Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 86 The ibm score hit an astonishing 9.9!

As the film progressed step by step, the audience at the Dolby Theater and thousands of theaters in North America gradually felt that it was difficult to control their breathing.

They have to admit that the tight rhythm and brain-burning plot of this movie made their eyes fixed on the movie screen from the beginning of the movie.

The seat under him was like a magnet, sucking them onto it.

Some people are reluctant to go to the toilet in order not to miss the exciting episode.

Battle your bladder while watching a movie!

In their hearts, "Inception" is one of the movies that they have seen in their life with the least urination!

There are almost no urine spots in the whole film, and people are firmly attracted to the story from the beginning, and it is difficult to escape from it.

With the continuous deepening of the film, the fans who watched the film became more and more integrated into it, and their heartbeats accelerated.

I am constantly shocked by the wonderful plot and surprising scenes.

When the moment came at 2:30 in the morning on May 15, which lasted 148 minutes, the premiere of "Inception" in North America officially ended.

And fans sitting in major theaters in North America also sat in chairs one after another, staring blankly at the screen, and did not come out of it for a long time.

At the end of the movie, Leonardo's spinning top not only remained on the screen.

It was also imprinted in their hearts and became an indelible question in their hearts.

That is, did Cobb really walk out of the dream?

With this question in mind, the audience at the premiere of "Inception" sat down in their chairs for a while.

Immediately, he made an action, that is, he took out his mobile phone and bought movie tickets for the next episodes of "Inception"!

They stayed where they were, reliving the plot and waiting to watch the movie again!

To be honest, a movie like "Inception" makes them feel that watching it once is not enough.

In addition to the final ending of the story, there are many details and settings in the process of the movie that they did not understand.

That's why they want to see it again.

After purchasing the next movie, the group of fans who had just watched the premiere of "Inception" immediately made another move.

That is to rush to the ibm website and rate this "Inception"!

Although they admit that they have not yet fully understood this brain-burning movie, if they rate a movie on IBM, they only need to watch it once.

You know, there are many movies, but none of them have the urge to watch them once and want to watch them a second time!

Just aiming at this point, "Inception" is enough to be worthy of ibm's full score of 10!

At 2:30 a.m. on May 15, the moment when the premiere of "Inception" ended.

Countless movie fans in North America who watched the premiere, rushed to the ibm website spontaneously to rate the movie!

【“Since you have a dream, make it bigger” is too popular.

"Inception" is the most talented movie of the year!

Who can say that reality is not a dream!]

[I just want to say, such a great movie, I am afraid it will be difficult for anyone to surpass it later.

Perhaps only Qin Feng himself can surpass himself.

"Inception" is awesome! 】

[Qin Feng made us do a vigorous brain-burning suspense and stealing dream.

He is a genius of genius!]

[What else can I say, the first thing I do when I leave the theater is to open the ibm website and give "Inception" a perfect score of 10!

I found out that I was the 166th rating, happy, hahahaha.

This is a very good-looking movie to watch with your heart and mind, the content is very rigorous, the logic is very strong.

As for the final ending, I haven't fully understood it yet, just wait for the expert to analyze it!

In addition, I bought another movie ticket, went back to sleep first, and watched it again when my head was clear during the day!]

["Inception" is a complex and exquisite, and absolutely wonderful and good-looking movie, it makes you completely unable to understand what happened two and a half hours before the end credits appear!

Just like a dream, it makes you unbelievable but lingers! 】

【You can never remember the beginning of a dream, just like how we came to this world...】

【Never use memories to build your dreams!】

【Qin Feng's movies are as accurate and precise as textbooks, and they are perfect in all elements.

On the story level, it also achieves the perfect balance of business and art. This is the most perfect movie I have seen this year!

"Inception" can't even be described as perfect!

Qin Feng is awesome!】

【Blast!!!! God's work!!!】

[This movie is really awesome, it's just too awesome.

Those Niu Ma directors who said Qin Feng and "Inception" can't work.

I strongly recommend that you take a shot and try it out!

Let's see if you can shoot one-tenth of the effect of "Inception"!]

[Waking up from a dream requires a major impact, but sometimes you can't tell whether you are in a dream or not, so you have the totem of a spinning top.

Yet how can you be sure that the reality you are experiencing now is not a dream?

The condition for waking up from a dream is probably to leave this world.

Dreams, dreams within dreams, dreams and reality are intricate and brain-burning! Movies that are hard to understand even if you watch them a few times are worth watching! 】

【Friendly reminder, this film can be used to measure IQ!!!】

[The setting that can sneak into the dreamland, the plot is very wow.

