North American time.

June 13.

10 o'clock in the morning.

Qin Feng's plane landed slowly at Los Angeles International Airport.

when the plane lands.

Qin Feng immediately opened his personal mobile phone.

The reason why he was so anxious to turn on his phone was not that he was afraid that someone would contact him.

But to check the news of "Infernal Affairs" on the Internet.

He hardly slept a minute during the 10-hour journey from Hong Kong to Los Angeles.

When he boarded the plane in Hong Kong yesterday, it happened that Infernal Affairs held its North American premiere.

Because there is no internet on the plane, he knows nothing about the repercussions of the movie "Infernal Affairs" in North America.

On the 27th road, he was almost thinking about "Infernal Affairs".

I'm pretty confident about this movie though.

After all, it has achieved great success in Hong Kong.

But Qin Feng's heart was still a little nervous.

I am worried that this film will encounter Waterloo in North America.

So as soon as he landed, Qin Feng turned on his phone immediately.

Want to check, "Infernal Affairs" released in North America.

But what he didn't expect was.

when he turned on the phone.

The first to pop up was a dozen text messages.

There are two numbers in total.

The most recent of them was sent to him by Girard.

Qin Feng opened his eyes and found that it was Girard who asked him when he would arrive at the station and would pick him up at the airport in person.

When he came back this time, no one told him.

Qin Feng also didn't know how Jilar knew.

But it's alright.

Girard can pick him up too, so he doesn't have to take a taxi to Warner himself.

Below Girard's text message, Qin Feng also found a message from an unfamiliar number.

This is a voice message.

"Director Qin Feng, hello.

I am Spielberg.

I wonder if you have time this morning.

I want to meet with you and ask you about film knowledge.

Heard Spielberg's voicemail to him.

Qin Feng was also surprised.

Unexpectedly, world-renowned director Spielberg took the initiative to meet him.

For Spielberg, Qin Feng is still full of reverence.

During the earth period, Qin Feng was once frightened into nightmares in the middle of the night by the classic film "Jaws" he directed.

Originally Qin Feng had no time today.

After he planned to land, he immediately went to Warner to start the shooting of "Infernal Affairs".

If others look for him, Qin Feng may not even return the information, so he chooses to refuse.

But Spielberg's words.

Qin Feng is about to think about it.

What's more, in the text message he sent him, he also used words like asking him for movie knowledge.

Qin Feng felt a little uneasy.

Although his current status, with the rise of "Inception", he has been promoted to the ranks of the world's 757 first-line directors.

But he was only 23 years old after all.

Just a student at the American Film Institute.

For Steven Spielberg, the older generation of directors in the film industry.

Qin Feng still didn't want to refute his face.

After thinking about it for a while, he texted him back.

Said that he had arrived in Los Angeles and could meet him at any time.

It fully expresses his respect for the older generation as a newcomer to the film.

And what he didn't expect was.

After he texted Spielberg back, the latter replied to him immediately.

"Haha, Director Qin Feng, thank you for your support.

I've been waiting for you outside Los Angeles Airport.

Spielberg on the other end said in a text message.

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