Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 258 Depp who was so excited that he hit his head against the wall

North American time.

June 13.


Qin Feng is sitting in the office of Warner Films.

"Infernal Affairs - Dao Fengyun" is being prepared.

Suddenly his cell phone rang.

Just when he thought, which actor is this, and wants to look for him to play "Pirates of the Caribbean",

Unexpectedly, when the call was connected,

It turns out that Daphne called him.

"Director Qin Feng.

The hero you want has been found for you. 35

Daphne on the other end took a deep breath and spoke to the phone.


Where is he now?!"

Hearing Daphne's words, Qin Feng's whole body was shocked.

He stood up abruptly from his chair and put his hands on the table.

He never expected that Daphne's work efficiency was so high.

What was told to her in the morning was done in the afternoon.

It can also be seen how strong Disney's desire to shoot this "Pirates of the Caribbean" is.

"Yes, the Johnny Depp you're looking for.

He's in Disney's conference room right now.

He looked excited when he learned that you were going to see him.

At this time, he was banging his head against the wall in the conference room excitedly. 39

Daphne was sitting at the desk in the Disney conference room, looking at Depp who was slamming his head against the wall.

Shaking his head, he said helplessly.

In the morning, after receiving Qin Feng's instructions about the hero of "Pirates of the Caribbean".

Daphne immediately looked for an actor named Johnny Depp in the Hollywood film and television circle.

Hard work pays off.

Half an hour ago, she successfully found this person.

Daphne was lying dead on set when Daphne found him.

When Depp heard from her, Qin Feng, the director of "Inception", offered to meet him.

The whole person jumped up with excitement.

The trip to Disney headquarters was a bit crazy.

When I got to the office, I was even more nervous.

Daphne didn't know whether what she found for Qin Feng at this time was the Depp he wanted.

Can such a slightly neurotic actor really play 'Captain Jack' well?

Daphne took a photo of Depp and sent it to Qin Feng's phone.

Confirm with him whether he is looking for this person.

After a second.

She received a reply from Qin Feng.

【it's him!

wait for me!

I'll be there soon!]

After seeing the text message Qin Feng sent her.

................................. Ask for Flowers

Daphne could only sigh helplessly.

I hope Qin Feng's choice is right.

I also hope that this person in front of me can carry the banner of Disney's future movies.

On the screen, it has established an unsurpassed classic image for fans around the world.

At this moment, Depp, who was in the Disney office, couldn't believe it was true.

He is such an actor in Los Angeles, and he is about to meet the world-famous director Qin Feng.

It's almost like a dream.

He would not have expected it, and it was also from this day.

He will completely get rid of his dragon role.

Step into the ranks of the world's first-line superstars!

ten minutes later.

Qin Feng came to the Disney headquarters in a hurry.

Because he's about to meet one of his favorite actors in his last life, Johnny Depp!

Although in this world, Johnny Depp is just a LA runner.

It is very different from the identity of the previous life.

But it still couldn't stop him, Qin Feng was determined to establish him as the leading actor in Disney's 200 million new films.

Because of Depp's wonderful performance in the earth period, he was deeply moved!

It left an indelible impression on his mind.

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