Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 19 Shooting Must Start Immediately!

"I don't think Cobb finally came out of the dream, I think he's still on the edge of the subconscious."

Girard turned his head, looked at Lillard, and said solemnly.

As the saying goes, for a thousand readers, there are a thousand Hamlets.

At this time, Girard saw an ending that was completely opposite to Lillard.

Qin Feng did not agree with Girard's statement, nor did he object.

He still gave a sloppy look.

Watching two high-level executives of Warner Bros. Pictures, they were arguing like two children about the final ending of their movie.

Qin Feng also patted his forehead and smiled helplessly.

He knew that the effect he wanted had been achieved.

The story of "Inception", from beginning to end, can indeed firmly attract people in this world.

Qin Feng also became more confident about the film's great success in this world.

"Mr. Girard, I feel that since your company intends to make this film, it should be done as soon as possible, without delay.

The preparations for "Inception" should start now! "

At this time, Qin Feng knocked on the table, looked at the two who were still arguing about the ending of "Inception", and said.

After listening to Qin Feng's words, the two men came back to their senses and realized that they were having a meeting with Qin Feng that might be the most important meeting since the establishment of Warner Films.

"Sorry, Mr. Qin Feng, I made you laugh.

To be honest, the two of us are also senior movie fans on weekdays. Once we see the best movies in this world, we will be deeply attracted to them.

So, really sorry. "

Girard, CEO of Warner Bros. Pictures, looked at Qin Feng and said with a smile.

Lillard on the side also smiled and apologized to Qin Feng.

"It's alright, I can understand the feelings of the two of you.

But I still say that, if Warner wants to take over "Inception", then the preparations must be fast!

The summer vacation is approaching, I plan to let "Inception" in this year's global summer file, with a view of all the mountains and small mountains, sweep thousands of troops, and win the global summer box office champion! "

Qin Feng looked at the three Warner TV giants in front of him, and said with oath.

Indeed, if you want to maximize the box office benefits of "Inception".

The annual summer vacation is undoubtedly the best time.

It is impossible for Qin Feng to let "Inception" miss the honeymoon period of such a movie.

After listening to Qin Feng's words, the three of them all showed fear and disbelief.

"Director Qin Feng, I heard it right just now, you mean, you want "Inception" to be released this summer?

Now, it's almost the end of March, and it's only two months away from June.

Do you want to finish "Inception," a movie that cost 200 million yuan in two months? ! "

Girard looked at Qin Feng, widened his eyes, and asked in shock.

The other two also fixed their eyes on Qin Feng, wondering if Qin Feng had said something wrong just now.

However, Qin Feng's next words surprised them to the point where it was difficult to attach. They couldn't believe it all.

"It won't take two months.

One month is enough. "

Qin Feng shook his head and said seriously.

Indeed, he now has a super film and television system, and everything about "Inception" has been deeply imprinted in his mind.

This is not the same as when "Inception" was filmed on Earth.

Therefore, Qin Feng can complete the filming of the film in one month, or even faster.

The reason why Qin Feng is so anxious to start the filming is that the Banff National Park in Calgary, Canada, will close the ski resort in mid-April every year.

And the ultimate pursuit battle in the snow in the last "Inception" was completed there.

It's the end of March and they're still catching up to the tail that can ski.

If you miss this period, I am afraid that "Inception" will really have to wait until next year to be released.

Qin Feng knew that there was a mountain near Banff National Park in Calgary, Canada.

There's a now-closed ski resort there, and the majestic mountains and undisclosed status quo make for an absolutely ideal location for the film.

And the last snow chase scene of the "Inception" on Earth was also filmed there!

"I want you guys to help me contact all the actors above and tell them they're going to be in a $200 million Warner Bros. movie that's destined to go down in history.

According to the above list, one is counted as one, and one cannot be missed.

as soon as possible!

Because the first scene of "Inception" is about to start shooting! "

Qin Feng took the credits on the table and patted them in front of the still shocked Warner Big Three, and said loudly in the most solemn tone.

(ps: Your support is the driving force for the author to explode! Brothers, I beg all kinds of data support!)

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