Let You Popularize Hypnosis, Do You Shoot Inception?

Chapter 93 "Infernal Affairs" and "Infernal Affairs"

At this time, Leonardo, who was the leading actor of "Inception", was sitting in the plane, thinking in his heart, why not be the same as other actors.

You know, it has been more than half a month since "Inception" landed strongly in North America at 0:00 on May 15th.

In the past two weeks, Leonardo can be said to have experienced his acting career and has never been in the spotlight of the world's media.

As the hero of "Inception", Leonardo is now the hottest actor in the world, no one!

In the movie, his agile skills, superb dream-stealing skills, and affectionate longing for his wife and children.

are deeply imprinted in people's hearts.

It is impossible not to be immersed in his spiritual world and stand on the same front as him.

The most important thing is that after the baptism of "Inception", Leonardo's acting skills have been improved by leaps and bounds.

What people see on the screen is no longer the slightly immature young Jack in "Titanic".

It's not the character in "The Game of Cats and Mouse" who, despite his full IQ, can't escape the vase-vase character.

Cobb in "Inception" is a refreshing existence for them.

Let everyone feel the brilliance of the Oscar winner from the film!

This summer, Leonardo completely detonated the whole summer with his personal charm.

His transformation was amazing.

Almost all directors and film industry workers around the world have been conquered by Leonardo's actor strength and his powerful appeal.

He is now the hottest actor in the world, no one!

Everyone understands that whoever wins Leonardo will get half of the world's movie scene.

Now all major film companies want to get Leonardo in their dreams, so from the release of "Inception", all parties are madly pursuing him.

And compared to Leonardo's triumphant spring breeze, Nicolas Cage, who is also a Hollywood star, seems a lot more lonely.

He starred in the Disney blockbuster "The Witcher's Apprentice" and "Inception" together.

Both films used a production budget of almost 160 million US dollars, and they were also star-studded.

But the direction of the two films after their release is very different.

Compared with the soaring sky of "Inception", "The Witcher's Apprentice" is losing ground, and it means that the cost cannot be recovered in the market.

The battle between "Inception" and "The Witcher's Apprentice" this summer is, to put it bluntly, the battle between Warner and Disney.

These two well-known film companies, which also play an important role in the world, have been competing with each other all the time.

But this year, Disney is a complete loss.

Both the box office and word of mouth were crushed by Warner's "Inception" on two levels.

Now Warner has a tendency to overtake Disney and become the world's largest film company.

Watching "Inception" becoming more and more popular all over the world, Disney executives turned pale overnight and almost had an anal fissure when they went to the toilet.

Compared with the scowling face on Disney's side, Warner Bros. Studio's side can't be described as complacent.

Warner CEO Gilard also followed Qin Feng to the Dragon Kingdom Magic Capital.

At this moment, he was sitting next to Qin Feng, drinking delicious champagne, with a smile on his face.

"Director Qin Feng, I don't know when your next film will start shooting.

How much budget is needed, whether it is 100 million 200 million US dollars or 1 billion US dollars! Warner Bros. Pictures is fully behind you!

Any actor in the world, as long as you give me a name, I will get it for you, Girard!

While drinking champagne, Girard looked at Qin Feng and said with a smile.

At this time, Girard, the president of Warner, has completely handed over his heart to Qin Feng.

The great success of "Inception" around the world has not only made Warner Films the world's largest film company.

It also made him a film producer, known as the world's greatest film producer president.

Because of his discerning eyes and pearls, he discovered Qin Feng as an excellent director.

Only then was it possible for the people of the world to see such a film as "Inception" that shocked the world.

Girard has now seen Qin Feng's body, which can be said to be unprecedented in film skills.

After the great success of "Inception" in the world, Girard can't wait to see Qin Feng's second film coming out, and wants to bring further glory to Warner.

However, Qin Feng looked at him at this time and shook his head slightly, saying that he had no plans to make a second film for Warner Bros.

Because he still remembers a promise in his heart.

A promise he made to Xu Guanwen, president of the Hong Kong Film Association, and the people of Hong Kong.

That is to create a rescue work for the Hong Kong film market.

In one fell swoop, it reversed the sluggish film market of Hong Kong and led Hong Kong films to glory again!

"Director Qin Feng, you don't plan to cooperate with Warner Films for your next film?!"

Seeing Qin Feng shaking his head, Girard, president of Warner Bros. Pictures, was so frightened that the red wine glass in his hand fell to the ground, and asked in surprise.

Because Girard knows very well in his heart, Warner can achieve such great success in the global film market this summer.

It's not because Warner and his Girard are so good, the real one is the 23-year-old young man sitting in front of him who has not graduated from the American Film Academy.

