Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 223 belongs to the era of Qin Feng, and it continues!

In addition to major media in North America, Warner CEO Girard,

When "Infernal Affairs" is about to land in North America in less than half an hour, it is also extremely nervous.

After all, he gave Media Asia Film Company a copyright fee of 1 million US dollars,

Already 6 hours ago, I reached the official account of Media Asia.

This also means that this "Infernal Affairs", he has to shoot if he doesn't.

If Infernal Affairs doesn't make it to North America tonight, it's going to have a pretty shattering premiere.

Then the $1 million in copyright fees he spent was gone.

Even after the "Infernal Affairs" with a strong lineup is created, few people will watch it.

A limp original film.

No matter how it is remade, it is destined to be difficult to make waves in the market.

So Girard is also very concerned about the release of "Infernal Affairs" in North America at this time.

To this end, he deliberately contracted a theater in Los Angeles.

Watch the North American premiere of "Infernal Affairs" with Warners executives, Leonardo and Matt Damon.

In addition to these people, old Hollywood drama bone Nelson,

I also bought a movie ticket and went to the cinema in Los Angeles alone to watch the movie.

Although he is not optimistic about "Infernal Affairs".

And not long ago, also rejected Girard's invitation to participate in "Infernal Affairs".

But Nelson walked into the movie theater tonight.

Because he wants to see, this Hong Kong film directed by Qin Feng.

How bad is it!

I don't know since when, Hong Kong films have not had a good impression in his heart.

He felt that the current Hong Kong Films could not be put on the table at all.

No matter who its director is or how strong the cast is.

It has never been able to change its already rotten inside.

It can be said that Nelson went to the cinema tonight with the intention of 'appreciating' a bad movie.

At this moment, Nielsen is not optimistic about "Infernal Affairs".

It also includes Matt Damon, who has signed a contract with Warner and expressed his desire to star in "The Departed".

Matt Damon can sign this contract with Warner.

It is entirely based on the words Qin Feng.

As a well-known Hollywood actor, he also wants to complete a gorgeous transformation like Leonardo under Qin Feng's hands.

But after signing a contract with Warners, Matt Damon regretted it.

The reason for this is because he wants to participate in a remake of a Hong Kong film.


Like Nelson, he has no confidence in Hong Kong films.

I don't think it can make any waves among the market and the public.

He felt that his choice of participating in "Infernal Affairs" was destined to be the biggest failure of his career!

Sitting in a movie theater reserved by Warner Bros., Matt Damon's heart was full of sadness.


But Leonardo, who was sitting beside him, was in good spirits.

Excitedly looking at the screen.

Can't wait to see Infernal Affairs hit screens in North America.

From the moment he first saw the script of "Infernal Affairs",

He was attracted by the story written by Qin Feng and the involuntary Chen Yongren in it.

He may be the only person in North America who believes that Qin Feng can continue to create movie myths tonight.

After all, he is the first male lead under Qin Feng.

As the man Qin Feng pushed to the altar, Leonardo has no doubts about any decision Qin Feng makes in the movie.

He never doubted Qin Feng's decision to go to Hong Kong to film Infernal Affairs.

I have always believed that the movie era that belongs to Qin Feng is still going on! Fan.

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