Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 437: Old Trees Bloom New Flowers

100% want Qin Feng's contact information.

See if you can hug Qin Feng's thigh.

This Beyonce is basically a deck of cards in his pocket, who will play with whom.

I can't see jay now.

Try to get a new one.

Let's see if Qin Feng's little fresh meat can get her way.

Nielsen naturally didn't want Qin Feng to be dragged into the water by Beyonce, so he kindly reminded him at this moment.

After listening to Nelson's words, Qin Feng raised his head and glanced aside.

Sure enough, he found that Beyonce, who was wearing revealing clothes, with a proud career line, and a smiling face, walked quickly towards him.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng also shook his head slightly.

Sighing that there are many people who are popular.

He also knew in his heart that a woman of Beyonce's size was not something he could control.

So for European and American girls of this style, it is better to stay away.

"Director Qin Feng, it's a pleasure to meet you here."

After Beyonce came to Qin Feng, she bowed respectfully at him and showed her career line to Qin Feng.

Then he said with a smile.

"Lie down!

Beyonce came to Qin Feng in front of Jay.

It's not too bad for Jay. "

"To be honest, Qin Feng's status and status in the global film industry is now.

Jay is a fart in front of him, I'm afraid he doesn't even deserve to lift his shoes.

If we were Beyonce, we wouldn't hesitate to post it.

If you can really hug Qin Feng, the thigh of the true god, then the old tree of Beyonce is about to bloom. "

"That's right.

In the face of interests, everyone is Beyonce.

Let's not laugh.

It's just that we don't have the chance.

When Beyonce came to Qin Feng and gave a big gift, more than 10,000 spectators of Staples immediately talked about it.

A group of NBA players who are warming up on the field also cast their eyes here from time to time.

Covering his mouth (chej), he chatted with each other on the field.

For the players, they also like to watch the play.

Especially this kind of bloody drama that has been widely concerned by the outside world.

"Mr Qin Feng.

Let's get in touch, shall we?

Everyone is in Los Angeles.

There will be many opportunities to meet in the future. "

Beyoncé gave Qin et al a big wink and shook the phone in her hand.


Good, good.

Facing Beyonce's kindness, Qin Feng could only nod his head in embarrassment.

Then he took Beyonce's phone and entered his phone number.

In fact, he didn't want to give Beyonce his own phone number.

After all, he really couldn't resist this wolf-like woman.

But in front of the public, he is not good at rejecting Beyonce.

Otherwise, the two of them won't be able to hang their faces.

I can only hand over my contact information from Beyonce.

"Thank you Director Qin Feng.

Beyonce smiled after getting what she wanted.

Leaning forward, he took a sip on Qin Feng's cheek.

This action of hers caused a huge cry from Staples Arena in an instant.

Everyone never imagined that Beyonce would kiss Qin Feng directly in front of her husband Jay!

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