for the past few days and couldn't eat.

"Director Qin Feng, your "Inception" is really excellent.

But for the "Infernal Affairs" you made for Hong Kong, can you reduce the budget a bit as appropriate?

You know, Hong Kong is no better than Hollywood.

Xiangjiang's film company is not as big as Warner.

Xu Guanwen looked at Qin Feng, his face flushed slightly, and he said slowly.

Since watching "Inception", this question has been echoing in Xu Guanwen's heart.

As we all know, "Inception" cost Warner Films $160 million to produce.

Converted into Hong Kong dollars, but nearly 1 billion!

Although "Inception" is really well made, it's worth the price.

But the production cost of nearly 1 billion Hong Kong dollars, Xu Guanwen knew very well that the film company in Xiangjiang could not come up with it.

Especially when the Hong Kong film market is so sluggish.

And about Qin Feng wanting to create the name of this movie for Xiangjiang.

Xu Guanwen knew it early on.

When the two chatted through Weibo more than a month ago, Qin Feng told him the name of the movie.

This also made Xu Guanwen think about the "Infernal Affairs" for more than a month.

Hearing the words of Xu Guanwen, president of the Hong Kong Film Association, Qin Feng smiled and patted his forehead helplessly.

He also instantly understood what Xu Guanwen was thinking at this time.

It turns out that Xu Guanwen has always regarded the film he was going to create for the Xiangjiang Market as a science fiction film!

"Senior Xu Guanwen, don't worry...

"Infernal Affairs" is not a science fiction film, so it does not need the exaggerated production cost of 160 million US dollars.

I made a preliminary estimate, and the budget for the whole film is about 30 million Hong Kong dollars.

You don't have to worry about movie funding.

If Xiangjiang is not enough, then I, Qin Feng, will come forward to raise film funds for Xiangjiang!""

Qin Feng turned his head, looked at Xu Guanwen, smiled at first, and then said firmly.

Indeed, nothing can stop Qin Feng's determination to save the Hong Kong film market.

Even the funding of the movie.

If the film company on the Xiangjiang side can't find it, then Qin Feng will personally come forward and invest in the film.

He doesn't believe that with his current influence in the global film industry, he can't 'borrow' the 30 million Hong Kong dollars from this mere mere!


Director Qin Feng, are you saying that the "Infernal Affairs" you created for the Hong Kong Film Market is not a science fiction film?!99

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Xu Guanwen, president of the Hong Kong Film Association, was full of shock.

He widened his eyes, looked at Qin Feng, and said in shock.

He originally thought that "Infernal Affairs", like "Inception", is a sci-fi suspense and brain-burning masterpiece that can also shock the world.

But he never expected that Qin Feng just told him that "Infernal Affairs" is not a science fiction film.

Therefore, although he heard at this time, "Infernal Affairs" does not need such a high production cost.

But also a little unhappy.

After all, in Xu Guanwen's mind, if "Infernal Affairs" is not a science fiction film, it means that it will hardly have the same influence as "Inception".

What Xu Guanwen wants is for Qin Feng to create a movie for Xiangjiang that can shock the world like "Inception"!

"Director Qin Feng, please rest assured.

Although Hong Kong is not as big as Hollywood.

But in terms of funding, it is definitely not bad.

So you must not give up the plan to make science fiction films because of financial problems.

No matter how much you spend, I, Xu Guanwen, even if I sell iron, even if I risk my life.

Be sure to raise the funds you need to make the movie too!!!

Xu Guanwen clenched his fists, looked at Qin Feng, and said 4.9 very seriously.

Because in Xu Guanwen's view, Qin Feng's best field in movies should be science fiction.

After all, the excellence of "Inception" is obvious to people all over the world.

If Qin Feng did not make science fiction films, it would be difficult to revitalize the Hong Kong film market.

"Senior Xu Guanwen, Infernal Affairs is not a science fiction film, so it really doesn't need that much money.

Please put a hundred hearts, this police and bandit film I made for Xiangjiang can also play a role in saving the Hong Kong film market!""

Qin Feng smiled after hearing this, patted Xu Guanwen's thigh lightly, and said.

Hope it puts him at ease.

But when he heard that "Infernal Affairs" is a police and bandit movie, Xu Guanwen not only did not feel relieved.

Instead, he felt a chill in his heart, and then he planted his body on the seat of the commercial vehicle.

Because he knew in his heart that police and gangster films belonged to bad streets in Xiangjiang.

In this day and age, cop movies are already the least valuable type of movie.

Even if it was broadcast, no one watched it.

Qin Feng actually wanted to create a police and bandit movie for Xiangjiang.

Can such a movie play a role in saving the Hong Kong movie market?!

At this moment, Xu Guanwen couldn't help being shrouded in a cloud of darkness.

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