As for whether he will make a sequel to "Infernal Affairs" in the future.

He is not sure now either.

Just depends on the situation.

In addition to a group of well-known filmmakers in Hong Kong.

Countless ordinary people in Hong Kong, after watching the premiere of "Infernal Affairs".

They also rushed to the ibm website spontaneously to rate and comment on the film.

["Infernal Affairs" made me admire Hong Kong movies again!

It interrogates human nature deeply from a philosophical point of view, to feel the suffocation under one's own control.

Feel the greed and selfishness, experience the painful entanglement of good and evil.

The script is quite good, and Liang Chaowei's Chen Yongren is directly deified.

All the characters are remarkable, and there is no superfluous place.

I have to say, this is definitely a 740 milestone for Hong Kong films! 】

[Director Qin Feng's new work in Xiangjiang is directly conferred a god!

This movie, I love not only Liang Chaowei's positive character Chen Yongren.

There is also Liu Jianming, played by Liu Dehua, who is tired and old when struggling.

Let us fully feel Andy's acting skills, perfectly presenting this complex character to the screen. 】

[Personally, I think the most wonderful design in Infernal Affairs is that Chen Yongren never wavered from the beginning to the end.

Standing in the alley and saluting the police superintendent's hearse, there is a strong and weak brilliance of humanity. 】

[Chen Yongren's (chej) life is like a kite in the hands of his superiors.

When his superiors passed away, his police career could be said to have gone with the wind.

After watching this film, I fell in love with Liang Chaowei, and the melancholy eyes made people fall deeply into it.

Chen Yongren's image is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

Tiger's acting skills are really good, of course, it is inseparable from the love romance of other actors.


【We are all in constant hurry and forget the way out.

Pursuing occasional gratification in disappointment, we are all free from waking suffering in dreams.

Wandering in the dim light, returning to the origin without reaching the end, enjoying the endless road.

I love this theme song designed by Director Qin Feng for "Infernal Affairs"!]

[The scene on the rooftop is really a classic, no one can surpass it.

"I'm sorry, I'm a policeman" touched my young heart, and I will never forget it in my life.

Interestingly, the movie really erases the dividing line between the good and the bad at the end.

Therefore, the meaning of Jianghu and destiny is more completely copied.

This may be the detachment of Director Qin Feng! 】

[It's such a rare Hong Kong film, several actors are very talented, their acting skills are online, and it's enjoyable to watch. 】

【The most classic movie of undercover theme!

As the saying goes, the police and bandits are a family since ancient times! There is me in the enemy, and there is an enemy in me. It has long been the norm for the confrontation between the police and the bandit!

The ups and downs of undercover, one film does everything!

Han Chen escaped the pursuit of the police, but could not escape the betrayal of his own people.

Officer Huang also encountered unexpected events during the meeting.

There are even lurking around the two undercover agents.

Sometimes they may also be misplaced.

The fake identity has been around for a long time, and I will believe it myself! 】

[Why do I like Liang Chaowei so much, he is so handsome and sexy with a beard, I am almost fascinated by him! 】

[The performances of several movie stars are impeccable! It's fun to watch! 】

[Although the movie starts, it tells who is the undercover.

But the story still has twists and turns, as well as super delicate psychological description, classic.

This may be the pinnacle of Hong Kong movies!

When Huang Sheng died, it was really moving. Liang Chaowei's eyes were super moving, and the words of stupid Qiang before his death were also sad.

This movie contains too much truth and falsehood, and there is nothing that can be done about it. 】

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