Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 343 I'm afraid it's not a small number

But when the idea first started, Nielsen didn't expect it to come to fruition.

Because he has been in the film industry for many years, he knows a truth.

That is the cooperation between the actor and the director, and it is not so simple.

The greater decision-making power is still in the hands of the director.

It's not up to the actors.

It is the director who chooses the actor.

Instead of the actor choosing the director.

Especially after the release of "Inception", Qin Feng's worth in the world's film industry has risen.

As an actor who has retired for many years, I am afraid that the chance to cooperate with Qin Feng is even more slim.

If it was when he was at the height of the film industry, - maybe there was still a chance.

Nelson knew that this era - no longer belonged to him.

Belongs to Leonardo, Matt Damon and Brad Pitt such young descendants.

He has long been photographed on the beach by the times.

Even though he wanted to collaborate with Qin Feng on a movie, but due to his own reasons,

Old Nelson silently gave up, this seemingly unrealistic idea.

But what he never expected was that a week ago, he received a call from Warner President Girard.

The other party told him that director Qin Feng, who is now famous in the world, intends to find him to make a movie.

The moment he heard the news for the first time, all the cells in Nelson's body were shaking.

He feels like his chance to rejuvenate his career has come!

Especially after watching the Hong Kong version of "Infernal Affairs" starring Zeng Wei, Liu Dehua and Liang Chaowei in the theater.

It made him unable to extricate himself from the role of Han Chen.

This character, as if destined to be related to him.

And in the process of filming "Infernal Affairs",

Old Nelson didn't even think that this American version of "Infernal Affairs" was a movie made entirely with him at the center!

His role in it has even surpassed that of Leonardo and Matt Damon, the other two top players in the film!

In other words, the two also played supporting roles for him to a certain extent.

This sudden surprise made Nelson secretly happy in his dreams.

Because as we all know, in the Hong Kong version of "Infernal Affairs", Liu Dehua and Liang Chaowei are the brightest duo.

But "Infernal Affairs" is just the opposite, he has become the absolute center instead.


Nelson was amazed at Qin Feng's amazing film talent.

In the same story frame, Qin Feng has made two completely different films.

"Infernal Affairs" and "Infernal Affairs", both have reached an unsurpassable height in their respective cultural fields.

Nielsen is deeply honored to be the most pivotal character in the American version of "Infernal Affairs" and to leave a deep impression on the global film history!

Ten minutes later, when the car arrived outside the bustling Dolby Theater,

Nelson took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and slowly got out of the back of the car.

Get ready for his premiere tonight!

"Mr Nelson, we would like to know,

How much did Warner pay you for filming the movie "Infernal Affairs"?

Only let you, who have been retired for many years, choose to come back.

I'm afraid it's definitely not a small number.

Otherwise, you can't risk ruining your reputation by choosing to make bad money with Warner. 35

As soon as Nielsen got off the bus, he was surrounded by a group of media reporters holding microphones.

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