Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 182 There is a ghost inside and the transaction is terminated

On the screen, along with the phrase 'Longgutan received the goods' on Huangsir's walkie-talkie


On the police side, the gang's transaction information has been pinched.

A big fish that has been caught for 10 years.

You can close the net at any time and capture it.

On the other side, Han Chen was unaware of the danger he was in.

He even made his subordinates shout, "Kakayin belongs to him"


Faced with this situation, the most nervous.

There is nothing more than Liu Jianming, a gangster lurking in the police station.

Seeing that Han Chen was about to be subdued, Liu Jianming at this time was like an ant on a hot pot.

Because once Han Chen is caught, there is no doubt that his undercover identity will also be exposed.

He and Han Chen were like grasshoppers on a rope.

One is prosperous, and one is lost.

In this regard, 723 Liu Jianming decided to fight!

I saw him quietly plugging in the U disk on the computer.

Using a private network card, I sent a message to all mobile phones in the area: 'There is a ghost, terminate the transaction!

In an instant, hundreds of mobile phones near the gang's stronghold received this message.

Including Han Chen himself!

When he was about to go out with the Thai guy, he turned on his mobile phone and saw such a message.

Got it all right away!

"Tell silly strong to throw all the goods into the sea!"

He hurriedly dialed the phone and informed his subordinates.

At the same time, the heart is burning with anger (chej).

Unexpectedly, there was a police undercover lurking beside him.

While he is calculating others, he is also being calculated by others.

On the other side, Han Chen's subordinates were stupid and strong, and Han Chen notified him in time.

Before the police arrived, the cocaine worth tens of millions was successfully thrown into the sea.

It also announced the failure of the police's arrest of Han Chen.

Liu Jianming, who was at the police command center, quietly unplugged the USB flash drive and let out a long sigh of relief.

In the theater, the audience who watched the movie here also took a deep breath.

I have to say, the tight plot of "Infernal Affairs" just now.

Let their nerves, once tense to burst.

Everyone has to admit, before "Infernal Affairs".

They've never seen a cop movie like this before!

The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind.

The two sides fought each other's wits.

A mountain is higher than a mountain.

This is what a cop movie should be like!

From the moment the movie started, their nervousness never stopped.

It was at this moment that they finally understood what kind of movie Qin Feng shot!

On the screen, although the police just failed to arrest Han Chen.

But that doesn't mean the police will give up.

Han Chen, who had lost tens of millions of goods, would not give up either.

The two sides will still fight to the end, if you don't fight to the death, you will never give up!

Just like what Huang Sir said to Han Chen when he left the police station.

'Whoever loses will die.

In this game, there is one and only one winner.

All viewers want to know who will win the game in the end.

It is the yellow police officer who represents justice.

Or the gangster Han Chen.

Two undercover agents with their respective missions.

What will be the way after that.

With a series of questions raised in my heart.

Fans sitting in the cinema watching the premiere of "Infernal Affairs" stared at the screen.

I want to see how the movie will develop next!

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