Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 76 The advanced concept of the film shocked the scientific research executives

[Saito: "So I fulfill you."

Cobb: "That's not how I do things."

Saito: "Will you still work with him?"

Cobb shook his head.

Saito's bodyguard then pulled Nash out of the helicopter, Saito motioned for Cobb and Arthur to sit down, and the helicopter took off slowly.

Cobb looked down to see Nash being dragged across the tarmac.

Cobb: "What are you going to do to him. 35

Saito: "Nothing, but your friends from Kobo Engineering, I don't know what to do with him.

Saito looked out the window as the city passed by quickly.

Cobb: "What do you want us to do."

Saito: "Implant the mind. 35

Arthur raised his eyebrows after hearing this, and Cobb was expressionless.

Saito: "Is it possible?"

Arthur: "Of course not."

Saito: "If you can steal ideas from other people's minds, why can't you implant one instead."

Arthur: "Okay, let's plant the thought: I say to you, 'Don't think about the elephant'


Saito nodded.

Arthur: "What are you thinking now.

Saito: "Elephant.

Arthur: "Correct, but it's not your own mind, it's mine."

Saito: "You can implant in your subconscious. 35

Arthur: "The target's mind, which can always be traced to the source of the thought, is very difficult to fake. 35

Cobb: "No, not necessarily.

Saito: "You can do it Cobb.""

Cobb: "I wouldn't do it."

Saito: "In exchange, I'll give you the intelligence you were hired to steal. 55

Cobb: "Are you giving me a choice, you know, I'll find my own way to settle Cobo.

Saito: "It seems that you do have one more choice."

Cobb: "I chose to leave.

Moments later, the helicopter landed next to a private jet.

Saito points to the private jet: "Tell the crew where you want to go and they'll take you on your way.

Cobb and Arthur looked at each other, then walked out of the hatch.

Saito: "Mr. Cobb...there is one more thing I can let you choose. (Cobb stops) Do you want to go home, go back to America, go back to your children.

Cobb turned to look at Saito.

Cobb shook his head: "You can't handle it, no one can.""

Saito: "It's as impossible as implanting a mind.

Cobb thought about it, and Arthur took his hand.

Arthur: "Cobb, let's go. 99

Cobb walked to the helicopter and looked at Saito: "How complicated is the idea to implant.

Saito: "Simple enough.""

Cobb frowned: "When you put an idea into someone else's head, there are no simple ideas.

Saito: "My main competitor is an old man who is dying, and his son will soon inherit the company.

I want him to decide to dismantle his father's business empire and pursue his own preferences. "

Arthur: "Cobb, let's get out of this.

Cobb: "If I do it. If I can do it... How do I know you can keep your promise~||

Saito: "You can't know, but I can.

So do you want to believe me once, or become an old man, full of remorse, for the rest of your life.

Cobb looked at Saito and nodded slightly.

Saito: "Gather your men, Mr. Cobb.

When picking people this time, don't look away. 】

Planting thoughts in dreams?!

When he saw this, Zhang Zhenye, president of the Los Angeles Hypnosis Association, couldn't help being surprised.

Seriously, he felt the idea presented in Inception.

It is simply more advanced than any professional scientific research institute in this world.

Compared with Qin Feng, the staff of their scientific research institute are simply elementary school students.

Regarding the knowledge of hypnosis, as the president of the Los Angeles Association, he had to bow his head in front of Qin Feng, feeling ashamed.

He didn't know Qin Feng as a 23-year-old student who had not graduated from an American cinema.

How there are so many is beyond the concept of ordinary people.

He feels that "Inception" is not just a promotional film to popularize hypnosis.

It can be used as a textbook for hypnosis research!

He then looked at Rocky, the senior leader of the Los Angeles Research Center, who was sitting next to him.

Today, Zhang Zhenye was invited by Qin Feng to attend the preview of "Inception".

He also brought Rocky, the leader of the scientific research center.

After all, this "promotional film" that popularized hypnosis was originally initiated by Rocky.

Today, Zhang Zhenye took Rocky to participate in the preview of "Inception", which can also be regarded as asking the senior management of the scientific research center to test the results of this promotional film.

At this time, Rocky, who was sitting in the first row of chairs in the Warners screening room, was already too shocked to attach.

"Pass, inform, and let everyone in the scientific research center from top to bottom.

Wait, wait until "Inception" is released, buy all the tickets to the cinema to watch this movie!

Strengthen our study!

Rocky touched his chest, took a deep breath, stuttered a little with excitement, and said to Zhang Zhenye.

