But can Pitt's alcoholic and violent veterans make movies?

What kind of movie can someone like him act in?

If Pitt was cast as the male lead in a movie, the movie should not go to grandma's house!

Although a series of questions arose in his heart, Gilard quickly understood Qin Feng's intentions.

"Director Qin Feng, I have to say.

Your move is really high!

Just shoot a low-budget movie.

Then let Pete play the leading role in it, and realize his dream of a 27-movie movie.

Not sure if the movie will be released by then. "

Thinking of this, Girard said excitedly to the phone.

Because in his opinion, making a low-budget movie is only $1.8 million.

Using $1.8 million to settle the dispute between Warners and Pitt is simply a bargain.

Girard couldn't help but patted his forehead fiercely.

Blame yourself for not thinking about it.

Although Girard thought he understood Qin Feng's intentions.

But Qin Feng's next words surprised him greatly.

"Do not.

You are wrong President Girard.

The film I made with Pitt as the protagonist will not only be 100 percent in theaters.

And to hype it up.

Don't worry, it doesn't matter if Warners doesn't want to make the movie.

I will find another company to shoot.

But I can also assure you that the movie will be profitable.

And can make a lot of money. "

Qin Feng picked up the phone and said seriously to Girard.


If he remembered correctly.

"The Silence of the Lambs" during the earth period, only used one million US dollars to shoot.

But it earned an astonishing $100 million at the box office.

This 100-fold investment-to-profit ratio is unimaginable in the global film history.

You know, although "Inception" has now made $1.5 billion at the box office worldwide.

But it also costs a staggering $200 million.

In this way, its return on investment ratio is only about seven times.

And "Silence of the Lambs" is a hundred times more.

In addition, the film also created another great miracle in film history.

That's Pitt in the movie, who only appeared for 16 minutes.

But by virtue of these 16 minutes, he won the Oscar for Best Actor that year.

At the Oscars ceremony that year, he stood out from the crowd and defeated the invincible player in the world.

The reason.

Qin Feng felt that this might be Uncle Ba's unique personality charm.

Therefore, this "Silence of the Lambs" should not be filmed.

If you want to shoot, you must make a big 817 campaign and announce it to the world.

Otherwise, I'm sorry for such a classic thriller in global film history.

"You, are you telling the truth, Director Qin Feng.

Do you really want to make a movie for that drunk man seriously?!

At this moment, Girard didn't know what to use to describe his mood.

He just wanted to ask a question.

That is, is Pete really worthy of Qin Feng doing this for him!

In Girard's eyes, Pitt is nothing more than an alcoholic and violent husband.

Girard really doesn't know what kind of classic movies such a man can perform.

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