Moreover, in terms of production, Qin Feng can also guarantee that "Inception" is definitely a top-notch work in this world.

A series of exciting and exciting scenes in the film will make this film a talking point after dinner.

To a certain extent, it can also greatly increase the box office revenue of "Inception".

Encourage more people to come into the theater continuously and watch this movie.

Qin Feng knows, as one of the many wonderful scenes in the film.

Next in the movie, a Paris roadside cafe ashes - the scene of the smoke disappearing.

It will also become an important highlight of the entire movie, which can't help but scream!

[In the narrow streets of Paris during the day, Arthur stops in front of a warehouse door and examines a piece of paper.

In an open, sealed warehouse, the sliding doors open silently.

Arthur entered the room, looked around, and expressed satisfaction.

Arthur put some reclining chairs in the center of the room, he set up a table, took out a few silver suitcases, opened them, pulled out a few infusion tubes, and fiddled with the instruments.

A cafe on the side of the road in Paris during the day.

Cobb and Adriagne sat at open-air tables outside the cafe.

Cobb: "They say we're using only a tiny fraction of the brain's potential...but they're referring to the incredible potential of the mind when you're awake, when we're dreaming."

Adriane: "Like?"

Cobb: "How you plan a building in your head, you subconsciously create every detail, think deeply...but when your imagination kicks in—"

Adriagne: "It's like I've discovered a building. 35

Cobb: "That's right, a flash of genius."

Cobb leaned forward and drew on the napkin.

Cobb: "In a dream, your mind is constantly creating

He drew a circle of two arrows connected end to end.

Cobb: "Your consciousness creates and discovers the world, and they are so synchronized that you don't even notice your brain is creating.

That's why we can block the process

Adriane: "How."

Cobb: "Let's take over the creation part.

Cobb drew a straight line between the two arrows.

Cobb: "You take over from here to build the dream world.

We bring the goal into the dream you designed, and let him use his subconscious mind to complete the dream. "

Adriane: "Your purpose is to try to make him mistake the dream for the reality.

COBB (nods): "Once we're in, hopefully he doesn't realize he's dreaming.

Adriane: "How do I get enough detail to hypnotize him and feel that everything is real.

Cobb: "In our dreams, everything always seems so real, and it's only when we wake up that we realize that something is wrong.

Adriana gestured around them—

Adriagne: "But all the textures of real life—stones, fibers, can one person's mind create all this."

Cobb: "It does, every time you dream. Let me ask you a question: You never remember how a dream started, do you, you're always in a situation all of a sudden."

Adriane nodded: "Almost.

Cobb: " the hell did we get to this restaurant?

Adriane recalled with a dazed expression.

Cobb: "How did we get here? Where are we?"

Adriane thought, but couldn't remember, suddenly there was a faint vibration.

Adriane: "Oh my God, we're dreaming?!

Cobb nodded, the shaking intensified.

Cobb: "Don't panic, we're actually sleeping in the workshop. This is your first lesson in sharing your dreams, remember?

Adriane looked around, full of doubts.

Cobb calmed down and got ready—

The dining room was suddenly torn apart, and the furniture, walls, and crowd burst and shattered into countless pieces that flew into the air—Adriana was amazed by the chaotic scene around him—and Cobb covered his head with his hands to avoid being hit by the pieces.

She looked at him-

Adriane (in a crackling voice): "If it's just a dream, why are you clinging to—"

Adriana was thrown from her seat by a powerful explosion.

in the factory during the day.

Adria wet twitched and woke up.

Cobb (voice only): "Because it was never just a dream.

Adriane followed Cobb's voice and saw that they were all lying on the chaise longues, with Arthur watching over them.

Cobb: "It hurts to death with shards of glass in our faces, right, when we're in a dream, it feels real."5

Arthur: “That’s why the military developed dream-sharing technology—a training program where soldiers strangle each other, stab each other, shoot each other, and wake up unharmed.”5

Adriane: "What's the role of the dream builder?"

