Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 313 It Is Really An Honest Child

And Qin Feng chose Johnny Depp to star in Disney's 200 million new film "Pirates of the Caribbean",

And the follow-up to have Matt Damon star in "Bourne Bourne".

The intent is clear.

That is to establish a new emperor superstar in this world.

Divide the world with Leonardo.

Leonardo has no dissatisfaction with Qin Feng's approach.

After all, he was pushed to the altar by Qin Feng.

If Qin Feng did not use an epic sci-fi film "Inception" this summer,

Makes up for his shortcomings on the ~ screen.

He also couldn't get to where he is now.

So no matter what, Leonardo knows that he has something for Qin Feng, and he will always be grateful.

Even in such annual epic blockbusters as "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "The Bourne Bourne",

Don't choose him as the male lead.

He didn't have any complaints either.

As Leonardo thought, Qin Feng really didn't want to change the hero of "The Bourne Bourne".

From start to finish, Matt Damon is the irreplaceable male lead in his heart.

After all, he had seen the charm of Matt Damon on the screen during the earth period.

I am afraid that no one can play the amnesia agent with stunts except Matt Damon.

At this time, Qin Feng was just joking with Matt Damon.

But what he never expected was that even though he was joking.

Matt Damon took it seriously!

I saw him trembling uncontrollably, sweat dripping down his face.

It seems more heartache than missing 10 billion.


Matt Damon, Director Qin Feng is joking with you.

Don't you really think that he won't let you star in "Bournemouth"?!

Seeing Matt Damon's expression, Leonardo was also quite surprised.

Then he quickly patted the latter's shoulder with a smile and said.

He knew that Matt Damon had not been in contact with Qin Feng for a long time.

So it's normal not to know Qin Feng.

Unlike him, he has known Qin Feng for several months.

It can be said that the familiar can no longer be familiar.

I know Qin Feng's character very well.

Know when he's joking and when he's serious.

"Yes, is that so, Director Qin Feng?"

After listening to Leonardo's words, Matt Damon let out a long breath,

The nervousness in my heart slightly improved.

Then quickly looked at Qin Feng and asked.

I want to confirm Qin Feng's thoughts.


....... ask for flowers.

I think you're more of an agent than Leonardo.

Wait until when does he get rid of his title of water gun prince.

I'll consider asking him to act in The Bourne Bourne!"

Qin Feng looked at Matt Damon with a slight smile and said solemnly.

At the same time, he also regretted that he had made such a joke with Matt Damon, the 'honest kid'.

Compared with other Hollywood stars, Matt Damon is indeed an honest kid.

Not as sleek as Leonardo and Brad Pitt.

The body is full of more of a simple atmosphere.

That's why Matt Damon is so serious.

After Qin Feng finished what he just said, there was a burst of laughter in the Warner Company conference room.

Together with Leonardo himself, they bowed their heads in embarrassment.

Because Qin Feng is telling the truth, since "Inception" was released around the world, it has become the world's first leading actor.

Leonardo seemed to relax all of a sudden.

I don't know what Hu Chihai drank,

Let him gain a full 10 kilograms.

One of the most widely circulated photos on the Internet is the photo of Leonardo walking on the beach with a water gun.

And he was also nicknamed the "Water Gun Prince" by netizens.

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