Take this elevator down, and what awaits him is eternal life in hell!

Chen Yongren held Liu Jianming's head with his gun, and turned his body slightly to the side of the elevator.

Get ready to take it into the elevator.

But I didn't expect it to be this light side.

Not only took away his hope of victory.

Also took his life!

With a sudden gunshot.

Nearly a thousand cinemas in Xiangjiang were darkened at this moment.

Hear the deafening sound of gunfire.

All the audience couldn't help but tremble.

Look at the dark screen.

Not sure what happened.

Nearly 27 two seconds later.

On the screen, the scene just now repeats itself.

Liang Chaowei took a step to the left.

A bullet flew from the back of his head.

Then, he fell into the elevator.

Liu Tianwang turned his head blankly, looking at all this in disbelief.

And Lin Jiadong, who had just shot, had a cold expression on his face.

He has been waiting for this opportunity.

An opportunity to kill Chen Yongren.

The moment when he confirmed from Liang Chaowei that Liu Dehua was an undercover gangster.

He is ready!

Prepare to save Liu Dehua from Liang's hands and establish his new eldest brother!

At this time, the audience of nearly a thousand cinemas in Xiangjiang.

Eyes widened.

Open your mouth wide.

Staring blankly at the screen.

Can't believe this is true.

Liang Chaowei just died?

A good man just died like that!

I have to say that the scene in "Infernal Affairs" just shocked everyone's soul.

No one expected that such a thing would happen.

Because in the past Hong Kong police and bandit films, they have never acted like this!

at the end of other movies.

Good people will be rewarded well.

Bad guys will be brought to justice.

Justice will be served.

But when Liang Chaowei fell to the ground.

It shattered their original fantasy about the ending of "Infernal Affairs".

Nearly 100,000 fans watched the premiere of "Infernal Affairs" in Xiangjiang.

At this moment, in addition to being shocked, I was still shocked.

More than this group of ordinary fans.

Even the professional directors present saw Liang Chaowei being shot and fell to the ground.

They were also terrified.

They clearly saw the shot that Ling Jiadong just fired.

In the middle of Liang Chaowei's forehead.

Bullets flew out of the back of the head.

In other words, Liang Chaowei died completely.

In this case, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

"Qin Feng actually wrote Liang Chaowei to death???"

Wang Jing clenched his fists, looked at the screen, and took a deep breath.

This is how a cop movie ends up like this.

For Wang Jing's brain, it is simply unimaginable.

In all fairness, he felt that if he made a movie.

I am afraid that I would never dare to let such a hero as Chen Yongren.

The movie ends like this.

Because that's not the ending that most people want.

"Chen Yongren is offline?! 740"

Wang Jiawei also hugged his head and shouted.

He never expected that he would work with the gold medal actor Liang Chaowei he had worked with in the past.

In Qin Feng's movie, it turned out to be such an ending.

I am afraid that apart from Qin Feng, Xiangjiang has no director, so dare to design it like this.

But after a while, Wang Jiawei understood.

This is exactly what makes the movie "Infernal Affairs" so detached!

I also understand the gap between him and all the directors of Xiangjiang, and Qin Feng!

Qin Feng will not design stories to please the audience.

His films only care about the heights achieved in art.

It's what everyone can't imagine.

It didn't go as the public intended.

Qin Feng has created one miracle after another in this world!

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