After reading the world that makes people doubt their own, is it a dream or reality! 】

[The movie can be made like this! "Inception" can be said to have reached the pinnacle in the field of art and business!

In the dark movie theater for two and a half hours, I have been dreaming, completely unrelated to the real world I live in.

Qin Feng, let me continue to be your fan!】

[Brain-burning Qin Feng, an insurmountable master!

Sansheng was fortunate to live in the Qin Feng era, and was fortunate to have a glimpse at the cinema.

Qin Feng's flash cutting of the picture directly makes the viewer feel the climax-like pleasure, the inner excitement and shock, despair and roar. 】

[Qin Feng's technical awareness of the film structure and plot has reached such a high level, which makes other films released in the same period suffer. . . l

[The more I look back, the more I feel that my brain is not enough, and I admire Qin Feng.

Qin Feng is simply synonymous with imagination! 】

[It's too brain-burning, I didn't fully understand it after reading it once.

A movie like "Inception" must be watched repeatedly in the theater to be enjoyable!!!]

After watching the premiere of the movie one after another, fans came to IBM to post their own movie reviews and ratings.

Directly let the score on ibm of "Inception" rushed to an astonishing 9.9 points!

This means that more than 90% of the people who rated the movie gave the movie full marks!

On the other side, the premiere of "Inception" at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles.

At 2:30 in the morning, after the movie was shown.

Countless media reporters and movie fans at the scene stood up and applauded, expressing the highest respect to Qin Feng and all the staff of the "Inception" crew!

As film workers, they originally came to the premiere of "Inception" with a blasphemous mentality.

But in the 148 minutes of the film's screening, they completely changed their minds about the film and its producer Qin Feng.

I also fully understand how they should write their post-screening report on "Inception"!

For "Inception", for Qin Feng, they are full of respect at this time.

Thanks to Qin Feng, the movies of this world have been pulled to a height that does not belong to them.

The film industry is also destined to be honored to have people like Qin Feng!

The incessant applause echoed in the Dolby Theater for a long time without stopping...

Also, after the premiere of "Inception".

The films of the three major Hollywood directors, Steven, Oliver and Jackson, also wrapped up their premieres around the same time.

The three watched the bleak box office at the premiere of "Inception" at 2:30 in the morning, after the film's premiere.

Immediately rushed to Twitter, published a criticism of Qin Feng and "Inception".

Steven: [What do I say, "Inception" can get one-tenth of the box office of our three famous Hollywood directors on the first day, and it's a big luck!

However, judging from the audience flow of its appalling premiere, one-tenth of the box office is very difficult.

From now on, the audience flow of "Inception" on the first day will continue to decline.

By the time it ends on its first day, I'm afraid the theater will be empty!]

Oliver: [Facts speak louder than words, and from the box office of the premiere, it turned out to be the same as we predicted earlier.

Inception is rubbish among rubbish!

I see from now on Hollywood film companies, who would dare to use Qin Feng, a newcomer who has not graduated from film school!

That Qin Feng, starting today, I am afraid that he will start changing careers, hahaha. 】

Jackson: [Director Oliver is right, I just looked at the ibm movie ratings after the premieres of our three movies.

Without exception, all reached 7 points!!

The imb score is as high as 7.0, which is destined to be a good name for our group of Hollywood professional directors!

We will never be surpassed!]

And just when these three Hollywood brick directors were entertaining themselves (Wang Zhaozhao) on Twitter and were having fun.

The comments of netizens below their Twitter made them break out in a cold sweat.

[Speaking of the ibm rating, it is recommended that you go to see the rating of "Inception", and then come here to talk. 】

[Yes, I just watched the premiere of "Inception".

At this time, I just want to say one thing, that is, you three old men, go eat shit, don't misunderstand your children here!

How excellent "Inception" is, only those who have seen it will understand! 】

At this time, a large number of Twitter netizens who have not watched the premiere of "Inception" have scored an astonishing 9.9 on IBM.

He also hurried to the bottom of the Twitter of the three directors and commented.

[Three directors, go take a look, why did the rating of "Inception" on IBM reach 9.9?

I wondered if I had read it wrong, or if there was something wrong with the site's rating system. 】

[That is, what the hell is going on here?

How could a film made by a student who has not graduated from a film academy get such a high rating?! 】

[Could it be that "Inception" is really beautiful?


Looking at the bottom of their Twitter, a large number of comments from netizens suddenly appeared.

These three Hollywood brick directors couldn't help but panic for a while.

Quickly open the ibm website, go to the "Inception" section, and check what is going on.

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