"Air Jam 2" is definitely an embarrassment of James' acting career.

Both the box office and word of mouth have encountered Waterloo.

He himself was nominated for the Golden Raspberry Award for Best Actor.

For James, it is natural to want to break this dilemma.

Re-prove yourself in terms of movies.

But there is no way.

If you follow the previous routine and star in "The Big "833" Slam Dunk 3 in the Air, then there is no doubt that it will still be a failed ending.

At this time, there must be an expert to stand up.

Help turn the tide of his acting career.

Prove yourself again.

And looking at the whole world, I am afraid that there is no more suitable than Qin Feng.

The young director who directed the phenomenal sci-fi film "Inception" and the epoch-making police and gangster film "Infernal Affairs".

Also James' idol.

James has basically watched Qin Feng's movies more than three times.

Unlike Westbrook, his favorite movie is "Infernal Affairs" produced by Hong Kong Media Asia Film Company.

This may be related to his own business temperament.

LeBron is a player.

But also a businessman.

Now, after hearing that Qin Feng is going to help him direct "Slam Dunk 3",

The businessman was about to fly with excitement.

"Then I would like to thank Director Qin Feng.

I'll treat you to a meal in Los Angeles sometime.

We'll talk more about the movie then.

James tightly held Qin Feng's hand and said.

After speaking, he turned around and ran back to the court for training.

Leaving Qin Feng with a confused look.

He never expected that a joke he made would be taken seriously by James.

This may be the characteristic of Europeans and Americans.

Incredibly candid.

But is he really going to take over the mess of "Slam Dunk"?

Qin Feng knew in his heart that the reason why a mess can become a mess is that it is essentially a mess.

No matter who comes, it can't change the result of the fight.

He took over "Slam Dunk in the Air", which can only ruin his reputation and reputation.

So this mess is absolutely impossible to take over.

But he 'promised' LeBron again and set out to help him make a movie...  

How can this be good.

It was true that Qin Feng was in trouble for a while.

But after a while.

A flash of light suddenly flashed in Qin Feng's mind.

There is.

Now that James wants to prove himself in the film industry.

It would be better to just let him make a cameo in his movie.

It just so happens that his new movie has a role, and he is struggling to find a candidate.

If LeBron wants to, leave it to LeBron.

Anyway, that role suits him well.


Ok, deal.

Sitting on the Staples VIP seat, Qin Feng nodded slightly.

Glad he just solved a problem.

And at this moment, he glimpsed without 4.9 comments.

On the opposite basketball court, there was a player wearing a No. 30 jersey with a tender face and the appearance of a primary school student, walking towards him.

The moment I saw this player.

Qin Feng couldn't help but be surprised.

Because this person is not someone else.

It is the prosperous Golden State Warriors star, Stephen Curry!

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