Qin Feng patted his forehead helplessly after hearing this, and nodded with a smile.

To be honest, Leonardo's reaction after reading the script was a bit beyond his imagination.

Unexpectedly, Leonardo loved this script so much.

And indeed, as he said, in this play, no one is more suitable for this role than him.

"Director Qin Feng, I don't know, what is your overall budget for this "Inception" promotional film?"

At this time, Leonardo looked at Qin Feng and said the question he wanted to ask, which was also Qin Feng's greatest concern.

After Qin Feng hesitated for a while, he still stretched out two fingers towards Leonardo.

After all, as the star of the whole play, Qin Feng still needs to tell Leonardo everything truthfully.

Moreover, Qin Feng still needs to rely on Leonardo to pull some investment for him.

"Twenty million?"

Leonardo looked at it, hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively.

"Although it's a promotional film, I've seen the script.

If you want to complete the content of the script, I am afraid that you really need 20 million. "

After thinking about it, Leonardo continued.

"Well, Mr. Leonardo, I'm afraid I don't need twenty million.

If you want to shoot this "Inception" in the most exciting way.

All I need is $200 million. "

Qin Feng scratched his head, looked at Leonardo and said.

"200 million dollars?!"

Even though he's used to seeing big scenes and has made too many big movies, Leonardo couldn't help but take a deep breath after hearing Qin Feng's figure.

"Well, I've counted this "Inception" before and after.

In addition to you, the other characters also want to hire Hollywood's first-line big names.

Moreover, in terms of real scenes and special effects, it is also a lot of money.

Therefore, if you want "Inception" to be produced at the highest level, I am afraid that 200 million US dollars is necessary. "

Qin Feng looked at Leonardo and said solemnly.

Indeed, Qin Feng always insisted on the best standard for the shooting of "Inception".

Not to mention surpassing the previous life, it must at least match the level of the earth.

Such a once-in-a-century script, if in order to save money, it is perfunctory and sloppy, then it is better not to shoot.

Because the effect of shooting, it will not be good.

Leonardo leaned on the sofa after listening, resting his chin in his hand, thoughtfully.

"If it is 20 million US dollars, to be honest, I can help you invest without asking for help.

But for a big production like $200 million, I personally have no choice.

In this case, I am afraid we must ask our company to come forward.

200 million US dollars is definitely not a small number for a film company.

I also can't guarantee that Warners will eventually agree to make the film.

That's it, you go back and wait for my news first, I will do my best to help you, and also help me get the chance to shoot this movie! "

After thinking for a while, Leonardo stood up from the sofa and looked at Qin Feng and said.

Then the two walked out of the house together.

"Mr. Leonardo, are we still going to the studio now?"

The bodyguard at the door looked at Leonardo and asked.

"No, go back to the company, I have more important things to do."

Leonardo shook his head and said.

At this moment, in his heart, there is nothing more important than Inception.

After going downstairs, Qin Feng wanted to take the subway back by himself, but Leonardo stopped him.

"Director Qin Feng, where are you going, I'll take you off first! Then I'll go back to the company!"

Standing in front of Rolls-Royce, Leonardo waved to Qin Feng.

"You take me back?

Is this good? "

Hearing Leonardo's words, Qin Feng couldn't help but be stunned, pointed to himself, and asked.

Isn't it a bit too high-profile to ask Hollywood A-list stars to send themselves back to school?

"Come in, Director Qin Feng, there's nothing wrong.

After the filming of this movie, I hope you can give me more pointers! "

While talking, Leonardo opened the car door for Qin Feng, expressing his determination to send him back.

Seeing that Leonardo's attitude was so determined, Qin Feng had no choice but to "reluctantly" sit in the back row of Rolls-Royce.

With Leonardo, I sat in a Rolls-Royce with more than one million dollars and went back to school.

As Qin Feng expected, the car attracted everyone's attention as soon as it arrived at the school gate.

Instantly surrounded by a group of Leonardo's little fans.

Because in Los Angeles, almost everyone knows that this car belongs to Leonardo, a famous Hollywood star.

It's just that what everyone doesn't know is why this car suddenly appeared at the gate of the American Film Institute.

(ps: The data is full, and the author is even more explosive! Brothers, I beg for all kinds of data support!)

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