Qin Feng nodded with satisfaction after receiving the promise from Disney President Daphne.

Indicates that she can leave here to prepare.

With the promise of the president of Disney,

Qin Feng is also full of confidence in finishing the epic fantasy film "Pirates of the Caribbean" within half a month.

North American time.

June 13.

eight pm.

Qin Feng left Disney Studios after explaining Daphne's information about the movie.

Head to Warner Bros. Studios not far away.

27 Today Warner President Girard blew his phone up.

After arriving in Los Angeles in the morning, he has been at Disney Studios almost all the time.

This can make Girard anxious enough.

Afraid that Qin Feng will stay at Disney and not come back.

Put Warners aside.

So when Qin Feng appeared at the door of Warner's office, Girard, who was sitting inside, immediately bounced from his chair excitedly.

He rushed to Qin Feng and grabbed his hand.

"Director Qin Feng, you are back!

Now it's all out there, the news that you're about to do the $200 million fantasy "Pirates of the Caribbean" for Disney.

It robbed Warner of all the limelight.

I thought you weren't coming back.

Forget about making the US version of Infernal Affairs with Warner Bros. "5

As soon as they met, Girard immediately told Qin Feng.

He confided all his sorrows to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng naturally understood Girard's mood.

But he also knew that he Qin Feng was not that kind of person.

Since I promised Warner, I want to create "Infernal Affairs".

How could he be unbelieving.

In these two days, use Disney's time to prepare "Pirates of the Caribbean".

He can help Warner to finish the American version of "Infernal Affairs".

"President Girard, June 14.

Early tomorrow morning, "Infernal Affairs" officially started.

All the actors involved are now in place!

Qin Feng sat on a chair in Warner's office, looked at Girard, and said solemnly.

Said that he will start shooting "Infernal Affairs" tomorrow.

"Really, Director Qin Feng.

That's great!"

Hearing Qin Feng's words, Jilar stomped his feet in excitement.

He has long wanted to start shooting the film.

After all, it is now at the time of the hot release of "Infernal Affairs" in North America.

More and more people in Europe and the United States have learned about this movie.

At this time, don't take advantage of the heat to create an American version of the movie,

Earn it a fortune, and wait!

Therefore, Girard is also very excited to hear that Qin Feng will start the filming of the movie tomorrow morning.

But he soon realized a problem.

And this question is nothing else.

770 is exactly what Qin Feng said just now, the problem of the actors of "Infernal Affairs".

Up to now, all the actors appointed by Qin Feng for this film have basically been prepared.

He also got the script a long time ago, and began to familiarize himself with the plot and characters many days in advance in preparation for the filming of the movie.

These people agreed as soon as they learned that Qin Feng was looking for them to act in a movie.

Says that he will be involved in the film.

And thank Qin Feng for the invitation.

Now there is only one person missing from the list of actors Qin Feng listed before.

And this person is the most important one.

That is the role of Han Chen in the American version of "Infernal Affairs", old Nelson!

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