Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 325 'The Sea' Movie

After leaving the conference room, Qin Feng went straight to the bus parked outside.

He's now heading to Disney's Los Angeles studio with the cast of "Pirates of the Caribbean."

Although what they are about to make is a film at sea.

But realistically speaking, most of this fantasy film was completed in front of the green screen.

Only a small portion of it was filmed in the real Caribbean.

After all, the cost of filming on the sea is too high. At present, Qin Feng's pre-budget for this film is 200 million US dollars for Disney.

If everything is moved to the sea, and the real guns and ammunition are done like this, I am afraid that 2 billion will not be able to stop it.

So moving to a studio to shoot this film, on the one hand, can reduce the budget of the entire film.

27 On the other hand, it also greatly increases the safety of the actors.

As the movie says, the sea is a ruthless hunter.

Will not hesitate to harvest people's lives.

If you really shoot at sea, the danger will be greatly increased.

To shoot this epic fantasy film, with a few actors in it, is the result Qin Feng does not want to see.

Taking into account various reasons, Qin Feng decided to be the same as the crew of "Pirates of the Caribbean" during the earth period.

Most of the filming of the film was done in the studio.

Only a small part of the scene was left, and it was put into the rough Caribbean Sea.

At this time, in Disney's Los Angeles Studio 1, everything has been prepared according to Qin Feng's requirements.

Now waiting for Qin Feng to start filming.

So after Qin Feng gave the actors a brief swearing-in meeting, he was ready to leave for the studio.

On the other side, the actors in the Disney conference room were still in a state of confusion.

Because none of them thought that Qin Feng's meeting would be so brief.

Finished with one sentence.

They were still thinking that Qin Feng would give a long speech.

Just like Qin Feng did at Warner Bros. Studios two days ago.

It is said that Qin Feng was at Warner that day and held a five-hour mobilization meeting for the actors of "Infernal Affairs".

So today they are sitting here with such expectations.

But unexpectedly, Qin Feng left after saying a word.

After a brief stupor.

The actors reacted, followed Qin Feng's footsteps, and ran frantically.

Everyone knows that Qin Feng is about to start construction.

Everyone rushed to get on the bus so that they could sit with Qin Feng.

Being able to sit next to the world's No. 1 director is indeed a lifetime honor for their group of actors who are still grassroots.

After Qin Feng got into the car, he sat directly in the first row.

In fact, he also wanted to say a few more words to the cast of "Pirates of the Caribbean".

But there is really nothing to say.

Everything can be explained on the spot during the actual shooting process.

He spoke at Warner for five hours that day because "Infernal Affairs" was compared to "Infernal Affairs".

It's a brand new movie.

He was worried that the actor would make the film with the idea of ​​"Infernal Affairs" in mind.

So it is extremely important to help them establish the correct concept.

It can be guaranteed that they will not deviate during the shooting process.

When Qin Feng got on the bus, the first one rushed up and sat beside him,

It is the heroine of "Pirates of the Caribbean", Keira Knightley.

When everyone saw her sitting next to Qin Feng, no one robbed her anymore.

Just silently walked back.

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