Cobb: "Someone has to come up with the dream, (to Arthur) we'll have another five minutes."

Adriagne: "We only slept for five minutes? We talked for at least an hour!""

Cobb: "When you're dreaming, your mind runs faster, so time seems to slow down.

Arthur: "Five minutes in the real world is equivalent to an hour in a dream.

Cobb: "Let's see how much trouble you can make in five minutes. 35l

Five minutes in the real world equals one hour in a dream?!

When he saw this, Zhang Zhenye, the president of the Los Angeles Hypnosis Association, couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart.

It can be said that Qin Feng refreshed his understanding of hypnosis once again.

Quickly take out a small notebook and record this point on it.

He had to admit that, as the president of the Los Angeles Hypnosis Society, he attended a preview of "Inception".

From Qin Feng, he learned a lot!

The explosion scene of the roadside cafe in Paris just now, can be said to make his whole person emotional.

He never imagined that a movie could still be made like this!

In the movie, Qin Feng made the details and pictures to the extreme.

How could such a film with such an excellent story and well-made production not garner a super high box office worldwide after its release?

He has a hunch, that is, once the movie "Inception" actually goes live in North America on May 15.

Just let this video play for one day, just one day.

When the next day arrives, Los Angeles will be crowded!


Everyone will be scrambling to go to the cinema to watch this movie.

Although up to now, the official pre-sale platform for the premiere of "Inception" has only sold 15% of the first-day ticket volume.

But it doesn't matter, as the saying goes, the fragrance of wine is not afraid of deep alleys.

It is enough to give "Inception" a day to warm up.

This movie is sure to have an explosive sensation and spread from heart to heart among fans.

And Zhang Zhenye expects that there must be a lot of 'tap water' after the release of "Inception".

When people watch this shocking movie in the theater.

When I get home, I can't help but open my own social software and share the impression of watching the movie on it.

Not to mention others, even if Zhang Zhenye himself had just finished watching "Inception" halfway through, he wanted to take out his mobile phone immediately and express his shocked feelings on his social account.

Not to mention the fans who paid to watch the movie in the cinema when it was fully released.

The topic of "Inception" will surely create an unimaginable natural publicity circle for it.

It will let more people know about it, want to see what kind of movie "Inception" is, and then buy tickets and enter the cinema, forming a virtuous circle.

By then, the film's worldwide box office will surely reach an unimaginable level.

Warners will also make a lot of money because of a 23-year-old young man from Longguo.

In one fell swoop, it surpassed Disney and became the world's largest film company!

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhenye couldn't help shaking.

Out of the corner of the eye, he looked at Qin Feng, who was sitting beside him, with a calm expression on his face.

I have to say, this young man is simply too scary.

His control over movies has far surpassed that of many well-known directors in the world.

Qin Feng's future is really unimaginable.

Most importantly, he is still young.

Who knows how many excellent movies he will bring to the world after "Inception"!

Zhang Zhenye really wants to sigh from the bottom of his heart now.

Heaven does not give birth to Qin Feng, the shadow is like a long night!

The appearance of a genius like Qin Feng will definitely change the film pattern of this world!

At this time, Leonardo, who was sitting in the second row of the screening room, could not restrain his inner excitement as the film continued to deepen.

He was fidgeting in his chair in the Warners screening room.

At this moment, he seemed to see what he looked like when he was on the Oscar's top podium two months later.

He knew that he would be able to win the Oscar winner that he had been thinking about for countless years with this movie!

Seriously, watch yourself in Inception.

Leonardo felt that he had already pre-booked, and this year's Oscar winner.

I can't wait to arrive early on May 15th, so that "Inception" will be officially released worldwide.

Then wait until a month and a half later, on June 31st, he will definitely appear at the Oscars in the fullest state of mind.

After so many years, he had a humiliating experience running with him at the Oscars.

Take a serious Oscar winner to make a name for yourself!!!

Together with "Inception", at the Oscars, swept thousands of troops!! Fan.

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