It is precisely because of Qin Feng's emergence that Warner has followed suit and secured the throne of the world's No. 1 film company.

If Qin Feng chooses to leave, it will undoubtedly be disastrous for Warner.

Once he leaves Qin Feng, Warner will definitely be overtaken by Disney again.

So Warner can't do without Qin Feng!

"President Girard, please rest assured, it's not that I don't want to continue working with Warner Films.

It's just that I want to go back to Hong Kong to create a dragon-produced movie and save the sluggish film market in Hong Kong.

This is also my promise to Mr. Xu Guanwen, President of the Hong Kong Film Association.

If I'm going to make a Hollywood movie, Warner Bros. would be my first choice.

Qin Feng smiled slightly, looked at Girard and said.

He could understand how Girard and Warner didn't want to let him go.

After all, as the director of "Inception", he is currently the hottest director in the world.

No film company wants to get him, it can be said that he is now worth more than James Cameron.

With just one "Inception", he has secured the throne of the world's largest director.

Although Qin Feng has the idea of ​​continuing to create several Hollywood blockbusters, but before that, he must fulfill his promise to Mr. Xu Guanwen, president of the Hong Kong Film Association, to create a dragon-produced movie.

It can also be regarded as a reward to his hometown parents after he became famous.

"Oh, that's what it is. It scared me to death Director Qin Feng. I thought you didn't want to continue working with Warner Bros."

After hearing this, Girard touched his chest and let out a long breath.

What he is most afraid of is that Qin Feng leaves Warner, and he is even more afraid that he will be poached by other Hollywood companies.

...... Ask for flowers·

That would be a huge loss for Warner Bros.

Girard can also understand Qin Feng's idea of ​​returning to his hometown and creating a dragon-produced film to save the sluggish film market in Xiangjiang.

After all, as Hong Kong, known as the 'Hollywood of the East', the film market in recent years has indeed been sluggish.

It can be said that it has completely lost its former glory.

Now Heung Kong urgently needs a director with real talents to stand up, so as to help the building to collapse.

Turn the tide and pull Xiangjiang out of the sluggish film market.

There is no doubt that Qin Feng is the one and only one.

No one can save Xiangjiang except Qin Feng!

"President Girard, I have thought about everything about the film I made for Hong Kong.

And about the Hollywood remake of the movie, I also want to do it with Warner Bros.

Qin Feng looked at Girard and continued.

"Really, Director Qin Feng?!

Girard was agitated after hearing this.

But then it was full of disappointment.

Because of his reaction, Qin Feng said that he wanted to cooperate with Warner on a remake, but he thought it was the original version of the film.

"Director Qin Feng, if it's just a remake of the film,

Can such a remake film have any good effects after it is released around the world?"

Girard rubbed his hands, looked at Qin Feng, forced a smile, and said.

It's not that he doesn't believe in Qin Feng's strength, Qin Feng's strength is now obvious to all people all over the world.

He has an unparalleled control over movies, not even James Cameron, the 'King of the World'.

As long as it is an original film created by Qin Feng, it will surely sweep the world like a tornado, creating an insurmountable box office and word-of-mouth myth.

But if it is the original remake, Girard is not so confident.

After all, a remake is to fry the leftover rice again. Can such a film really have a good effect?

At this time, Leonardo also leaned in front of Qin Feng, looked into his eyes, and quietly waited for his answer.

Leonardo listened clearly to the conversation between Qin Feng and Girard just now.

Leonardo couldn't help feeling excited after hearing that Qin Feng was going to create a remake of the original movie with Warner Bros.

Because now as long as it is a movie made by Qin Feng, he is interested.

It's just that he was also puzzled by the remake of the movie.

Are you worried that a remake version of the movie can achieve a good reputation and box office among the market and the masses?

Qin Feng looked at the two of them and smiled slightly.

The doubts in their hearts had already been seen through by Qin Feng.

"President Girard, what if this remake that I'm going to make with Warner Bros. is the best picture at the Oscars?

Mr. Leonardo, what if you were to play one of the leading roles in this film and also win an Oscar for Best Actor?"

Qin Feng looked into the eyes of the two and said slowly.

After listening to Qin Feng's words, the two opened their mouths, widened their eyes, and looked at each other.

They never imagined that a remake would have such a big influence.

How about winning the Oscars for Best Picture and Best Actor?!

Seeing the shocked expressions of the two, Qin Feng smiled.

But he knew that his words were not groundless.

Because in the earth period, the adaptation and remake of "Infernal Affairs" based on "Infernal Affairs",

He won four Oscars, including best picture, that year!

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