This year, Disney can be said to have invested all of the film's wealth in Qin Feng and his "Pirates of the Caribbean".

If this movie can be in the market, it will have the explosive performance like "Inception".

There is no doubt that Disney will make a lot of money from it.

And if "Pirates of the Caribbean" fails, then the Disney movie board will be hit hard.

It is estimated that it will not slow down in ten years - Jinlai.

Although Daphne looks light on the surface, as the president of Disney Studios, she,

When the movie is about to land around the world, it is also nervous to die.

This is equivalent to a candidate who has studied for more than ten years and is about to take the fateful college entrance examination.

Daphne and her selected "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" are also about to be tested by the market.

Live or die, it's up to you tonight.

As nervous as Daphne, there are all the leading actors of the movie.

Johnny Depp paces back and forth in his new mansion.

Anxious fidgeting.

Not long ago, he was just a little-known little dragon in Los Angeles.

Although he has lofty ideals for movies in his heart, he never dreamed that he would one day be transformed.

From the trick that the crew lays 100 corpses every day, to become a Disney hero with 10 million US dollars.

The feeling of such a towering building rising from the ground is really exciting.

He has fallen in love with the feeling.

And adapt to the current identity.

It is not up to him to decide whether or not to continue living his current life.

It all depends on how the movie goes tonight.

If this fantasy film starring him can get rave reviews,

There is no doubt that he will be on the road to Hollywood stardom.

And if the movie fails, he will also return to his dragon career.

From now on, in the whole of Hollywood, there will no longer be a production crew that dares to ask him to be the leading actor.

Johnny Depp can be said to be very anxious at this moment.

As the premiere time is getting closer and closer, Keira Knightley, the heroine of the movie, is even more nervous to eat.

Sitting in front of the vanity mirror at home, Kelly stared blankly at herself in the mirror.

...... ask for flowers ......

It's so radiant, so beautiful.

As if born a superstar embryo.

She wanted this moment to stay forever.

After being treated by many stars in the past few days, Kelly no longer wants to be an ordinary office girl.

In any case, she will continue on this path of the film.

Success or failure.

Kelly took a deep breath and lightly smeared her favorite eyeshadow and light lipstick.

Tonight she's going to be the prettiest girl at the premiere...

North American time.

June 23.


Only fifteen minutes until the premiere begins.

All the cast and crew of "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" arrived at the Dolby Theater.

The reason why Disney chose the premiere here.

Maybe it's because I want to touch the joy of "Inception".

After all, the sci-fi film that shocked the world not long ago was the premiere here.

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