"The character played by Alan Page is an excellent dream builder.

She has a lot of cutting-edge and out-of-the-ordinary designs, which of course I don't describe in the movie.

Instead, it focused on the upgrade of the dream level. The first time after receiving the task, Cobb's assistant Arthur asked Saito, there is a classic saying, who knows what it is? "

Qin Feng looked at the crowd and asked.

"I tell you not to think about elephants now, what will you think of!"

At this time, Joseph Gordon, who played Arthur, raised his hand and replied.

"very good."

Qin Feng gave him a thumbs up. It seemed that Joseph Gordon read the script very well and memorized all his lines.

Well, it's a Hollywood professional actor.

"So negative ideas or similar ideas that people don't want to do will suffer a strong backlash.

But positive will not.

For example, if the concept is "you think about elephants," then you will definitely think about elephants.

Turning negative into positive and achieving the goal at the same time is what Cobb and the others need to do.

However, the conventional two-layer dream cannot be changed from negative to positive, and the time flow of the two-layer dream is not enough to implant the concept deeper.

So they set up a three-layer dream. "

Qin Feng then took another sip of the mineral water on the table in front of Leonardo, and then returned to the podium.

"The implantation of the first layer of dreams is to break the relationship between Fisher and his son.

Fisher is subconsciously unwilling to follow in his father's footsteps, which is a negative concept here.

The second layer of dream implantation is to make him stop following in his father's footsteps and change to me wanting to start my own business.

This is a positive concept, but it is not enough to support the disintegration of the group industry left by his father.

The third layer of dream implantation is the reason for the reversal of the father-son relationship and the collapse of the industry.

Become a father and hope that he can do what he wants to do. This is also a positive concept, and at the same time repairs the negative factor of the previous father-son relationship.

After the three layers of dreams are superimposed, the negative concept of disintegrating the group will be turned into a positive concept, and the goal can be achieved! "

Qin Feng put his hands in his pockets, stood in front of the ppt displayed on the big screen, and said to the crowd.

At this time, the scene was silent, and everyone was listening to Qin Feng's speech.

Everyone also recorded what Qin Feng said in their notebooks.

Even if they still don't understand it now, when they go back to sleep at night, they can take it out and look at it again, maybe they can understand it.

"Mr. Girard, is there any news from Warner's props team?"

At this time, Qin Feng glanced at his watch, turned his head, glanced at Gilard who was standing beside him, and asked.

It is already nine in the morning, after an hour of explanation.

He felt that the setting and essence of "Inception" had already been explained to everyone.

He couldn't wait to get into the actual shooting stage of the scene.

"Hurry up, Director Qin Feng, in about ten minutes, the props team will give me feedback on the preparation of the facilities ahead."

Girard held the phone and said excitedly.


Qin Feng nodded.

Last night, he asked the props teams of the six major live-action locations to build all the facilities he needed overnight.

Except for the Canadian Snow Mountain Fortress, which needs to be built by hand, and other shooting locations that can use machinery, the progress of prop building should be very fast.

When the news from Girard comes back, he can decide which scene to shoot first!

Hearing that the on-the-spot filming is about to take place, the stars present were both excited and nervous.

They looked at each other with big smiles on their faces.

"Brothers, there is another very, very important point in Inception that I need to explain to you.

That is, as mentioned at the end of the script, dream thieves may get lost in their dreams.

Remember, two conditions must be met to enter the Lost.

First, the character dies in a dream.

Second, increased doses of sedatives were used, and the time of drug expiration was not reached at the time of death.

In the script, Cobb and his wife once entered this dream.

Cobb and his wife are both dream thieves. In an experiment, they chose to increase the amount of sedatives and entered the fourth layer of dreams in a row.

And finally in the fourth-layer dream, they will grow old together, and finally die of old age after fifty years.

We calculated the time, they actually slept all night, we calculated it according to twelve hours, and the flow rate was 20 times higher than our normal calculation.

That is, the first layer of dreams is 10 days, the second layer of dreams is 200 days, the third layer of dreams is 4,000 days, and the fourth layer of dreams is 80,000 days, which is equivalent to 219 years.

The Cobb and his wife died of old age in the 50th year of the fourth-layer dream. At this time, the two were still in a coma in reality, so they entered the Lost Realm.

When entering the Lost Domain, how to wake up and what will happen, we will tell you later during the shooting process. "

After Qin Feng finished speaking, he glanced at his watch.

At this time, Jilar's phone also called. Qin Feng knew that there was a high probability that there was news from the props team ahead.

(ps: The data is full, and the author is even more explosive! Brothers, I beg for all kinds of data support!)

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