Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 278 Recommend Keira Knightley to the crew of Pride and Prejudice!

Sitting in the Disney office at this time, she did not think that,

This time Qin Feng asked her to play the role of Elizabeth, the heroine of "Pirates of the Caribbean".

Didn't even think about it at all.

What she considers is that Qin~Feng will meet her today,

It should be to let her play a character in Disney's 200 million new film.

But the role is not big.

Just go through the motions.

Or have a few short lines.

Just like those roles she played in the movies in the past.

For this kind of role, she has been working hard in Hollywood for nearly seven years, and it can be said that she has achieved it easily.

There is absolutely no problem with interpreting the characters well.

But although he is now being interviewed by the world-famous director Qin Feng.

But Keira Knightley's heart was not excited at all.

Not for anything else.

Just because she quit the film industry a week ago.

If I had learned before that I could play an inconspicuous little character in Qin Feng's movie.

She can be excited for days and nights without sleep.

But now it's different.

For her determined to bid farewell to the film industry in this life,

She knew that even with an appearance in Qin Feng's film,

It can't change the fate of her destined to be Luye.

Sitting in a chair in Disney's office, Keira Knightley took a deep breath.

Slowly he took his hands off the skirt.

She has already thought of a set of rhetoric, and she will reject the world-famous director Qin Feng.

Thanks for the invitation.

But she's ready to live a normal life!

the other side.

The Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle Qin Feng was riding in has also arrived at the gate of Disney Studios.

As soon as he got out of the car, Qin Feng took a step forward and walked towards the inside quickly.

He knew that the Pirates of the Caribbean heroine he was looking for was waiting for him at the Disney office.

And just from Daphne's mouth, he learned that Keira Knightley was actually a week ago,

From the Los Angeles Screen Actors Guild, canceled his name.

This also means that she chose to quit the film industry.

When Daphne found her, she was working in a company.

Qin Feng couldn't help but feel sad for what happened to Keira Knightley in this world.

The English rose, who was proud of the screen in the earth period, has become an office clerk in this world.

Ruthless things, but that's it.

・・・ Flowers ・・・

Facts have proved that Maxima often has it, but Bole does not often have it.

Like Keira Knightley and Johnny Depp, such good actors.

It is inevitable that they will suffer the situation of being frozen by fate.

Have to sigh.

Qin Feng, who learned about Kelly's current situation, couldn't help but speed up.

I can't bear to watch a generation of goddesses, and bid farewell to film and television from now on.

If Keira Knightley really chooses not to work in the film industry anymore.


It has to be said that it is definitely a loss for the film industry!

If that's the case, all but the sexy and moving Elizabeth from Pirates of the Caribbean will say goodbye to people.

Even the classic heroine in the world famous book "Pride and Prejudice" will not be able to meet fans.

As far as Qin Feng knows, "Pride and Prejudice" has not been adapted into a film or television in this world.

Although Qin Feng has no interest in making this movie.

But that doesn't mean others aren't interested.

Until the day the film starts to be made,

Qin Feng knew that he would definitely do his best,

To the "Pride and Prejudice" crew, Keira Knightley was recommended for the lead actress.

Presumably what he said should have a certain weight in the global film industry.

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