Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 360 I could have endured the darkness, if I had never seen the light

"Okay, since President Daphne has taken the lead.

That's probably nothing to stop Disney's revival. "

Qin Feng looked at Daphne and smiled and said.

Agreed that she would go with the crew.

Then Qin Feng glanced at the time, it was almost three o'clock in the morning.

Tomorrow at noon, we will leave for the Caribbean Sea.

Time to rest too.

Then Daphne took him back to the MGM Hotel.

After returning to the hotel, Qin Feng washed up and went to bed.

After a day's work, he soon fell asleep.

the next day.

Qin Feng got up from the bed in a daze, opened his eyes, and found that it was already 9 am on the 27th.

Since the flight was at 1:00 in the afternoon, Qin Feng was not in a hurry.

After getting up, I had breakfast and then turned on my phone.

Check out the ins "Pirates of the Caribbean" crew.

Last night, Daphne sent a notice in the group,

Said to let the actors choose voluntarily whether to go to the Caribbean with the crew.

The results were without exception.

None of the actors chose to refuse.

All are willing to follow Qin Feng there!

In fact, Qin Feng was not surprised by this result.

Because he knew the group of people under him.

He used to be an unknown actor.

It is not easy to get a chance to make a name for yourself in life.

How could it be easily let go.

Qin Feng thought about it, if he were them, he probably wouldn't be able to back down at this time.

Soaring prosperity is just around the corner.

Even if it is death, he will rush forward without hesitation.

So the same goes for these actors.

It's impossible to quit.

Because if they don't go, Qin Feng will definitely be replaced.

You know, they are participating in a fantasy masterpiece that Disney spent 200 million US dollars to create!

After the movie is released, as actors, they don't know how much glory they will enjoy.

The value will also skyrocket several times.

What Qin Feng gave them was a choice without a choice.

Not so much a choice as a notification to them.

Going to the Caribbean Sea this time is very dangerous.

But they can decide not to go.

Yesterday, the first person to reply in the group was Johnny Depp, the leading actor in "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl".

A minute after Daphne's announcement.

Depp followed suit in the group.

It means that even if the sky falls and the ground sinks in, he will follow Qin Feng wherever he goes!

It is indeed so.

Depp knew clearly that if he didn't follow Qin Feng to the Caribbean, where else could he go?

Is it possible that you will also be able to play tricks on the Los Angeles crew?

Do not.

This is absolutely impossible!

Depp understands one sentence.

I could have endured the darkness if I had not seen the light.

If it was him in the past, he might think that there is nothing wrong with playing tricks. 800

Just earn less.

Have a hard time.

But since he signed a $10 million contract with Disney and became the hero of a new film of 200 million,

Everything is different.

He experienced the feeling of standing on the top of the pyramid and being watched by the whole world.

It was also at this moment that he found what he was looking for in his life.

An actor's career should, at least for a moment, be as dazzling as a shooting star and be remembered by the whole world.

For this moment, Depp has long forgotten life and death.

Not to mention the Caribbean.

Even if it is eighteen layers of hell.

He will walk away without hesitation!

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