Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 230 The bloody and conflict-filled ending! Excited!

This movie is so different from all the other cop movies.

Whether it's the beginning or the end.

are out of the ordinary.

Before Qin Feng, no one dared to write heroes to death.

But Chen Yongren just fell in front of all of them at this time.

That's how he died.

A hero fell violently.

on the screen.

Liu Jianming turned his head in surprise, looking at Lin Jiadong who had just shot and killed Chen Yongren, his face full of shock.

"Don't be afraid, everyone is 27 brothers from the same school.

I have destroyed Han Chen's tapes.

I will follow you from now on.

You have to take me with you. "

Lin Jiadong looked at Liu Dehua and said expressionlessly.

The screen then flashed back to the time when 'one will succeed and ten thousand bones will die'.

Han Chen said goodbye to the younger brothers.

The person standing beside Liu Dehua is Lin Jiadong at this time!

"Big B is also an undercover gangster?!

"My God, how many brothers Han Chen ambushed in the police station!

Seeing this, all the fans collectively exclaimed.

They never imagined that Big B, played by Lin Jiadong, is also a gangster.

This also explains why he just killed Chen Yongren.

At the end of the film, Qin Feng has hidden surprises for them.

It's also something they didn't expect.

"I joined the police academy in '94.

It's a pity that Brother Chen doesn't like me.

I haven't mixed up for so many years. "

Lin Jiadong walked to the elevator and shot Liang Chaowei's body again.

The screeching sound not only made Liu Dehua on the screen tremble.

It also shocked the fans of 10,000 theaters in North America.

I have to sigh that Lin Jiadong, a hidden character, is so ruthless.

"Come on, do a show and do a full set.

The police are coming soon. "

Lin Jiadong then wrapped Liang Chaowei's pistol with a handkerchief, walked to Liu Dehua, and handed it to him.

Liu Dehua looked at the pistol that was close at hand, and a bold plan faintly rose in his heart.

Once it will be done, the bones will die.

If someone gets a new life.

Then someone must die for him.

He remembered what Han Chen said to him in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple many years ago.

It also made him completely determined.


The elevator doors then closed.

Descending slowly in the dark.

Like falling into hell.


bang bang!

Three consecutive gunshots made countless audiences in North America tremble again.

The bloody and conflict-filled ending of "Infernal Affairs" made them hooked!

Qin Feng and Silent, compose an endless road between life and death.

No one knows what happened in that small elevator.

When the elevator reached the 4th floor, another gunshot came from inside.

This also made all the guards downstairs stand guard.


After a crisp bell.

The electric 757 elevator door slowly opened.

A middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes with neat hair stood at the elevator entrance.

Holding high in his hand, the police officer card that symbolizes his identity.

A few large characters were written on it.

Senior Inspector.

Liu Jianming.

"I'm a policeman.

Liu Jianming walked out of the elevator calmly, looked around at the guards outside the door, and said calmly.

The guards also put away their guns.

Then Liu Jianming turned his head and looked at the elevator behind him.

There were two people lying quietly inside.

On the left is his 'colleague' Big B.

On the right is 'policeman' Liang Chaowei.

One will succeed and ten thousand bones will die here, and it has been interpreted again.

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