North American time.

June 14.

nine in the morning.

Yesterday's tiring day made Qin Feng stupefied~ slept for nine hours.

When I opened my eyes, I found that the sky was bright.

Then he suddenly got up from the bed, because he was still shooting "Infernal Affairs - Fengyun" today.

Originally, he had an appointment with all the crew members to meet at Warner Films at 8:00 this morning.

But unexpectedly, he himself was late first.

It really shouldn't be.

After getting dressed, Qin Feng hurriedly took the phone aside,

I want to call Warner and inform them that I am late today.

As soon as I turned on the phone screen, I found that there were more than 10 missed calls displayed on it.

From six o'clock this morning until a minute ago.

Seeing so many missed calls, Qin Feng secretly screamed bad.

It should be Warner who saw that he didn't go to the company and called to urge him.

What he didn't expect was that these more than 10 missed calls turned out to be the same number.

And these numbers are not yet others.

It's Disney President Daphne!

No one on Warner's side urged him.

Instead, Daphne called him more than 10 times in a row.

This made Qin Feng a little puzzled, not knowing what Daphne was looking for him for.

Is there something urgent?

Thinking of this, Qin Feng immediately called her back.

I want to see what Daphne is doing to him.

"Where are you now?!

After the phone rang, it was immediately connected.

Daphne's angry voice came from the other end.

"In the MGM Presidential Suite.

Alas, it was too late yesterday.

So I woke up at nine o'clock today.

Qin Feng stretched and said slowly.


It was early in the morning after he finished the phone call with Carlisle, president of Universal Pictures.

A day's fatigue made him sleep for nine hours.

I didn't even hear the alarm clock go off.

But Qin Feng's words.

Far from letting Disney President Daphne calm down the anger in her heart.

Instead, it was completely ignited by his words.

"Too late?

You really have Qin Feng!

I finally understand now why you have to take Keira Knightley,

Set to be the heroine of Disney's 200 million new film "Pirates of the Caribbean"!

It turned out to be coveting her beauty!"

Daphne said angrily over there.

After speaking, he hung up the phone angrily.

...... ask for flowers ·

Hearing the beeps from the phone.

Qin Feng was lost for a while.

Not sure what happened.

Covet her beauty?

After a while, Qin Feng's whole body seemed to be electrocuted.

Think back to the last words Daphne said.

Qin Feng seems to know what happened!

Then he quickly got out of bed and rushed out of the house.

In the Presidential Suite, look for Keira Knightley.

However, the latter had long since disappeared from the huge room.

Only a note was left on the table.

[Thanks to Director Qin Feng.

I will always remember a night in the same room with you.

(a sweet smile)]

Qin Feng picked up the note on the table, looked at the text on it, and patted his forehead helplessly.


He guessed why Daphne was so angry.

The high probability is that Kelly lived here yesterday.

exposed by the media.

It's just that Qin Feng wondered how the media knew about this.

Kelly came to him last night.

Nobody knows.

If Kelly doesn't speak out.

I am afraid that the media will not detect any information.


Must be Kelly!

Qin Feng suddenly thought of something.

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