Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 88 The overall increase in the number of movie tickets sold

Los Angeles Radio: [Inception is definitely a successful movie.

The success of this film, first of all, is that it creates a magical, magnificent, free and elegant spectacle space for the audience.

In an era when digital compositing technology is so developed, director Qin Feng minimizes the use of post-compositing, and instead chooses live shooting.

This kind of truth-seeking attitude towards movies is one of the few outstanding figures in this era. 】

Island Country Entertainment: ["Inception" is a very clever movie, rich in details, intricate narrative, leading the audience into a subconscious labyrinth.

Qin Feng creates a surreal horror world, somewhat similar to Jungian theory, which challenges the viewer on multiple levels of reality and non-reality.

Fast editing and agile narration express the surreal world vividly and vividly, and the consciousness of presenting the virtual image technology to the human brain has reached the pinnacle! 】

Empire Magazine: [This film is anti-physics exploration, brilliant action scenes, and powerful emotions.

And Leonardo's astonishing performance, all addicting.

Created a whole new field for the film of this world!

If the movie is like a dream, then "Inception" is a dream about a dream. 】

Hollywood Reporter: [This is definitely an extremely complex, but very engaging sci-fi dream trip!]

New York Times: [Really unexpected, the most earth-shattering movie of the year.

It turned out to be brought to us by a 23-year-old student who has not graduated from the American Film Academy!

"The multi-layered dream space in the dream-in-dream-dream in the plot is amazing and refreshing.

Is the last spinning top telling us, is this still a dream or reality? 】

TIME: ["Inception" shows director Qin Feng's exploration of paranoid emotions and his passion for surreal themes.

The temperament of the film adheres to the "indie style", with wisdom and reflection as the key link, and the actor's performance is placed in an important position.

Ignore the 3D trend, love traditional technology, do not define good and evil, walk in the gray area, and directly point to the entanglement of people's hearts! 】

Dragon Country Entertainment: [Inception, the well-designed psychedelic bridges, the connection between dreams and dreams, the docking maze between dreams and reality, mirrors, etc., are all breathtaking.

Qin Feng uses extremely exaggerated image elements to restore the vague and magical dream. The most wonderful thing is that the Mercedes-Benz bus that fell in Fisher's second dream connects the first, third and fourth dreams.

The infinitely prolonged descent completely invalidated the laws of gravity, turning it into one of the most captivating and ostentatious iconic events in the movie!]

World Youth Daily: [This is a movie that is "not afraid of spoilers". Director Qin Feng gave the audience a lot of assumptions and rules for the establishment of the story.

Including people's subconscious, dreams in dreams, reinterpreted "traversal" and so on.

In fact, the greatest dream maker should be the film director Qin Feng, who can turn his thoughts into a movie, and the audience will not enter his dreamland when watching the movie.

What is worth mentioning is the joyous laughter brought by the film, which is probably unexpected by Director Qin Feng. 】

Oriental Morning Post: ["Inception" is definitely not what it is rumored on the Internet!

Although this film is quite complicated in the play structure, from the perspective of audience experience, the film's surface story is still a typical Hollywood type film.

Its ingenious story structure and almost perfect composition of movie elements make "Inception" a possibility of multiple interpretations! 】

Los Angeles Daily: ["Inception" can be called an inflection point in human film history, it proves that what attracts audiences is always the core of creative ideas, not the brainless blockbuster that is flooded with technology.

From theme, narrative to production, "Inception" is a typical Hollywood production.

Hollywood production has its common problems, but "Inception" almost avoids all the common problems. It brings every aspect of Hollywood production to the extreme. It is a perfect Hollywood movie.

If there is the most powerful dream maker in this world, it is definitely Director Qin Feng himself! 】

Looking at the overwhelming praise of "Inception" by the media, Oliver, Jackson and Steven, the three Hollywood brick directors, are completely numb at this moment.

Not sure what's going on here.

Why does the world's media, after the premiere of "Inception", give such a high evaluation to this film!

You know, this movie is just made by a 23-year-old student who has not graduated from the American Film Institute.

He De He Neng, a native of Longguo named Qin Feng, deserves such praise from the media all over the world!