As the top leader of the Los Angeles Scientific Research Center, he has been shown the concept of "Inception".

Completely shocked.

The movie was less than halfway through, and the plot and novel designs in it made him refresh his understanding of hypnosis again and again.

Rocky feels that "Inception" is not just a commercial film costing 200 million US dollars.

But it is absolutely possible, as a 'Bible' necessary for world hypnosis researchers!

This film by Qin Feng has made a great contribution to the study of hypnosis in this world!

In response, Lodge decided to hire Qin Feng as an honorary lecturer at the Los Angeles Research Center.

To the staff inside, explain the scientific knowledge about hypnosis!

Rocky has to admit that Qin Feng's understanding and research on hypnosis is simply too much ahead of the world!

As the director of "Inception", Qin Feng turned his head, looked at Zhang Zhenye and Rocky who were almost kneeling down to him, and smiled slightly.

Qin Feng didn't know what the two of them thought.

You must be curious about yourself, why you know so much, advanced knowledge about hypnosis.

But what Qin Feng wanted to say was that he didn't know much.

But the world knows too little about hypnosis.

Scientific research in this area, and the planet is far behind.

So in this comparison, it seems that he is a bit powerful.

However, Qin Feng knew that Zhang Zhenye and Luo Qi's shock was far from over.

He only hopes now, after watching the whole film of "Inception".

The two sitting next to him, the elders of the scientific research center who are nearly half a hundred years old.

Just don't get excited and kneel down for him.

Because the more shocking plot of the film is coming soon!

[On the screen, in another private jet.

Cobb leaned back in his seat, and Arthur was eating a bowl of salad, looking angry.

Arthur: "I know how much you want to go home.

Cobb said sharply: "No, you don't know. 99

Arthur: "But implants can't do that."

Cobb: "You can do it, you just have to dive deep enough. 35

Arthur: "How do you know you can!

Cobb: "Because I've done it before. 35

Arthur swallowed his words, and Cobb turned his head and looked out the window.

Arthur: "Success?"

Cobb nodded calmly: "Yes.

Arthur: "Who did you implant.

Cobb looked at Arthur, then closed his eyes.

Arthur shrugged.

Arthur: "Then why did we go to Paris?35

Cobb: "Because we need a new dream builder.

The scene turned, Paris, France, in the morning, in the hall of the School of Architecture.

Carrying a shopping bag, Cobb looked into a lecture hall. There were no students in it, only an old professor with a wrinkled face, burying his head in processing papers.

Cobb: "You never liked the office."

Professor Miles raised his head, squinted his eyes, and recognized Cobb.

Miles: "Stuck in that broom closet and can't think of anything.""

Cobb ambled through the rows of empty wooden seats.

Miles: "Are you safe here?"

Cobb: "The extradition regulations between France and the United States are more difficult to understand than heavenly books."

Miles: "I'm guessing they'll decipher the Bible for you.

Cobb handed the shopping bag to Miles.

Cobb: "Can you take these back to the kids?"

Miles: "It's the stuffed animals again, I'll bring them.

I will also use this to convince the children that they have a father. "

Cobb: "I know, I think you might be able to talk to Mary and ask her to take the kids on vacation abroad, to those places where I can meet me."

Miles: "Why should she listen to me?"

Cobb: "You've been married for twenty years."

Miles: "She complains about me no less than you do.

Cobb: "Don't she understand that my kids need me.

Miles: "Oh, she gets it, we all get it.

Going back to China to face the accusation, Cobb, can you explain clearly, what have you done to Mel?

Cobb: "Let's be realistic, they'll never understand, they'll just put me in jail, throw away the keys, and more.

Miles: "Do you think what you're doing now has any effect on your situation?"

Cobb: "Lawyers won't pay themselves wages, stealing dreams is my ability, and you taught me that.

Miles: "I never taught you to be a thief.

Cobb: "Yes, you only taught me how to manipulate other people's minds.

But after what happened to Mel, I really couldn't find any reasonable and legal means to use these techniques. "

Miles looked at Cobb: "Why the hell are you here.

Cobb shifted his body slightly and said, "I have a way to go home and vote for a certain big man.

If it does, I can go back to see my family, but I need help.

Miles realized something.

Miles: "My God, you're asking me for the brightest, best student.

Cobb: "You have to have strong enough candidates, and you have to let them decide whether to do it or not, you know the conditions I offer.

Miles: "Money."

Cobb: "No, not just money.

It's an opportunity to build cathedrals, to build entire cities—everything that never existed, everything that couldn't exist in the real world...].

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