Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 49 Artificial Rain, Speed Up The Shooting Progress

And the male protagonist Leonardo's white French shirt style is definitely a highlight in the film.

It has to be said that men in French shirts are the most mature.

There is a popular saying in Europe and the United States that a man always needs a French shirt in his life.

There's nothing like wearing a french shirt to show your status in a straightforward way.

The most unique design of a French shirt is the French double-stacked sleeves, which are folded and closed, and are locked and embellished with delicate cufflinks.

Turn an otherwise ordinary shirt into an unparalleled ambience of a gorgeous dress.

When Leonardo got his clothes, he couldn't put it down, he rushed to the locker room and couldn't wait to change them.

Ten minutes later, almost all the actors in the Los Angeles street scene had put on their respective costumes and completed their 'transformation'.

Then, under the leadership of Qin Feng, he took the Warner Company bus and rushed to the street selected by Qin Feng.

On the way, although there was systematic blessing, Qin Feng couldn't help sweating nervously on his palms.

After all, this is the first scene of "Inception", and it is also the first time for the entire crew to work together.

Qin Feng also doesn't know if the filming process will go smoothly and if the actors are well suited to the characters.

The scene of the train hitting the street is a very important part of the whole movie.

Because of its own non-reality, it is even more necessary to make its appearance impeccably real.

So, the whole question is, how to have a good balance between the abnormal scene of the train hitting the street, and the real train crashing into the car on the street and so on.

The effect of this big scene is the climax of the action movie.

Usually the emotional ups and downs of the audience also occur at this time.

Therefore, controlling the rhythm and picture well will play a decisive role in the overall quality of the film.

No matter how big the action screen is, the key is whether it can resonate and sense the audience.

The rest is nothing more than a thousandfold exaggeration of the desired effect.

However, when Qin Feng led the crowd to the scene and actually faced the real shot, he was dumbfounded.

Although the four blocks near the filming site have been blocked with the help of Warner and Los Angeles police.

And the model train with a total weight of nearly 10 tons, and its driver Jim Wilke, have also arrived at the scene.

But Qin Feng is now facing the most important test when he filmed the first scene of "Inception".

That is no rain!

You know, the scene where the train drove into downtown Los Angeles took place on a rainy day.

But the sun is shining on the streets of Los Angeles right now, and there is no sign of rain.

And Qin Feng checked the weather forecast again, and found that in the next few weeks, Los Angeles will be sunny, and there will be no rain.

"Director Qin Feng, what should I do?"

Looking at the big sun in Los Angeles, Girard, the CEO of Warner, also started to worry, and asked Qin Feng with a frown.

Logically speaking, Girard, as the company's president, should not have appeared on the filming site of "Inception".

And the reason why he appeared here is to learn something from Qin Feng.

I want to see how this young director of Longguo filmed on the set.

Facing this situation, Qin Feng took a deep breath.

It will take half a month before it will rain in Los Angeles, so Qin Feng could not have waited half a month before filming this scene.

After all, all the props have been prepared, and the Los Angeles police have also cooperated to block the block.

If we shoot again on another day, it will greatly delay the filming process of the whole movie.

So Qin Feng immediately made an important decision.

That is, artificial rain!

"Have your people set up rain sprinklers on top of the surrounding tall buildings.

We are going to have artificial rainfall to cooperate with this scene! "

Qin Feng raised his head, pointed to the buildings around the studio, and said to Girard.

After Girard heard it, he also looked up at the tall buildings on both sides.

It is found that if a rainfall device is erected on the roof of these buildings, a perfect artificial rainfall can be created!

I have to say that, as the CEO of Warner Films, he really admires Qin Feng's unique film talent.

Immediately let someone arrange according to Qin Feng's request.

Qin Feng looked at the big sun above his head again, and asked the staff to stand on the roof and use a truck-mounted crane to support many black flags.

It is used to block the sunlight, and the effect of blinds is used to match his shooting.

I have to say, this method works really well.

Immediately, the entire shooting scene was overcast.

(ps: Brothers, I beg for flowers to break 8,000! I beg for reviews to break 500! I beg for all kinds of data support!)

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