Could it be that Qin Feng gave all these people ecstasy?!

Faced with this situation, Oliver, the veteran Hollywood director, felt ten thousand dissatisfaction in their hearts.

Their movie was released alongside Inception.

But I didn't expect that when the premiere was over, the world's media would almost give Qin Feng the highest honor.

Not even a single mention of their movie.

Qin Feng completely stole the limelight.

Being so crushed by a 23-year-old is something they have never encountered in their decades of directing careers.

They didn't believe that "Inception" would be as good as the outside media said.

In order to find out more about this film, the three of them immediately made a decision, that is, to spend money to buy tickets to enter the cinema and watch "Inception" in person!

Let's see what kind of movie this is.

Why can the world's major media, as well as movie fans, fascinated to such a point!

After the three people booked the movie tickets for the next "Inception" online, they also posted screenshots online and tweeted.

Oliver: [The movie tickets for the second show on May 15 have been bought. Jackson and I, director Steven, will go to the cinema soon to see this "Inception" in person.

Fans and friends, wait for our feedback in two and a half hours!

Let's see what this movie is like! 】

After Oliver posted this tweet, it once again attracted the attention of countless Twitter netizens.

Everyone said that they were looking forward to the comments of the three directors after watching the film.

At the same time, in the Warner Bros. Studios office, Qin Feng sat in front of the computer, observing the first-day box office of "Inception" in North America.

After finishing the premiere of "Inception" at 0:00, he returned to the Warner Bros. Studios office building.

...for flowers....

At this moment, he found that at the end of the premiere of "Inception", countless fans rushed to IBM and scored an unprecedented 9.9 for the film.

It was also something he didn't expect.

You know, this is even higher than the score of "Inception" on ibm during the earth period.

However, Qin Feng doesn't know how long "Inception" can maintain its 9.9 rating on IBM at this time.

After all, as the number of movie screenings continues to increase, more and more people will watch the movie.

At that time, whether "Inception" can maintain a rating of 9.9 is also unknown to Qin Feng at this time.

Currently on the world's ibm website, the No. 1 movie has a rating of 9.2.

If the final score of "Inception" can surpass this film and become the number one in film history.

I have to say that it was really a pleasant surprise for Qin Feng.

But at this moment, what he is more concerned about is the increase in the box office of "Inception" on the first day.

After all, "Inception" is also a commercial movie.

If only word of mouth, but no box office.

It's nothing, to put it bluntly.

It is also difficult for him to get along in this world.

In the future, no one will dare to ask him to make a movie, even if the movie he made has a strong reputation.

But making money is more important.

However, what makes Qin Feng more happy is that the number of tickets sold for the second movie of "Inception" in North America on May 15th increased by 20% as a whole.

That said, the audience from the first premiere only filled a third of the room.

The second session is already halfway through.

This is an exciting news for Qin Feng.

The 20% increase in the number of tickets sold may be related to the 9.9 rating of "Inception" on IBM, and the overwhelming praise of the film from major media.

In any case, the trend of the film is in accordance with the development he expected before.

He had previously predicted that from the end of the premiere, the theater's ticket sales would gradually increase.

Finally, on the first day of the closing ceremony on the evening of May 15, the movie tickets of "Inception" may reach the point where it is difficult to find a ticket.

Now let's wait and see how the audience will react after the second scene of the film.

May 15, 5:30 in the morning.

"Inception" in major theaters in North America, which lasted 148 minutes, completed its second global screening.

At this time, the people who came out of the cinema had their pupils dilated and their mouths slightly opened.

He stared blankly ahead, as if thinking about something.

Everyone's faces were full of shock, and they hadn't come out of the movie-watching feast just now.

And the most shocking of them is that the three Hollywood directors Oliver, Jackson and Steven, who have been smearing Qin Feng on the Internet, have just finished watching the whole film "Inception".

The three of them held the movie tickets of "Inception" tightly in their hands, and walked out of the theater tremblingly.

He was gasping for breath, and even the hand holding the movie ticket was shaking.

The three raised their heads and looked at each other, wanting to say something.

But he found that he couldn't say a word.

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