After the release of "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl", Daphne's confidence in Disney's future has risen.

Because such a good movie, there must be more than one.

Qin Feng also said that there will be at least five "Pirates of the Caribbean" series in the future.

Plus the benefits of other related products derived from the movie.

Daphne conservatively estimated that the five "Pirates of the Caribbean" films would generate at least $10 billion in revenue for Disney!

10 billion!

Thinking of this, Daphne couldn't help but feel excited.

Since her first year as president of Disney, the company has been overtaken by Warner.

"Pirates of the Caribbean" series of movies, is her account of the family!

At this time, the movie is still in full swing on the screen.

And this movie is about to enter the real climax.

Come to the end.

[On the Interceptor, the parrot is standing in the wind and talking to himself.

Jack, William and the sailors huddled around the boat to look at the island of death, Gibbs: "It's so terrifying, I don't know how many sailors died here~||. 35

Underwater, sharks haunt here.

Broken slats and masts littered the water, showing the crimes of the pirates and the treacherous terrain here.

Jack looked at the compass that couldn't point north and continued to drive the Interceptor.

William came up and asked Gibbs, "Where did Jack get that compass?"

Gibbs: "Nobody knew about Jack Sparrow. It was a mystery until he went to Tutuga Harbor in search of death's treasure.

Before meeting him, he was just the captain of the Ghost Thief Ship. "

William suddenly asked: What?

Gibbs was drinking and knew he was talking.

Busy silent, took a sip of wine to cover up.

William: "He didn't mention that.

Gibbs: "Oh, now he's careful because he's had a tragic lesson.

At that time, one of his first mates asked him to share everything, including the location of the treasure.

So Jack told him.

That very night, the crew betrayed him, and they left Jack on a desert island to die.

There he was, almost insane. 99

William: "No wonder he's crazy.

After he finished speaking, he swayed from side to side like Jack.

Gibbs crouched down: "" "He was born crazy, and the pirates were right in front of him.

Leave him a gun and a bullet.

A bullet is useless, but after three weeks of starvation, the gun and the bullet are very useful.

Fortunately, in the end, Jack escaped from the desert island.

He left the bullet to the man who betrayed him, the first mate.

William: Barbosa?

Gibbs: Exactly!

William: So how did (Qian Li's) Jack escape?

Gibbs: Oh, listen, believe it or not loose.

He soaked in the sea for three days and three nights, until the undersea creatures got used to him.

Then on the fourth morning, he roped two big turtles, which he used as a raft.

William: He roped the turtles around?

Gibbs: Yes. Turtles.

William: What does he use as a rope?

Gibbs is blocked. ].

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