Although with the current market situation of the Stanley Hotel, the one million dollars he brought, let alone renting the entire hotel for a week, was more than enough.

And the reason why he spent such a high price to win the right to use Stanley for a week.

Just to be safe.

After all, this million is really a small number for Girard.

The profit brought by the release of "The Shining" is the top priority.

Qin Feng briefly revealed to him before that it is estimated that the global revenue of this horror film can exceed one billion US dollars!

Although there has not been any horror movie before that can reach the billion level.

But Girard believes that Qin Feng's horror film is destined to be extraordinary!

Qin Feng will definitely be able to pull the horror movie to a height that does not belong to it in this world.

Therefore, the pre-production of the film is very important.

It's about the final box office revenue.

The Stanley Hotel is Qin Feng's hand-picked filming location.

And put down the harsh words, or don't make "The Shining".

If you shoot, it must be at the Stanley Hotel!

Girard, who knew that the Stanley Hotel was vital to the whole film, naturally did not dare to be careless.

At this moment, it can be said that he has shown his best sincerity.

One million dollars.

But although Girard is full of sincerity, Pippen, the hotel owner, is a bald man.

But he was completely trapped in a circle.

He was completely fooled by what Girard had just said.

Looking at the bag full of dollars beside him,

He looked again at Girard, who took out a cigar to taste, with a light smile on his face.

Pippen was stunned for a moment, and then he closed the suitcase containing one million dollars with his hands.

"Sorry sir, I don't care what you think about this hotel.

But I can't cooperate with you.

Then he pointed to the outside with his finger, and said with a serious face.

And the reason why he rejected Girard.

It was because he could not believe that what the latter said was true.

In a hotel that is about to close down, someone chooses to rent it for a week for one million US dollars (chej).

It is unimaginable.

So Pippen already has a general impression of Girard.

Think he's mostly a liar.

Maybe there are even bigger traps waiting for him.

After listening to Pippen's words, Girard stayed there.

He never expected that his sincere bid of one million would be rejected by the hotel owner.

"If you think the price is not enough, you can add more.

Just tell me, for how much, you can rent the Stanley Hotel to Warners for a week! 99

After a while, Girard took a deep breath, looked into Pippen's eyes and said slowly.

He is ready.

Be sure to get a week's use of this hotel.

at all costs!

Even if Pippen's lion opens his mouth, after a million dollars, add a zero!

"Wait, you just said, who's going to lease this hotel?!

After Girard finished speaking, Pippen immediately widened his eyes, looked at him, and said incredulously.

Because he just heard a word clearly from Girard's mouth.

And this term is nothing else.

It is now the famous Warner Films in the United States and even in the world!

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